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Egypt army commits to power transfer, Israel peace

The Associated Press - ‎22 minutes ago‎
CAIRO (AP) - The ruling military pledged Saturday to eventually hand power to an elected civilian government and reassured allies that Egypt will abide by its peace treaty with Israel after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, as it outlined the ...
Voice of America - Wall Street Journal - Los Angeles Times - BBC News

A late-night austerity message from Daniels

Politico - Kendra Marr - ‎13 hours ago‎
Mitch Daniels, the man they call “The Blade” from his budget office days, attempted to cut through some late-night drowsiness Friday to deliver a message of fiscal austerity.
CBS News - NPR - - Chicago Tribune

60 years for Ingmar Guandique, Chandra Levy's killer

Washington Post - ‎Feb 11, 2011‎
More than nine years after former federal intern Chandra Levy disappeared, a DC Superior Court jury found Ingmar Guandique guilty of first-degree murder in her death.
Los Angeles Times - - New York Daily News - Fox News

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