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Curtin University of Technology

Unit lifecycle

Units in OLAS / Blackboard will be perpetually available unless the Unit is deleted.

OUA units follow an alternate unit lifecycle. Click to view the OUA unit lifecycle

Unit lifecycle for all Units except for OUA

See Unit lifecycle image below.

1. Students are provisioned into Blackboard from OLAS

2. New Units are made available to students

New Units are made available the day before the first day of Startup Week.

Unit is operational throughout the semester - refer to Blackboard guides to teaching online.

3. Warning email: Students will be disabled from the Unit in 7 days

7 days after a study period ends, all Unit Coordinators and Lecturers relating to a Unit instance receive an email warning them that students will be automatically disabled in 7 days time.

  • Disabling students will remove their access to the unit.
  • Grade Centre information and discussion board contributions will remain in place until disabled students are removed from the unit.
  • If you do not want your students to be disabled, alter the “End Date” of the relevant availability or availabilities as appropriate (See below). 
  • Note: This must be done before students are automatically removed from the Unit.

4. Students disabled from the unit 14 days after the end of a study period

14 days after a study period ends students are automatically disabled from the Unit.
Email warnings are sent to the Unit Coordinator and Lecturers.
To re-enable students:

  • Extend the “End Date” of the relevant availability or availabilities (See below); and
  • Re-enable students via the “Enrolment” > “Manage Student Enrolment” menu item (See below).
  • Grade Centre information and discussion board contributions will remain in place until disabled students are removed from the unit.
  • Students will automatically be removed from the Unit in 14 days time on if you do not take further action.
  • When students are removed, the following Blackboard areas are affected because they are directly linked with student users:
    • Grade Center
    • Assignment submissions
    • Discussion Board

It is therefore highly recommended that you download a copy of your Grade Center BEFORE students are removed from the Unit.
TipSee the Backup unit section of this website for a tip sheet of how to download student grades.

5. Warning email: Disabled students will be removed from the Unit in 7 days

The Unit Coordinator and Lecturers associated with the Unit receive a warning that disabled students will be removed from the Unit in 7 days.

6. Warning email: Disabled students will be removed from the Unit in 1 day

27 days after the study period ends, Unit Coordinator and Lecturers receive an email warning them that disabled students will be removed from the Unit.

If students require access to the Unit you should re-enable them via OLAS and extend the Unit end date.
Extending the “End Date” of the relevant availability or availabilities is done via the “Request Unit Modification” > “Change start/end date” menu item.
Re-enabling students is managed via the “Enrolment” > “Manage Student Enrolment” menu item.
When students are removed, the following Blackboard areas are affected:

  • Grade Center
  • Assignment submissions
  • Discussion Board

It is therefore highly recommended that you download a copy of your Grade Center BEFORE students are removed from the Unit.
TipSee the Backup unit section of this website for a tip sheet of how to download student grades.

7. 28 days after a study period ends, disabled students are removed from the Unit

    Contact LMS support if you have any queries or concerns.

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unit life cycle diagram

OUA unit lifecycle

Please be aware that OUA dates are different to Curtin semester dates.

OUA Study Period/Session Calendars are available here.

PLEASE NOTE: It is recommended that each study period in a year has a different OLAS/Blackboard instance.

For the above availabilities:

  1. Students will be enabled into the Unit on the first day of the study period.
    The above is dependent on CITS having the resources to achieve this requirement. If CITS is unable to meet this deadline for SP1, the ability to “Un-release” a Unit will be in place.
  2. Students will be disabled from the Unit 28 days after the end of the Study Period.
  3. Disabled students will be removed 42 days after the end of the Study Period.

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OUA unit lifecycle

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