Who Is The Apple Of Ryan Seacrest's Eye?

Access Hollywood - April 16, 2009 4:37 PM PDT
Story photo: Who Is The Apple Of Ryan Seacrest's Eye?Ryan Seacrest arrives at the 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 11, 2009
Getty Images
Access Hollywood

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Ryan Seacrest is reportedly no longer a single man.

The "American Idol" host is dating Jasmine Waltz, an actress and bartender, according to a report in People.

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Ryan took Jasmine, a pretty brunette who has had roles in Courteney Cox's ill-fated series, "Dirt," and film, "Cheerleader Massacre 2," to Paris over the weekend, the mag reported.

But it appears Jasmine may have some competition of the cougar variety for Ryan's affection.


On Tuesday night, veteran journalist Katie Couric appeared at a taping of "American Idol" and caught Ryan's eye.

"She [was] checking you out the whole time," Ryan's fellow E! News co-worker Ken Baker told the host during a phone in for the "On Air With Ryan Seacrest" radio show on Wednesday. "[She was] looking [you] up and down in your black suit."

And Ryan admitted he has a soft spot for one of America's favorite faces.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Ryan Seacrest

"I wanna say this respectfully, but I wanna say this as a dude: Would I? I would," he said of hooking up with the 52-year-old Katie. "I thought the same thing last night. I'm walking away and I thought, I would! I would... Is she single?"

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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: Ryan Seacrest - News - Katie Couric - American Idol


comments 1-10 of 66  | newest | < newer | older > | oldest
  • ihateblondes
    HE'S GAY!!
    report abuseposted 9 minutes ago
  • ramzi e
    i guess he's like the highways
    report abuseposted 16 minutes ago
  • Jennifer L
    OMG, he looks so handsome. Just saw his profile on millionaire dating site """""""M e e t i n g R i c h . c o m""""""" last week. I am wondering what kind of relationship he is looking for on that site. Is he single now?
    report abuseposted 17 minutes ago
  • Jennifer L
    OMG, he looks so handsome. Just saw his profile on millionaire dating site """""""M e e t i n g R i c h . c o m""""""" last week. I am wondering what kind of relationship he is looking for on that site. Is he single now?
    report abuseposted 17 minutes ago
  • Jennifer L
    OMG, he looks so handsome. Just saw his profile on millionaire dating site """""""M e e t i n g R i c h . c o m""""""" last week. I am wondering what kind of relationship he is looking for on that site. Is he single now?
    report abuseposted 17 minutes ago
  • Freaket
    report abuseposted 28 minutes ago
  • Rita
    That's my point! Who the hell she is? I like stories like this, soo cute....
    report abuseposted 32 minutes ago
    report abuseposted 38 minutes ago
  • Turquoise
    She's a wannabe Megan Fox, who will NEVER be. her boobs are saggy.
    report abuseposted 42 minutes ago
  • Hugh b
    Who knows who's gay in Hollywood? The homo-erotic banter between him & Simon is to boost the show's ratings. But if he is gay or bi, who cares? He's making dough so let him be.
    report abuseposted 43 minutes ago
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