Sunday, November 14, 2010

Getting the groove back

After escaping to the outdoors and away from this computer, the blahs I was experiencing yesterday magically disappeared.  It is easy to forget to keep a positive balance in our lives when we are in the midst of things we get bogged down with.     Life is somewhat of a never-ending "to do list" . . . you gotta walk away from it at times . . . escape in whatever way that works for you in order to keep the balance necessary for an awesome quality of life.

Reactions and responses need to be in the present rather than the past in order to positively respond to life circumstances . . . easier said than done . . . it is sometimes a difficult balance.

The key is understanding the reason behind the reactions, especially the negative ones. The thoughts that immediately inspire the reaction need to be positive in order to turn the tides and make unpleasant experiences tolerable and easier to cope with.

As long as I can remember, I have journaled daily about my emotions, happenings, reactions and outcomes . . . it was easy for me to go back and identify my natural impulses and reactions to problems. At times, the analysis of my emotions is a ponderous process, however necessary to leading a normal life after a life trauma.

The difficult part is changing those reactions by not identifying them with anything from a unique past experience . . . it is gone and must be released. Replace negative with positive thoughts . . . attitude adjustment.
A life of peace, love and happiness is all about maintaining a positive attitude through good times and bad experiences . . . they all eventually pass . . . better to experience the situation with a healthy state of mind.  A healthy state of mind knows when to escape and chill out a bit . . . what I call "getting your groove back".

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blah blah blahs

They creep up upon you out of nowhere . . . and I’ve been hit with them . . . the blahs. Aren’t we all afflicted with this condition at times?

You could possibly call it a lazy weekend since the change in the weather has been bringing on sinus headaches . . . I’ve lost my “mo” . . . generally feel sluggish, dumpy and frumpy.

Since afflicted and stuck in this state of mind, I thought I would do some research on this thing we call “the blahs” and explore what the psycho-gurus have to say about getting out of them.

The general consensus is that activity beats the blahs . . . the irony in that statement is very amusing to me. Don’t the blahs inhibit activity?

It is said that music is an excellent mood elevator . . . and usually what does it for me. However, this run of the blahs mixed with restlessness makes it impossible to even pick out what I want to listen to! Sure, I’m in the mood to turn on the music and dance . . . a bit of sarcasm . . . there is no way I even want to go there at this time.

One of my favorite websites, Psychology Today, says “don’t wallow in a foul mood . . . run for the gym and take your headphones” . . . I totally agree and often write about moods, being grateful and thinking positively with all those warm and fuzzy thoughts we are supposed to have in order to achieve an awesome quality of life. I just don’t have them today . . . and I realize I have been behind this computer way too long with too little sleep. Don’t we usually know the roots of the blahs?

Well, it has lasted long enough and I refuse to wallow in it . . . I’m off to get my groove back by getting away from the computer, go outside and enjoy this gorgeous Florida evening with a cup of hot chocolate and snuggle up to my man.

Sometimes we are blessed with the blahs so we can appreciate and be grateful for those awesome days when feel we can conquer the world.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Make It Happen

"Some people want it to happen, 
some wish it would happen, 
others make it happen."

Michael Jordan

We all want to live our dream . . . 
but we can’t wish to achieve goals and 
get it done just because we want to. 

It is being passionate about our goals, enabling our minds to motivation and action . . . which means breaking old habits that keep the forward motion of getting things done . . . and never give up trying . . . passion breeds persistence.

One thing is certain . . . the goal must have clarity in order to plan the journey to your dream.  Just like a physical journey, knowing how to get there by using a map is often necessary.  More chances than not, you will get lost without that map . . . lost and wandering in the wilderness of the mind.

When the journey’s path is known, plan the journey, replacing those bad habits that keep you going and making the new way the standard way of operating. 

Procrastination is usually the most difficult bad habit to break . . . it is easy “know” that you will “do it tomorrow.”  This behavior of putting off tasks to a later time is merely a coping mechanism for the anxiety associated with whatever the endeavor is.

The really bad thing about procrastination is that putting something off until a later time makes it easy to continue the bad habit of putting it off.  It is a vicious cycle that must be broken, otherwise, your dream will just be a dream . . . put up in a little box in the corner of your mind.

One of the definitions of passion is being affected by something external and acted upon . . . break the habit of letting procrastination influence the passion of the dream, making incremental changes along the way. 

The journey to your dreams
 starts with one step 
forward motion that
leads to the next.

Love this quote ~

"You are never given a wish without being
given the power to make it true.
 You may have to work for it, however."

Richard Bach

Make it happen!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Being grateful for little things in life is what I try to practice every day of my life, no matter what my life circumstances are.

Today is no different, except for one thing . . . it is no little thing, it is major gratitude for veterans and how they affect every day of my life and every other single person in this world.

I'm so grateful to not only the veterans, but their families who have made so many sacrifices in their lifestyle in order to serve our country and protect our freedom.

For many, this day is just another holiday . . . a day off from work without a thought of its real meaning.  Our way of life and freedom is way too often taken for granted . . . and so are those who have made it possible.

This post is dedicated to my sweetie, who served in the Air Force most of his adult life . . . he is my hero!

The following arrived in several emails from groups 
I belong to . . . I had no idea that Veterans Day
is also celebrated in other countries . . .

Veterans Day was first observed on November 11, 1919 by proclamation from 
President Woodrow Wilson to honor troops from WWI. It wasn't until 1953, 
when a man from Kansas, Alfred King, began campaigning for the holiday to 
include ALL war veterans. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed this change 
into law in May, 1954.

Many countries celebrate Veterans Day (Armistice Day) on November 11. The 
significance of this date is marked by the signing of the end of WWI at the 
11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Free Hugs

Wikipedia defines a hug as a form of physical intimacy, not necessarily sexual, that usually involves closing or holding the arms around another person or group of persons. The hug is one of the most common human signs of love and affection.

When asked what they miss the most about having a partner, a single person will no doubt answer "hugs" were sorely missed.  Hugs, not words, were the greatest comfort to me in my grief state when my husband passed away.  I didn't want to hear "I'm sorry" . . . I just wanted a hug . . . comfort and support without words.  

Hugs show many levels of affection, even in the animal kingdom!

What if you encountered a lonely stranger at an airport holding a sign reading "FREE HUGS" . . . would you give that person a hug?  To be very honest with you, with as much compassion that I possess, I can honestly answer "NO" . . . I'm not a touchy feely person with strangers.  In reality, I am a very private person when it comes to strangers.

Having said that . . . the Free Hugs Campaign has touched and impressed me on many levels.

There once was a lonely guy experiencing a bad phase in his life, a string of personal difficulties brought him to a crossroads in life that found him leaving London to venture back home to Sydney.  Left with a world of trouble and a suitcase that held everything he owned, feeling, lonely and depressed as he watched other travelers at the airport terminal being welcomed with open arms with lots laughter, hugs and smiles. He felt a sinking feeling as there was no one to greet him at the airport and desperately needed a hug.

On that day in 2004, the Free Hugs Campaign was born . . . the hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness - selfless acts performed just to make others feel better. 

The man who has become known as Juan Mann found some cardboard and a marker and made himself a sign that simply said 'FREE HUGS' . . . he found one of the busiest intersection in the city and held up his sign as people passed him by, just staring at him.  I can imagine they probably thought he was a lunatic!  

The first person to approach him was a little old lady whose dog had just passed away that morning on the anniversary of her only daughter's death . . . she told Juan that all she wanted at a time of feeling so alone in this world, was a hug.  She was smiling when they parted . . .

Years later, the International Free Day of Hugs is celebrated the first Saturday in July, described as a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places.

The music video by the Australian band Sick Puppies appeared on YouTube in 2006 . . . it has been viewed over 60,000,000 times, making it one of the most popular videos on the website.  The campaign also became internationally famous as a result of the video.

Here is the video . . .

The movement has had its moments . . . the police banned the practice of Juan and his fellow huggers from offering the free hugs on the street.  They were allowed to continue after filing petitions, jumping through bureaucratic hoops and red tape just to offer free hugs . . .

In this world of  influence from the Internet, Juan Mann ended up on the Oprah Show, gave out his real address and offered an open invitation to anyone to come over and chat on-camera as part of his 'open-house project', ultimately hosting 80 guests over 36 days . . . and created problems with his landlord.

Juan has since "retired" . . . 

Free Hugs Campaign Website enables those involved in the campaign to better organize themselves and coordinate their efforts. Check it out if you want more information on the movement . . .

Have you hugged someone today?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Today I Saw a Butterfly

Today I saw a butterfly,
as it floated in the air;
Its wings were spread in splendor,
Unaware that I was there.

It was such a thing of beauty,
It was a sight to see;
It was the perfect masterpiece,
Full of grace and majesty.

I found myself thinking,
to what can this compare?
And then, of course, I thought of you,
And I wished that you were there.

God sure was extra careful,
When He formed and fashioned you;
You too, became a masterpiece,
Yet God is still not through.

He's daily making changes,
that other folks can't see;
You're already true perfection,
At least you are to me.

~ Author Unknown ~

There is a saying that I can't remember the exact words, but the gist of it is you can find perfect love with an imperfect person.  What makes the person perfect is love and adoration.  Unconditional love may see the imperfections, but it has no affect on the degree of love you have for this person.

Love truly is a thing of beauty when you find someone who feels the same about you.  Being the romantic that I am, nothing compares to it . . . to love and be loved is the most important thing to me in this life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend blog hop!

Add a link to your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, NetworkedBlog, Blog Frog and Giveaways.

Follow as many as you want. Try to follow at least two on the list, a hop only works if everyone hops.

If someone "likes" or "follows" you, be nice and "like or "follow" back.

Suggestion: Leave a message on their wall or comment on their blog, so they know to follow you back.

Click here for 100+ other blogs that host hops through the week!

Please don't link up your hop, email me and I will be happy to add your hop to the hop library.

This Hop Opens Every Friday At 3pm PST And Stays Open Until 9pm PST Sunday

  1. A Boy A Cat And My Fat Ass (Host)
  2. Free Hot Samples - Freebies (Host)
  3. CanContests. com
  4. The Adventure Of Super Spice
  5. I am Nanny Anna
  6. The Road to Here
  7. bassgiraffe's Thoughts- FOLLOWS BACK
  8. It's Me Melbie
  9. a southerner, a yankee and a mixed breed *FOLLOWS
  10. 7 on a Shoestring
  11. Tips 4 Green
  12. Being Frugal and Making it Work (Follows Back)
  14. one Sassy Vixen
  15. Trendy Girl Designs
  16. Meno Deb Follows Back!
  17. The Freebie Junkie (blog)
  18. MarilynsMoney: Join my wacky world on saving $$$!
  19. Just Married with Coupons
  20. Remember Ember
  21. The Adventures Of A Greek/Italian Girl
  22. The Frugal Free Gal
  23. Walt Life -Disney Deals!
  24. Minding Spot
  25. Coupon Cents Sisters **FOLLOWS**
  26. Linda's Lunacy
  27. BBL - I follow back
  28. Wendy @ Frugal Fabulous Finds
  29. Musings Of A Misplaced Jersey Girl
  30. Lovely Little Ladies Boutique
  31. Conservasita
  32. Geri's Super Savings Tips
  33. Gluten Free Motherhood
  34. Mistys Thoughts Too **FOLLOWS BACK**
  35. My Secret Home (follows back)
  36. Dotcomkari The Blog->follows back always
  37. Bobbypins Boardwalk GIVEAWAY. WILL WOLLOW BACK!
  38. Little Bambino Childrens Wear
  39. Big Family Mama
  41. MamaNYC
  42. Blogging Hints
  1. Busy Moms Tips
  2. Work at Home Helper
  3. Coupon Clippin Daddy - I Follow Back!
  4. Staying Me. .
  5. The Survival Mama
  6. Inspire!
  7. Family Friendly Frugality
  8. living well, spending less (follows back)
  9. Inspired Moments
  10. Tifanis Mom
  11. Mary @ To Spend Or Save (follows back)
  12. A Mom Having Fun - Follows Back!
  13. Helping Moms WAH - Follows Back!
  14. Dealicious Mom
  15. Publix Coupon Queen
  16. Merely My Musings
  17. Carries Rambles
  18. Raising Future Leaders ~*~Always Follows Back~*~
  19. Finding My Life in Faith~follows back~
  20. Yours, Mine and Ours*
  21. Loving Life as a Couponer
  22. Our Crazy Little Life
  23. Everyone has Something to say. . .
  24. SaysJamie FOLLOWS BACK : )
  25. Samantha's Day
  26. turnip farmer
  27. Preemies And Me-Will Follow!
  29. Simplify with Sybil
  30. Vegetarian Curry @ Long Wait For Isabella
  31. Day by Day in Our World
  32. Peace, Love, Happiness
  33. The Nutritionist Reviews
  34. Nana Poppins
  35. Emmas Lunch Always Follows Back
  36. Mommies Playground
  37. Things Sent My Way
  38. Ash & Lew Plus2
  39. Everyone has something to say. .

  40. This linky list is now closed.

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The allure of material things

Sometime in the human experience we are all seduced by the allure of material things. Back in the day the love of money and the stuff I could buy had such a grip on me that I forgot how to live in pursuit of making more money. Even spending the money as fast as I could in order to gather even more objects could not fill the emptiness of not enjoying the gift of life.

There is nothing wrong with owning prized possessions that are a reflection of our emotions and memories. What is wrong is the intention of that desire to possess that stuff when it becomes a compulsion, creating an imbalance of trying to fill empty emotional spaces with those things.

On my path to peace, love and happiness, I have learned to find joy in the little things in life that truly bring a smile to my face and are filling those empty emotional spaces. All that stuff that cost money now clutter my house and little by little I’m clearing those spaces. In my case, the imbalance of my compulsion was filling the wrong spaces.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bad Days

We all have them . . . did you think you are alone? It seems like it when you are in the midst of one and you just know that the whole world is against you.

Everything in life is what we perceive them to be, even bad days can be used for good if you look for lessons to be learned from them. For one thing, patience and perseverance is learned through bad days and even hard times (aka extended bad days . . . they truly build a strong character if we can only hang in there).

One of the greatest blessings in my life came to me as a result of hard times . . . more than extended bad days, those days seemed to never end, but they did. The result was a new found appreciation and gratefulness for good days and all that was good in my life. I stumbled on to the “Simple Abundance” lifestyle and it changed my life. That philosophy prepared me for the even darker days of my life.

Even the most positive people have bad days and it is ok to indulge in a bit of a pity party, have some chocolate or whatever else lifts your spirits . . . but don’t let the party last too long, you know, moderation and all that. 

Brush yourself off and start over again with a renewed spirit. Rise above it and realize that tomorrow is another day . . . be positive no matter how bleek it appears to be because it can all change in an instant.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Positive energy vs negative realities

We have all subconsciously been programmed throughout a lifetime by our parents, friends, siblings, ourselves, and lasting emotions from past experience, whether we know it or not. Our belief system is within the inner self, guiding and controlling our thoughts and actions. Actions create the reality whether it is positive or negative.

Understanding what we have been programmed to believe is the key to striking the balance between positive energy and negative realities. A person can have all the positive energy necessary to create a positive reality, however, when the little voice within has been programmed to expect a negative reality, the little voice will usually win. Positive programming results in positive realities.

Our belief system is an important factor of success, therefore, the person with the negative belief system must learn how to rewrite the program . . . get rid of the negative, self-limiting beliefs in order to guide future actions positively.

Unless we change what needs to be changed within ourselves, we can indulge in rationalizations and illusions that do nothing but feed a vicious cycle of negativity . . . “what if . . .”.

Those afflicted with a negative belief system tend to use negative affirmations without realizing it. The phrase “I can’t” spoken out loud or thought about is the best example of a negative affirmation. Say it enough times and the negative affirmation becomes a negative reality.

Striking the balance between positive and negative is in the thought process. Dwelling on negative realities keeps the negative programming alive. Consciously rejecting negative thoughts is the beginning of rewriting the program.

Of course a certain amount of worry in a given situation is healthy. Living life looking through rose colored glasses, throwing caution to the wind is irresponsible.

Realize that you are always a work in progress, be patient with yourself, knowing that you were born to do great things in your life. Give yourself the gift of the highest of expectations expecting more progress on some days than others.

Allow every positive or negative experience to be a learning experience . . . focus on the positive lesson learned. Embrace the philosophy that everything happens for a reason . . . accept whatever it is and move on.

“The biggest enemies we have to overcome on the road to success are not a lack of ability and a lack of opportunity, but fears of failure and rejection and the doubts that they trigger.”
(Brian Tracy, from the book, Eat That Frog!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

About me and my blog

Who am I? 

This is the best way I can
describe myself . . .

A restless romantic soul with a
 gentle spirit colliding with the
 mystery of full moon madness

This post is based on the first post of this blog.  Peace, Love, Happiness is a combination of  many older blogs and my personal journals.  My quest for peace and happiness and an exploration of quality of life issues is endless.  

I'm always seeking answers and reasons "why" this or that . . . it is a good thing to dig deep within ourselves for understanding . . . sometimes it is not such a good thing to get bogged down in the whys and not enjoying life to the fullest in the "now".

My posts seem to run in themes as I ponder certain issues.
This week's posts have focused on fear.  

Many times I will take a post or journal entry from many years ago and do an update . . . it has been a long journey back to the life of living for me.  Going back helps me realize the tremendous progress made in my life and hopefully will be of comfort to someone else currently walking through a fire.

About me and my blog . . . 

Unexpected life changes came my way nine years ago when my young husband suddenly passed away. I’ve had all this time to contemplate life . . . what the really important things are and what I want for the rest of my life. 

The conclusion I came to is summed up in three little words . . .


My blog is an exploration of those three words with their differing meanings and finding that place in life that is filled with peace, love and happiness all at one time.

A new adventure began for me as a beautiful life abruptly ended. One of life’s ironies is that most people don’t appreciate or even know what they have until it is gone. Another irony of life is knowing that everything happens for a reason and part of the adventure is finding the good in bad times.

I’m a widow on my journey back to a “normal” life. It is difficult to actually define “normal” except to say that it is the beautiful feeling of contentment that comes from the harmony of peace, love and happiness.

My blog takes you through the journey with me . . . past, present and future.

It took me eight years to meaningfully move on with my life, but I finally made the step and committed the rest my life to a wonderful new person who appeared in my life like a gentle breeze on a hot day.  Life is wonderful again!

Working in the mental health industry has taught me a new insight into quality of life and has reinforced my life philosophies that are based on simple abundance. 

My new adventure continues on a different path that brought me to a new phase in my life.  The exploration of quality of life is so much more important now than before I became a widow . . . now I know how to truly appreciate after experiencing loss.

Live for the moment, treating each day as if it is the last . . . it just may be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Freedom and success . . . the other side of fear of failure

Fear of failure . . . despite rational thinking, education, talent and ability . . . makes the exhilaration of victory and success impossible. Fear can cause a potentially successful person to accept mediocrity . . . if you don’t take the risk, you’re guaranteed not to face failure.

The other side of that fear
is freedom and success . . .

Henry Ford stated, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

Thoughts are powerful and fear is irrational . . . it is the thought of the fear, not the actual experience or “failure,” but the dread it inspires. Obsessive dwelling on the matter reinforces one dark thought after another until success is no longer a reality.

The weight of the dread and fear builds and grows, slowing down progress and cluttering the mind. If the fear is thought of logically, we find they have no rational basis.

Just do it . . .

Smart educated engineers laughed at Henry Ford’s dream of building automobiles, who no doubt perceived him as illiterate and ignorant since he was just an uneducated man with a dream.

Ford was "ignorant" of the fear he overcame due to of his lack of education. His dream was greater than his fear and perceived “limitations” . . . positive thoughts of his dream drove him to success.

How unfortunate would it have been if he let his fear of failure conquer him?

Success is action and bold, courageous movement toward your goals and dreams. Action dispels fear . . . giving fear the time to occupy the thought process is giving it permission to paralyze any efforts and actions, leading to ultimate failure that was feared to begin with. Fear is not rational and is a vicious cycle!

Boldly moving toward your goals a little at a time, embracing the smallest of victories along the way, can start chipping away at that bondage of fear.

Success knows no boundaries!

Understanding how these fears affect us and learning how to cope and manage ourselves in the midst of the fear is one of the most important steps to freedom from fears.

When you miss out on an opportunity due to fear, you will never get that moment back . . . then the floodgates of regrets open up to mingle with the fears.  The pity party is then on its way . . . it is a vicious cycle.

We can’t prevent bad things from happening in our lives, but we can learn how to suppress or eliminate the obsessive focus fear places on us and not live a life of mediocrity with regrets.

We only have one life . . . and we CAN control the quality of that life through our thoughts and attitude.

You can conquer almost any fear if you
will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn’t exist 
anywhere except in the mind. 

~Dale Carnegie~

Monday, November 1, 2010

Quality of Life and the Adventurous Attitude

What is adventure?  

Adventure could be defined as an activity that involves the possibility of risk, danger or exciting experiences. For one person, it could mean jumping off a bridge attached to a bungee cord, feeling the rush of rising and falling as the bungee cord does its thing.  Yet another could perceive adventure as a serene day at the beach.

Adventure could simply be seen as an attitude . . . a journey towards finding our unique potential . . . sometimes hidden by fear and worry.  It is how we approach the day-to-day obstacles of life, how we perceive and act on them that determines the level of adventure and quality of life.

Attitude adjustments that involve backing away from fear of the unknown and embracing the new challenges as an exciting adventure allows us to seize those new opportunities that present themselves with a positive mindset.  

Embracing adventure is acknowledging faith . . . a testing that faces the unknown without fear.  Stretching past the comfort zone allows us to find that unique potential within ourselves.

The adventurous attitude perceives everything in a positive light . . . life is awesome until it isn't . . . then you confront, face and solve the problem.  Until then, it isn't a problem . . . so why worry about the thing unless it has happened.

Speaking from experience, fear and worry is an obstacle from living life to its full potential . . . isn't life without adventure merely waiting to die?  

Readers of my blogs will understand what I am saying . . . since becoming a widow, my life was one of waiting to die, locking myself away from the world . . . get it over with, I didn't even want to try to be adventurous since I may get hurt in one way or another.  Warped thinking plays into the scenario . . .

Of course depression plays a huge role in attitude . . . but you can deal with it, fight it . . . turn it around no matter how many times you have to get back up when you fall down . . . find adventure in life again.  I did . . .

Love this quote . . .

"Most of the important things in the world 
have been accomplished by people who have 
kept on trying when there seemed to be 
no hope at all."  

Herbert Myer