What should women wear on a first date?

First dates are stressful enough as it is. There is so much to think about when preparing for one, and what to wear is on the top of every girls list. Whether you’re planning a casual picnic in the park or a night on the town these tips can help you get ready for your big night in style.

Deciding what to wear on a first date is always difficult but very important. Everyone makes instant judgments, even if it done subconsciously, we all do it and what you are wearing will have massive impact on any judgment your date makes about you. Get what you wear on a first date right and look your best then the rest will hopefully follow.

What to wear on a first date – Having style

Having style is simply wearing the clothes that suit you and make you feel comfortable. All you need to do is learn how to dress for success and get your style right. Style is not about wearing designer labels, having that ‘must-have’ accessory that all the celebrities have or following the latest trends. All you need to have is a little confidence and be self aware and you will be able to make the most of what you have. Simply concentrate on your good aspects and you will look good and have genuine appeal.

What to wear on a first date – Tips for women

What to wear on a first date can be difficult as you probably don’t know your date well enough to know what they do and do not like. Here are some top tips for women to help you decide what to wear on a first date.

  • Keep jewellery to a bare minimum. Lots of jewellery will make you cheap. Look at this simple design from AM Fashion Designs – http://www.amfd.co.uk/necklaces/yellow-flower-swarovski-crystal-pendant-necklace.html
  • Don’t overdo it with the makeup. Always remember less is definitely more.
  • Avoid brightly coloured nail polishes and lip sticks.
  • Avoid hair spray, it is just not nice.
  • Go easy with the perfume, if you can smell it strongly, then you have put too much on.
  • Don’t look too trendy, your friends might be jealous of your latest outfit but your date might not follow fashion and may wonder what you are wearing.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for an outfit. Doing this will stress you out and you don’t need that on the day of your date.
  • If you blush or get flushed when you drink alcohol then it is a good idea to use a colour correcting base (green coloured foundation).
  • Wear a bra that fits and have the confidences to show a touch of cleavage. It is astonishing how many women wear the wrong size bra. If you are not sure, most department stores and lingerie shops have free bra fitting services

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