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Erkelenz, Germany

Belonging to a Group for Security and Identity - 26 Jan 09

Swami ji & Carolin

Yesterday I wrote that people who feel that they are being judged upon start judging others. In schools you can see that children and teenagers make certain groups, according to interests. There are some who like to do sports and others who prefer sciences and like to spend their time reading. And the people of these groups often dislike each other. Decisions are made in the group and according to what the group thinks.

This is very normal and you can see this tendency not only in children or teenagers. When they grow up and choose a profession, there is a group of people with the same profession. Then there are groups according to what they like to do in their free time. People want to belong somewhere. When they are in a group they have a feeling of security. If it is a group of friends or a community, a group of people gives security. Spiritual people are a group on its own and like in every group there is always competition and jealousy. When a person’s interest and path changes, the person also changes groups.

We make these groups but actually everybody has to walk his own way. A famous poet, Tagore, wrote a very famous poem about it which is called ‘Ekala Chalo Re’ which means ‘Walk Alone’. Everybody comes to this world alone and leaves again alone.

In India we also have the saying that Sadhus, spiritual persons, don’t make groups. They take their own responsibility without relying on others or thinking about other people’s judgment. This is why I am not interested in any group and do not find myself belonging to any group and don’t want to make any group.

Today Roger and Mady dropped us in Erkelenz and said goodbye to us with eyes full of tears. But we will see them again in three weeks as they are coming to India with us. The week in Erkelenz started with a Darshan this evening. Before that we ate a great dinner which Carolin had cooked for us. I am so impressed by her cooking skills. She is only eleven years old and even though I know that she always watched me cooking when I was here I am amazed that this German girl prepared a full Ayurvedic dinner on her own. And it was very tasty!

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