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Books » Percy Jackson and the Olympians » Just Maybe
Ariadne's string
Author of 2 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Jason G. & Piper M. - Reviews: 15 - Updated: 11-06-11 - Published: 07-17-11 - id:7189246

Authors note: it's kind of my first Fanfic, so i'm still kind of working out the Kinks.

Disclaimer: i do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Piper sat on top of Halfblood hill, under Thalia's tree. She held a brochure for the Hunters of Artemis in her hands. She was thinking about the consequences. It would be fun to be a Hunter of Artemis. But she would have to leave Jason and Leo. But she knew the fight against Gaea was coming. Maybe it would be a way to escape the prophecy. Not likely, she thought. She would still have to fight.

Then she heard something behind her. And Jason sat down next to her. She hurried and put the brochure away before he could see it. Unfortunately, he did. "What's this?" he asked, taking the brochure from Piper. He frowned upon it. "Your not seriously thinking about joining are you?" he questioned her. "Well… Maybe. I Haven't decided yet," She replied back. "Piper you can't. We need you. And you would have to swear off boys!" he insisted. "We could still be friends right?" She asked innocently. Jason glared away from her. And it dawned on her. Maybe he did like her. Maybe he did want to be more than friends. Maybe he felt the same way about her. Even if he did, he wasn't sure about what he had awaiting him at the Roman camp. Maybe he already had a girlfriend. Maybe he would leave Piper for her. She didn't want to be heart broken. But she tried not to focus on that. Because it is a lot of Maybes and ifs. She decided not to torture her self. He was beside her right now and that's all that mattered then. And maybe just Maybe it might work out for them. "Race you back to the cabins?" she taunted. He huffed and replied, "You're on."

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