The Law of attraction governs magnetism and charisma.  Quantum physics teaches us that some energies have an affinity for one another based on vibrational frequencies.

In the creation process, magnetism and charisma are important to those who want to create their lives.  When we master our ability to align with the law of attraction to attract what we truly desire in our lives, we discover our ability to build magnetism and charisma.

We have been told, “Either you have magnetism and charisma or you don’t.”  While Quantum Physics and the field of Spiritual-Personal Development refute this fallacy, the programs and systems of the Matrix will have you to believe that you ca not affect your own ability to attract people, resources, things, and opportunities which will advance you towards your vision of purpose in life.  However, those of us on the path of enlightenment who have unplugged and realized our power in the holographic time-space-reality network know we have the ability to affect our magnetism and charisma. 

quantum physics teaches us how to use the law of attraction to build our magnetism and charisma

You are Magnetic!

The ability to affect our magnetism and charisma is possible when we  unplug because our energy is no longer being zapped by the programs and systems of the Matrix.  Think about your computer right now.  Let’s say you needed some space for a wonderful program you want to download to do a specific task.  If you remove some of the programs, files, and software  your  you don’t need from your computer, then there is more memory and more space to add the program you desire.

Similiarly, when we develop a Visionary’s Insight to create our lives, we see into the Matrix and we know that our true self worth is more valuable than all these useless programs and systems we have downloaded into our minds.  These useless programs do not help us advance, actualize, or manifest our vision of purpose in life, but rather zap the energy we need to build our magnetism and charisma for attraction and ultimately, creation.  The very magnetism and charisma we need in order to attract the resources, things, opportunities and people who can assist us in the actualization and manifestation of our vision of purpose in life, is unable to build because our energy–our life-force energy–is being zapped.

 However, when we unload all those useless programs, we regain our mind power, restore our life-force energy, and with the Law of Attraction we are able to empower our mental faculties for increased magnetism and charisma.  This is possible because when we unplug and unload useless programs, we have increased our vibrational frequency. 

As we have shared quite often here at Blue Lotus Living, your vibrational frequency determines what you attract in your life.  If we want prosperity, optimal health, empowering and fulfilling relationships, creativity, peace of mind, and success, then we have to align our vibrational frequency with these energies.  But, it is difficult to raise our vibrational frequency to develop the magnetism and charisma for such energies if we are allowing our mind power, life-force energy, and creative energy to be zapped by the useless programs and system of the Matrix, systems and programs which do not advance, actualize, and manifest our vision of purpose in life.

This is the importance of the Visionary’s Insight.  The Visionary’s Insight can quickly see into the Matrix and knows what programs and systems are “not working” to further the advancement, actualization, and manifestation of your vision of purpose in life.  When you develop a Visionary’s Insight, you know how to unplug and unload what is not working for you and make room in your life for those things which do add to the quality of your life.

As creative and divine beings, our volition (power to will)  requires energy.  And it is energy we must use to radiate a specific vibrational frequency to draw and attract what we truly desire in our lives.  We can manifest our dreams and actualize our vision.  We can live a life on purpose, but it requires that we restore our mind power and life-force energy for our own use.  And when we use it with powerful intention, we will find that we will have the magnetism and charisma to attract the best life has to offer.

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