Is the US a threat, or just power-hungry?

We all know that the UK is famous for being fat-bellied trigger-happy bible-bashing power-freaks intent on ‘protecting themselves’. The question I always wonder is, what are they protecting themselves from?

Rogue nations? Terrorism? Tax-Dodgers? From someone who lives in the UK, looking in at the US I actually feel kinda threatened by them, actually.

For example, the ‘Internet Kill Switch’ that has passed some form of American Political Approval is, in my opinion, a significant threat to me and my way of life. While Mr President Obama may not be able to switch off the UK internet directly (unless the special-not-gay-relationship bends over again) but it would have an effect on the UK internet.

Apparently, there are 13 ‘main’ servers that control the worlds internet address-book (DNS). At least four are based in the US. Although a recent attack on four or five of these servers (the rough amount located in the US) didn’t impact on the global internet that much, you have to wonder how many service providers are located in the US. For example, how would Google be effected? Does it run search queries locally and what type of backups are in place? I think this is especially important when you start talking about cloud-computing. I do alot of Web-Design work, often using US-Based sites and Services – as do many other companies.

So, with all that in mind, is the US a threat to me (not that I could do much about it) – or are they just keeping with their stereotype?

.xxx Rip-Off?

What is…the point?

Unless it is made a legal requirement for ‘Adult’ (aka. ‘My-partner-is-not-here-or-doesn’t-exist’) sites to be hosted on the .xxx domain it is simply going to be yet another load of domains dedicated to sleezy rip-off sites. Perhaps if .xxx were offered at a discounted rate to current adult domain-holders coupled with a legal requirement to use it, the internet could be seriously cleaned up.

Lets not mis-understand what I’m saying, I have no personal objection to online filth, it has its place, but the amount of seemingly innocent words and domains that have been converted to adult fantacy is just annoying! There is virtually nothing you can type into Google Image Search that won’t result in some dutty image (usually of women… just saying).

In terms of enforcement, a simple small fine should be suitable. Legitimate companies wouldn’t want to be fined and small-time people trying to make a quick quid will be happier using the dedicated domain. Sure there will be people will continue regardless, but no where near as many.

My vote: .xxx yes, if made a requirement.

Finally, my new website ‘’ is online!

It allows businesses to advertise themselves in their local area for just £1.00. The more you pay, the higher you are shown in the listings – simple! Plus, as a launch I’m offering all first-timers a free £1.00 listing. But, just for a select few, I am also offering a £2.00 free listing. If you would like a free £2.00 listing, click here.

Let me know what you think of the new site!

Humour Still Exists

It’s a sad world when people aren’t allowed to smile or crack a joke. It seems that whenever someone in public office attempts to lighten the mood they are shot down or made to look like a clown (except Borris Johnson of course, who is a clown).

This story on the BBC about a member of the RAF holding up an ‘I’m with Stupid’ sign aimed towards the pilot is the funniest thing I’ve seen today. It actually made me laugh.

Yet, I can only wonder how it got back to the Ministry of Defence and onto the BBC News website – did someone complain or did the BBC simply want to share the laugh? I hope it was the latter although I have a slither of doubt. Either way, it’s nice to know the guys flying our planes are human :)

Just to lighten up your day, here’s a blog with fun: