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Secret #3 is called Blingo

168 Votes


One of my friends in school has the moshi mag and on page 37 it has a picture of  Blingo!



About lukey140701

I love Moshi Monsters!!!!!!!

Posted on February 19, 2011, in The Secrets Moshlings and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. what does he look like

  2. yh ive got it as well and secret 4 is that shrewman from the suoer moshi mission 1!!! :D

  3. ah i wasn’t sure how to get it

  4. why dont you show pictures of him so we dont have to buy a moshi mag just to see him

  5. How do u get blingo and the next secret moshling? Add me!! Sbubbles1

  6. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want the sherewman moshling soooooooooooooo much and how do you get blingo!?!
    add me kittens790 or gimme ur owner name PLEASE (i am a member i will give u a gift!!!)


  7. is shrewman secret 4 on moshi monsters

  8. u need a code from a moshi monster book i saw it but sadly i didnt have the money to get it

  9. To get blingo the code is H6FJNA9D8Y9W.

  10. im going to git him if i do ill post agein

  11. His code is H6FJNA9D8Y9W

  12. H6FJNA9D8Y9W is blingos code

  13. hey there! have u seen blingo and dustbin beavers name in the secrets in ur moshling zoo yet!

  14. plz help me it just wont work for me the code

  15. Hi, My names Lexi3459 on moshi monsters. ADD ME.
    Does anyone know how to get blingo or dustbin beaver?

  16. For the last time guys, You can only get Blingo by purchasing a Moshi Monster book that gives you the code that can only be used once. So if you share it with your friends first, you cant get blingo. You enter the code under the password when you log in and then go to your moshling garden and you’ll have a plant (not available in moshi monster stores) and then plant that with ANY 2 other plants and you have Blingo, just like roxy.

    Don’t fool for any fake codes, you’ll just loose furniture

    And Dustbin Beaver dosen’t come out to July something. I think you get him in a Super
    Moshi mission, so thats only available for Moshi Members!

    Anyway, stop asking for the codes unless you purchase the book, for god sakes. You can NOTT Get Blingo with moshling seeds.

  17. Uh i have a question…..
    It is ………….


  19. what is the extra new code code to get blingo and dustbin beaver as a moshliing

  20. you poop heads you need to get buster bumblechops’s lost moshling book and that is now the only way to get blingo

  21. add me on moshimonster my username is:tracy1650

  22. Blingo’s code is NOT h6fjna9d8y9w. This is used today but my code was 3dkjlkc0akl6 you can try it but I can 100% guarantee you that you won’t get him as it is used. So to everyone that has said it is the h6 one, it’s unique and you need to put a mirror to the code and confirm it! by icecreampizza add meeeee

  23. hi u cant get j.b only if u get the magazine

  24. u all are wierdos u cant gat them yet my bff is a moshi member he buys all mosh books all codes and u cant get htem yet OMG

  25. add me im imogen_is_too_awsome

  26. Valuable info. Fortunate me I discovered your site by chance, and I’m stunned why this accident did not came about in advance! I bookmarked it.

  27. hi guy what the secret code to dustbin beaver and blingo

  28. the code to a i love moshi monsters in a frame its krg92ht73fvk if its wrong sorry and i used it ill cheak on my other 10 moshi ,monsters to see if its not expierd i will chat as soon as i no

  29. hi moshi foces come see me on brianna55243 or puppy10504111 or breejess or breebreebree4 or

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