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Did not Have any Traumatic Experiences? - Invent Them! - 31 Jul 10

Wiesbaden, Germany
Children in India

Yesterday I told about the separation of different soul parts that some people believe in and others advertise because it is their business to unite these parts again. The idea is that whenever something tragic happens, a little piece of your soul is torn away from it. They say that the shock tears your soul in two pieces. This event can obviously be anything from a shock like an accident to a sad moment like the separation from a partner.

I already said yesterday that everybody has at least one of these experiences which is the birth. So it is good for those healers, they definitely can ask you to come one more time. And then they will ask you again if you don’t have another traumatic experience because they can seemingly feel that the soul is not complete. Even if you cannot think of one yourself, you will get many ideas and suggestions of experiences that were so tragic that you might have forgotten them.

It is as if they are presented to you in a showcase: you were an unwanted child, you had a very loving father but one time he hit you and you suppressed the memory, you had a best girlfriend once but she moved away and you erased her from your memory and many more cases to choose from. Even if you say that you were surely never raped, the other person might reply that you were sexually abused by your babysitter but too young to remember. How would you know? If you never had a babysitter, I am sure that so-called therapist will invent another horror-story that could have shaken your soul.

In each of these cases your soul gets a shock and a part of it remains there, torn away from the rest. Sometimes, when it was very bad, even two or more parts are left behind. Doesn’t that sound sad? Of course you would like to have your soul-parts back! And you would even agree to go to that healer each time and pay a lot of money for it, right?

You wonder perhaps from where I know all of this but I have heard many of these stories, from different people and about different people. It happens again and again in similar ways with different people.

It is sad that some people like to play with the fear of others. Please try to realize when there is someone who tells you this kind of stories and when you are getting more and more afraid, that this person is not doing any good for you! I think you were happier before, right? It is a very different feeling when you have someone who gives you love, who helps you through compassion and being with you. In this love you can heal, fear cannot heal you.

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Swami Ji Swami Balendu has seen a lot in his life and met many people of different countries, cultures and backgrounds. He grew up with the prospect of becoming a popular guru in India. Thousands of people had already become followers and disciples when he decided, at only 26 years, to enter a cave for three years and 108 days, to do Mantra meditation. After his retreat he left the lifestyle of a guru and started travelling � to meet and help people in the west while helping poor children in India through food and education. He devoted his life to helping those children.

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