Archaeologists find remains of honeybees from 3,000 years ago

09 Jun

Recently discovered beehives from ancient Israel 3,000 years ago appear to be the oldest evidence for beekeeping ever found, scientists reported.

Archaeologists identified the remains of honeybees — including workers, drones, pupae, and larvae — inside about 30 clay cylinders thought to have been used as beehives at the site of Tel Rehov in the Jordan valley in northern Israel. This is the first such discovery from ancient times.

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Catastrophic B.C. bee losses may shed light on causes of worldwide bee crisis

09 Jun

B.C. beekeepers are for the first time participating in a worldwide study on bee mortality, hoping to illuminate the causes of widespread winter die-offs that have hammered the local honey and pollination industry since 2005.

The European Union-funded action group COLOSS – short for “colony loss” – will collect data from Canada and much of the United States this year in an effort to explain troublingly high bee-mortality rates being experienced on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Canada is harmonizing its own data collection on colony loss with the EU effort, which gathers information from 44 countries to better understand the factors that cause die-offs, according to Dr. Stephen Pernal of Agriculture Canada.

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Date set for opening of honey bee haven

09 Jun

DAVIS — The grand opening celebration of the Häagen-Dazs Honey Bee Haven at the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility, University of California, Davis, is set for Saturday, Sept. 11.

The event, initially slated for June 19, was rescheduled to allow the bee-friendly garden to grow, said Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology and professor of entomology, UC Davis Department of Entomology.

The public opening, expected to draw a large crowd, will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the site on Bee Biology Road, and will include speakers, honey tasting, hand-outs, children’s activities and tours of the apiary, haven and nearby Campus Buzzway, a field of wildflowers.

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Bee keepers want your swarms this summer

09 Jun

THE Somerset Bee Keeping Society should be the first port of call for unwanted swarms spotted this summer, according to a spokesman.

Kevin Wendt told the Mercury that rather than killing the creatures that can be seen as “terrorising”, people in Somerset should call him on 07889-460500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              07889-460500      end_of_the_skype_highlighting and ask for the bees to be moved.


Hives inspected for bee disease

09 Jun

All beehives in Jersey are to be checked for American Foulbrood disease after two cases were found in the island, the States of Jersey has said.

The environment minister declared Jersey an infected zone last week, banning movement of bees and equipment.

More here Honeybee Report

09 Jun

Report into beekeeping in Oklahoma Videos – – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports


Honey Bee’s Killer Fungus

09 Jun

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma farmers are concerned at the alarming rate honey bees are dying.

Honey bees started dying out about four years ago. Scientists called it Colony Collapse Disorder.

The decrease in bees is hard on farmers.

Longtime farmers like John Leonard selling their fruits and vegetables at the local market say they don’t know what they would do without the pollen bees provide.

“Because bees are our sole and number one way everything out on our far is pollinated, if we had no bees, you would see our production go down to nothing,” Leonard said.

Scientists believe the real bee killer could be a fungus called Nosema.


Environmental Concerns? Depends where you live

09 Jun

A global study on consumer perceptions of green brands and corporate environmental behavior reveals global differences about their top environmental concerns. A key finding shows that while climate change is important across most countries, 30 percent of Brazilians and 26 percent of Indians cite deforestation as the top issue, and in Australia, 68 percent of consumers say it’s important that companies manage water efficiently. read more here

In essence I suppose that nobody can worry about environmental concers until basic human needs are met, and we in the first world start to realise that less is more.


Cockney Bees Up …?!?

09 Jun

This morning there arrives a colony of bees at the Lloyd’s building in Lime Street. Throughout the summer another seven will be installed at other City locations, including St Paul’s Cathedral, Mansion House and the Museum of London. This is all part of the City of London Festival and, you guessed, biodiversity.

When the Festival begins on June 21, we are promised honey tastings, bee-related poetry readings, performances of, yes, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee and a lecture from the Bishop of London asking whether the City can ever be the promised land. (Shouldn’t that be the land of milk and honey?) I point out to the organisers that a colony was established last year at Bunhill Fields. Apparently, that first apiary is flourishing. From the Times


Bee overwintering insurance in Canada

07 Jun

Edmonton…. Alberta’s beekeepers can protect their business from high winter losses in their bee colonies by purchasing Bee Overwintering Insurance before the June 20 application deadline.

Bee Overwintering Insurance, provided by the Alberta government through the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), is a valuable investment in business-risk-management. This insurance program, the only one of its kind in Western Canada, provides beekeepers with coverage for the loss of bees resulting from naturally occurring perils, including adverse weather, disease and pest infestation. Introduced last fall, the program has already provided insurance for approximately 44,000 bee colonies.  Read more here

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