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Bella Bella
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August 10, 2007
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Need a new method of organization for school?

I'm going to be a freshman in high school once august rolls around.
I am enrolled in a magnet program at an all-magnet school, so all my classes are like honors or magnet.
I'm going to have 6 or 7 subjects, and I don't want to use a single, bulky binder.
I don't really fancy binders that much; actually I really dislike them.
Last year I had a really hard time with mine because the rings got all bent so I had gaps, and all my papers would get caught in between, and the holes would rip. I remember I would spend a lot of time trying to fix it, often making me late to class, or stealing my attention away from class.
I must say, though, that I stuffed it so full that when I opened it, sometimes pages would automatically pop out.
I do have an organization problem, and I'm working on it.
Lugging around a giant binder is the last thing I want to do.

Something that I notice that's really popular now is the multiple binder method. A few of my friends separate their classes into 3 or 4 small binders. I might go with this idea, but it's a little hard to keep track of. I don't even think there would be enough space. It worked last year in middle school, but I'm going to a magnet high school, where everything is so much more rigorous.
I think I would need to go with a small binder for EACH subject instead. But that would really kill the space in my backpack.
I'm not a big fan of lockers, so I think I'm going to carry everything, or almost everything in my backpack.
I saw the lockers on my tour of the school a month ago.
The freshman get the crappy, small lockers, and the seniors seem to get the fairly decent, bigger lockers.
It's like, really cramped space, and I'll bet that people will be squishing near the locker area, since the width of each locker door is only about 8-12 inches (somewhere in that range.)
I was thinking about using an accordian folder; the kind where you open it up, and there's like a number of slots with tabs on the top. I used this in 5th grade, and it was handy.
But I'm thinking that it'll be a hassle as well, because I won't know what I'm pulling out, really, until I pull it out. and it will be hard to put things in order.
Is there anything that I haven't thought of? Please don't mention those duotang things.. They gave me a hard time in 2nd grade, and they still do xD lol

I'm also searching for a new bag/backpack.
I'm not very girly or preppy, so nothing pink or anything that stands out.
I'd prefer something slightly-proffesional looking, heavy duty, comfortable, and not too expensive.
  • 1 year ago
am+y by am+y
Member since:
July 06, 2009
Total points:
463 (Level 2)

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

ok so ow about having one binder for all small classes that require little papers... like history or econ? those you can fit together and use together. the others that require a lot of papers, like english or math or science even maybe, can be in seperate binders. Or have you considered a notebook and folder for every class? they are thin and easily replacable. but if you do not want to take those around... how about a zip top folder or the occordian style is very useful, but ot could not hold a lot. well, try those ideas. the notebook and folder.

and as for a backpack-- i would go with a Jansport.. they are huge and compfy, and come in likeable patterns! good luck!
  • 1 year ago
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