Buying Supplements and Knowing What to Look for

By Maria Bee

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Did you know the supplement industry is roughly a $24 billion dollar industry?  Did you also know that studies have proven people are influenced to look like the images intentionally presented on television and in magazines with perfect bodies, big muscles, nice curves, tiny waists, long flowing hair, glowing skin and of course, big breasts. Protein drinks used to make up a small percentage of products shelved in health food stores, but now they are not only a dominant product, they are also being sold in local grocery and drug stores, which once upon a time would never have been the case. Therefore buying protein has become very challenging because a picture of health to most Americans is a preconceived image of women and men who are flawless. So if every fitness model promoting most protein products is flawless and has the picture perfect body, how can one know how to choose a good brand and whether results can properly be measured?

What is Protein and Why do I need It?

Protein is the most abundant substance in the human body next to water and it is an important part of life and nutrition.  Protein aids in growth, maintenance and repair of the body tissue. It is important for you to understand this because as it relates to working out, your body needs a substance to help in muscle development and cell repair when the muscles are torn down after a workout. You also need protein to protect your bones and fight off fat. The more muscle your body can retain, the better the body will fight off the inevitable when it comes to aging. Of the 20 amino acids that make up the proteins of the body, 9 are known as essential amino acids. These cannot be made by the body fast enough to meet its needs for growth and maintenance, so it is necessary to obtain them through your diet. Hence, why there is so much controversy over how much protein the body actually needs because it is relevant information to know.

Food vs. Protein Supplements

For obvious reasons, it is quicker and easier to take a protein supplement than to buy and prepare food that is high in protein.  Protein supplements are very useful; however they do not stimulate your body’s way of processing in the same capacity as getting it from whole foods.  In some cases this can become very expensive, depending on its use.  Life today is like a microwave; everything is fast, which means most people don’t have time to even go to the bathroom these days without simultaneously taking the phone with you to check your email.  Unless you have time, protein supplements are useful to use throughout the day or as needed.  Prior to a workout, liquid form can easily be digested and the absorption rate is much faster than your body trying to break down and convert solid food.  Liquid protein drinks are burned during your workout at a constant and steady pace, especially when mixed with simple carbohydrates, such as bananas.

There are different types of protein known as casein, egg, soy and whey. Whey is the most common one unless your body rejects the whey itself, it is also the most reasonably priced, and its absorption rate is 30 minutes, which is the fastest.  Whey is primarily consumed in a shake form due to how quickly it can be digested.  For an eyeball reference, here is a chart to further help you understand the differences.

Whey Most preferred, fast to digest. Can be taken before and/or after workout
Egg Takes about 2-3 hours to digest.  Digests faster than Casein
Soy Does not absorb as well as others, usually taken for dietary reasons.
Casein Digested very slowly. Best to take at night in order for the body to burn the calories needed

How to Choose a Good Protein

Protein supplements come in a bar or powder form. Many are now coming in liquid form.  They are one of the most well-known building supplements on the market today, however there are a few that I would highlight as quality product, which means there are a number of points to be considered when you decide to choose what you need. In some instances price does matter, although in this case you do not want to go for the most inexpensive proteins that are beginning to show up in your low-cost shopping centers.  This means manufacturers are not going for quality, they are shooting for quantity and the consumer who cares more about what they are putting into their body is no longer who they are interested in marketing to. If It is low in quality it is also harder to digest, very likely too high in sugar, and could possibly contain animal fat; which is not the healthy fat the body should consume, but most people who are lacking this knowledge will buy it because it will taste like a candy bar and the price is very low. Another way in determining quality is by looking on the back of the label of ingredients and you should see that the first ingredient is “protein isolate”, or “protein concentrate”.  Sometimes it can contain more than one, which is okay.  The higher quality whey is the protein isolate because it contains lower levels of fat and lactose and has a higher protein content gram for gram.  Your protein concentrate is usually low in cost, higher in fat, and has less protein gram for gram; this is your candy bar.

My Protein Review and Choice

I am highlighting the Optimum 100% Whey Protein.  It is available in 2lb tubs and 5lb tubs. It has a high value for protein containing protein isolates which also means you can get more protein per serving.  You can get 24g of protein per scoop which is a serving. The absorption is great because it now has lactase and digestive properties. I have been using this product for over 6 months now and I can honestly say I will continue its use, for my body can still produce results.  The cost is not outrageous, although in exchange you get a good quality and more protein.  The fat contains less than 1g and has very little sugar.  As a figure competitor or a person working to lose weight, this is another benefit.  They come in different flavors and the taste is smooth and satisfying.

Among all of the proteins I have tried, this one excels because I found in quality the whey protein my body needed and I did not flinch over the price.

There is nothing wrong with aspiring to look and feel your best, but don’t get misguided by the cover of a book. Take a look on the inside before you “believe the hype”. Remember, if perfect bodies really exist, there would not be a need a need for Photoshop. Understand what you are buying, the difference in products and why you may need it to determine if something is right for you. Otherwise, you will end up with a kitchen that looks like a health food store; full of products you spent lots of money on but afterwards found no real benefit to continue to use.

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