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Help With Sweaty Palms

Date: 04/22/2005 Topic: Readers Request > Health  
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I have this sweaty palm problem and its soo embarassing! Whenever we have to practice this dance at my school the boys say my hands are sweaty and I get embarassed! So please help me, I'm in desperate need of help! Even if you know what's the cause of sweaty palms that would help a lot also. And if you know any ways I could fix this with household items then that would be great!

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Post by dansmi (1) | (03/30/2009)
it makes me a bit happier to find other people out there with this problem. I've been searching for not really a cure but something that will just prevent it and I've seen many people saying to use antiperspirants but from my experience of trying these don't do much good but still I'm glad there are people out there who understand how embarrassing it is and how it impedes on totally normal things like holding hands with your gf or shaking hands. it would be much appreciated if anyone has any non surgical or antiperspirant suggestions. Cheers

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Post By wizdumb (Guest Post) (02/15/2009)
I'm one of the many who suffer from sweaty hands too. Its kind of weird in my case though. Before when I was younger I'd be too embarrassed to shake someones hand because my hands would constantly be sweaty but now it doesn't happen that often. The only times this happens is when I'm really nervous like at a interview but I see that as normal.

Now most of the time my hands are sweaty is when I work which isn't good at all. I'm a dj and deal with records all the time and my sweat slips on to the records and as the record spins the needle catches the sweat as its dried up which then builds up on the needle which causes the record to sound muffled or even skip. Not good in a live situation with people on the dance floor. I hate it! Now some of you will say move on to cds but I have tried it and I'm just not comfortable with it. I find that I'm lucky to have a job that I love doing but I just don't know why my hands start to sweat while I'm doing it. I mean as I type my hands are dry but once I hit the tables its like a waterfall. This sucks :( /rant

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Post By Sebastien B. (Guest Post) (02/14/2009)
Rinsing with really hot water always helps me. The hotter I rinse, the longer it stays away, which kinda makes me want to boil my hands or something.
As for high fives, my personality is such that I can get away with drunkenly missing their hand and going for the head.

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Post By livie (Guest Post) (02/12/2009)
I have really horribly sweaty hands too. Sometimes they are really dry but then sometimes they sweat horribly. I can make my hands start to sweat so my dad told me if I can make them start then I can make them stop. I'm still trying this but anyways I'm going to try the teabag thing.

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Post By Concerned (Guest Post) (02/11/2009)
I have real sweaty hands too and idk what to do. It's really embarrassing when I have to shake someone's hand or do square dancing in gym and stuff. I'm self conscious around my boyfriend and I'm scared to hold his hand because I know as soon as I do my hands will start to get like soaked. And wen i rub the sweat off on my jeans or shirt or something it comes back like a second later. It makes me real self conscious and I know people think its gross. I've tried rubbing baby powder on my hands but it only works for like ten minutes tops and then the sweat just like bursts out. I hate it! It makes thinks that are supposed to be fun really embarrassing and nerve racking and I hate it. I want to enjoy life without worrying about my disgusting sweaty hands, and my parents would never let me get surgery or anything. Idk what to do but I'm gonna try the tea bag thing. Thanks guys!

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Post By (Guest Post) (02/05/2009)
I'm in the same boat as you all. I rub deodorant on my hands at night
(a lot of it) then in the morning I just wash my hands and put lotion on it works pretty well.

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Post By Anonymous Jones (Guest Post) (02/03/2009)
Hi, I have had a problem with sweaty palms and feet for over 20 years. Usually my hands would sweat first which would trigger my feet to sweat also. I could never wear pretty shoes for long without my feet sweating because I would slip and slide. I purchased some healing oils from www.amoils.com .

I purchased the H-away and H-prevention, I'll let your imagination run wild, Anyway these 2 items are not for Hyperhidrosis, whatsoever, today will make my 5th day of using the items, and my hands and feet have not sweated since. Even when I get a heat flash, my hands or feet did not sweat. I am going to give it several more days to see how it goes, and I will check back in.

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Post By Nicole H (Guest Post) (01/30/2009)
I hate when this happens to me, I will be at school and I will put my hands on the table and it makes the tables all wet. My boyfriend's hands are always cold and when he wants to hold me hand I have to wipe my hands of repeatedly so he wont notice.

It is really embarrassing. So what i do is I cut open a tea bag, and I put baby powder in a cup and I rub that on my hands and I rinse with hot water. It really works.

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Post By (Guest Post) (01/19/2009)
I suffer from the same thing, I'm 19 and still have have minni spazz fits in my head before I greet someone.
Its so unfortunate that doctors/scientists are not doing too much to find cure for hyperhydrosis(sp?). I have tried the teabag idea, it worked for a few hours then my hands went back to being sweaty. I have not yet tried any medications but I am hearing good things from Drysol and Robinul.

I just wish someone would take this illness seriously and find an effective and permanent cure, because it really does interfere with my social life far too much. It's depressing to not be able to hold my boyfriends hand, or give handshakes, hi fives, or watch a movie without drying my hands every 10 seconds, even being on a bus and having to hold a pole to keep my balance is a struggle .__.
Best of luck to all of you, and may we all find a cure.

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Post By Steven G. (Guest Post) (01/12/2009)
You can try to use some antiperspirant lotions that work on your feet and hands. I searched online and found a couple, ghost grip, www.ghostgrip.com, may be helpful as it is a small tube and easy to carry around it looks like.

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Post By lily (Guest Post) (01/10/2009)
I have the EXACT same problem. :[ What i do is place my hand on something cold (ice,cold water) and then don't think about it. It only makes it worse. Trust me. :))

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Post By Jessalyn (Guest Post) (01/08/2009)
Hey everyone. Sweaty hands are really gross and can be extremely embarrassing. I get really sweaty hands and I've had it where I went to high five somebody and they would be like "eww. why are your hands wet?!"

One thing you should try is the tea bag remedy or baby powder.
Another thing to try is just relax. when you notice your getting sweaty just take a couple of deep breathes. Also, exercise. I know this sounds weird because you get more sweaty when you do physical activity but exercising does wonders for the body. Drink a lot of water also. Try not to drink as much pop/caffeine.
Another thing you could try, is get a REALLY good anti-persperant deoderant and rub some on your hands, let it sit there for a minute or two and dry.
When you start to freak out about your sweaty hands you just get more sweaty, so relax a bit.
hope this helps a little. =]

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Post By Tori (Guest Post) (01/07/2009)
i know just how u feel!! its so embarrasing cuz at skewl my hands will be sweating like crazy and so i'll wipe it in my skirt and then afterwards i'll have this wet stain on my skirt itz soo annoying!!! =[

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Post By Muay Thai Fighter (Guest Post) (01/03/2009)
I have the almost the same problem but not as bad as you guys. It's only during church when we have to say the Our Father and we have to hold hands is when I sweat in my palms. I just think its in your head and you just have to relaxed. Also before I hold hands, I just swipe my hands onto my jeans. It helps! LOL!

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Post By kristin. (Guest Post) (01/01/2009)
I know exactly how you feel. Having sweaty hands is so annoying at times, especially while on a date! Anyway, baby powder does work, however only for a little while. Go to your doctor.

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Post By Jonnie (Guest Post) (12/31/2008)
I'm so glad I'm not alone I always thought I was a freak for my hands sweating to much. I do tell people when my hands are sweaty so they won't touch them but I have a date next weekend. I'm so scared. I'm mostly nervous about my hands sweating. I need help.

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Post By julia (Guest Post) (12/28/2008)
I know the feeling, my bf constantly wants to hold my hand, but I had to tell him that I have over active sweaty palms. It was embarrassing, but, if the person you're with really cares about you, then he/she wont have a problem with it. So don't worry about that part, I'm going to try the baby powder thing, and I'm praying that it works, because I'm so tired of having sweaty hands. Try to get through it guys! Good luck.

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Post By blah (Guest Post) (12/21/2008)
I had this sweaty hand problem for about 2 years. I got it after 6th grade. I was dating this guy and I was always so nervous around him and I started getting sweaty palms. I tried everything but nothing worked. I prayed every night. I even went to the doctor and they said I didn't have a problem! a few weeks ago my mom gave me this cream stuff and its not for sweaty hands or anything. It's to make your hands soft and stuff. i used it and I noticed my hands really sweat! I haven't used the cream for about 3 days and my hands still don't sweat.

Maybe you guys can use some corn starch that
kinda helped me. Go to the doctor! Goodluck =[

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Post By claudia (Guest Post) (12/16/2008)
Omg...finally I find more people with this problem, it's so frustrating. I'm scared of having a boyfriend or shaking hands with anybody! I told my dad but he is just ignoring the problem, he says it's all in my head. :(

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Post By Danielle (Guest Post) (12/11/2008)
Omg. I have horribly sweaty hands too, I don't want to hold hands with anyone. And whenever someone goes for a high five, I do the stupid pound it thing lmao. But whenever I use hand sanitizer, it kinda dries up my hands. I'm going to the dermatologist later this week to talk to him about it, so I'll make sure to tell you guys what my doctor says :D

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Post By Peyton (Guest Post) (11/24/2008)
I know how you feel. I have the same problem. It's so embarrassing especially during social dance. I hate sweating. I tried using corn starch and it kinda worked. Hopefully I can find something that works!

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Post By cj (Guest Post) (11/15/2008)
To be honest this is it. Sweaty palms aren't so big of a deal while holding hands. As long as when you grab their hand you aren't sweating you should be fine. Because if your hand starts to sweat they wont know if it's them or you. its pretty legit. Just ignore it because they notice their hand is wet but probably think it's them.

A sweaty hang can mean your nervous and if your partner picks up on that they would probably take it as a compliment that you care for them and being near them. also its kinda hot? Anybody else feel this? Like it means that their touch makes you aroused.
My advice don't worry about it. Today I was holding hands with someone and my hand started to sweat but she didn't pull away or anything. No worries palm sweaters!

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Post By helpless (Guest Post) (11/15/2008)
I have really sweaty hands and pits. I always get sweat circles under my arm and its so embarrassing. but I have a little solution for my hands. They only sweat when they are touching something. So I just keep them spread out all the time. It helps. Also if you are shaking someones hand you can cup your hand little and then your palms won't touch, and they wont feel the sweat.

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Post By kate C (Guest Post) (11/10/2008)
Hello Kat. My name is Kate I'm 16 and still in school also. I have your problem too, however. My hands drip every minute of the day, no matter if its boiling hot or freezing cold. I wouldn't suggest botox as its a poison, surgery would make other parts of your body sweat even more eg-your face. I would love some help also! I would love to talk to your more about it. Might make us both feel better. Kate

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Post By concerned father (Guest Post) (11/10/2008)
My young daughter of 6 has sweaty palms. I know there are many others who have suffered over graver things.but this hurts. Reading these posts I really hope my daughter doesn't suffer like many of you. Please be strong and live your life. There are many who went to bed hungry and would love to trade places with you. My approach with my daughter is to ignore it. I don't want her to become conscious of it and she makes it get worse. I know of personal cases where the problem just goes away.

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Post By (Guest Post) (11/09/2008)
Oh, I have this too. I hate it. Sometimes my hands are fine, but sometimes they are kind of sweaty. I'm glad I'm not alone though. =/
I guess what I do is just try to air them out. But even rubbing them on my pants doesn't work. Lotion doesn't work, it just makes it worse. I hate this, but I'm not willing to use that surgery or anything. I guess it's not really worth it. But I just want this to go away!

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Post By Doug (Guest Post) (10/17/2008)
I've had it for a while now. I'm a sophomore in high school, and it sucks cause I want to hold hands with girls and stuff. The worst part is shaking hands. Like this one girl had me meet her father- oh it was such a bad start. Just looking for a solution.

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Post By Colonel M (Guest Post) (10/11/2008)
I always accepted that sweaty hands (but moreso, feet) were part of me. In fact, they're hereditary for me, and my sons will probably have to deal with them too.

My feet are difficult to keep from smelling because of their sweating, and if I air them out for a long time, they get super dry and crack easy. Wearing socks is a must because it helps contain the moisture I lose from sweating.

I always made a joke out of my hands or feet sweating, even as a teen. If you're having problems with finding a b/f or g/f because of that, you're looking for the wrong people with the wrong reasons. Someone who loves you for who you are wouldn't care if your hands melted their own if they touched you. Holding hands isn't necessary for a healthy type of relationship anyway.

My issue wasn't my hands and feet, but my inner thighs. Kind of embarrassing to admit this, but I need to apply deodorant around my groin because of that high sweating area, more so than would be normal. That's typically what I worry about rather than my hands and feet.

I wouldn't last very long in the middle of a desert with only one set of clothes. I've never had warts, but my hands and feet get these clear bubbles that are uncomfortable to have, and they come by either one big one (half an inch) or a cluster of tiny ones found in the depressions or sides. Once I see them, if I don't wash my hands often, they'll spread.

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Post By steph (Guest Post) (10/10/2008)
Sweaty palms often occur in moments of anxiety or stress, but if you're experiencing constant sweatiness then it could be a sign of an overactive thyroid. Responsible for how quickly the body burns energy, the thyroid can sometimes go into overdrive causing your metabolism to speed up.

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Post By - (Guest Post) (10/01/2008)
My hands and feet are extremely sweaty ALL the time. I tried the botox treatment for a while but it did nothing. I also tried applying Certain Dry to my hands but that didn't do anything either. I'm sixteen and I seriously need to find a solution soon because I'm too scared to have a boyfriend which is starting to become kind of a problem. I feel like there's so many things I can't do because my hands are taking over my life.

it's so frustrating because I don't even have to be nervous for my hands to sweat! Surgery is also out of the question because my parents would NEVER let me go through with it, especially since they act like my hands are no big deal. I read about some people using robinul and it sounds pretty effective. So hopefully that will work for me too. But I haven't had too much luck with my other attempts.

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Post By katelyn (Guest Post) (09/22/2008)
I'm sad that so many people have sweaty hands,
but I'm so happy that I'm not all alone.

I know how embarrassing it is to have sweaty hands and feet.
I don't feel like myself and I nearly quit cheerleading because of it.

I'm a flyer, so when we don't pop-cradle or something I have to grab other people's hands.

It's soooooo embarrassing! goodness. and its so embarrassing with boyfriends too.

I've found that if I think to my self "Don't sweat" I sweat even more.

For some reason when I watch movies I also get really sweaty. It's just so embarrassing.

But I'm glad there are others who feel the same way and I can relate to all of you guys!

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Post By Paul (Guest Post) (09/06/2008)

I came across this video while back that basically runs you through how to make a homemade Iontophoresis unit.

I made this part of my daily routine, 10 mins every morning and i have to say it is very effective. It doesn't completely eliminate the amount of sweat you generate, but I have seen a noticeable difference. I used to ruin my paperback books from the sweat of hands, but not anymore.

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Post By (Guest Post) (09/02/2008)
I had this problem my whole life; shaking and holding people hands suck. I hate getting laughed at or asked "what's up with your hands", I just want to punch them in the face. I can't give people high fives most of the time (stick with the fist pump). I can't interact with people all the time like hand games and the worst is when my sweat drips all over a video game controller.

My feet sweat too and I hate wearing sandals. The worst is when your reading a book or writing and the pages get wet. I talk to my hands all the time like why are you sweating so much. During church right before you shake hands, I get nervous and my sister gives me this look.

The only good time is when your in the pool. In the winter my hands get really cold and turn purple sometimes. This causes me to wear like four pairs of gloves and I have to dry the bottom layer every day. The sweat is even dripping on the keyboard right now. I even have this prescription drug that you rub against your hands and feet to stop the sweat but I just sweat right through. Nothing actually works. What is that supposed to do, stop the sweat for until you walk out of the bathroom? Someone told me to keep a towel with me and wipe it on there! it's gay and to it still does't work. I just try and wipe it on my shirt but it comes back in like a milla second and my shirt gets mad wet.

How are you supposed to keep a relationship with you holding hands with your girlfriend and she not noticing the dripping sweat of your hands? It sucks and and I'm not paying to get surgery which I still bet won't work.

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Post By Ben (Guest Post) (09/01/2008)
I used to have really sweaty hands. I went in and had botox injections and for about 6 months my hands were dry as a bone. Only drawback was it costs about $300 and it caused my feet to sweat a more then usual.

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Post By Rebecca (Guest Post) (08/31/2008)
Ugh..I have the same problem. It is so embarrassing. Things I do, is just not think about it, its hard, but you have to try. I also use flour sometimes. So yea, any more suggestions? :]

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Post By steph (Guest Post) (08/26/2008)
My name is Steph and I'm in high school. I have the same problem so I find it best not to think about it, but if you can't help it this is what I would do:
1st make a list of the things you could do to try and prevent it. this is mine:

- relax
- rub cornstarch or baby powder on hands.
- soak hands in 5 teabags for 15-20 mins.
- pee on hands every morning (someone said it works but its to gross for me)
- use drysol.
- cut garlic, onions, tea, coffee and soda out of your diet.
- take vitamins with zinc and magnesium in.
- wash your hands at every opportunity you have.
- ask for a prescription of robinul 1mg x3 a day.
- chill out and to tell friends about it (you never Know they may have it to or something just as embarrassing)

2nd if anyone bullies you or mentions it to you don't get worked up that's what they want just relax and try to think of a phrase to say back these are mine:

- no one is perfect.
- your not perfect .
- I just drink a lot.
- I know (this works best for me because It cuts the sentence short and stops them from going on)

3rd if you get nervous people can tell. I'm extremely loud I also get extremely nervous so what I do is tell my embarrassing stories and make a joke out of them. this is just one of them:

- I love to go on stage and dance but I particularly love drama so when I'm on stage I get really sweaty and nervous. Once I was playing Catherine Parr in Henry here after and I was supposed to kiss and shake hennery's hand. I was so nervous that just burst out laughing and went beet root red and after the show I had to tell everyone why i did so. It turns out my friend also got nervous but expressed it in a different way. She wet herself and laughed it of by telling everyone it was her tradition and still we can't stop laughing at that joke.

Lastly just don't let it get in the way of life it wont stop if you hide away so you might as well enjoy your life.

P.S. Please post a comment to express your opinion or any questions on the advice I have given I do appreciate it. Not all the advice in the list is mine I have just gathered bits of info from different people. I hope they don't mind thanks for reading.

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Post By Dylan (Guest Post) (08/20/2008)
Use certain dri or go to your doctor and tell him about it. I've been using certain dri for 2 days and it's solved my problem completely.

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Post By i got a solution (Guest Post) (08/20/2008)
Hey! I was trying to get rid of my sweaty hands and I found this helps for about 2-3 hours or more. Just put a lot of lotion all around your hands and keep rubbing em/don't dry or wash yet. Turn on the fan and sit there with hands in front of fan for about 2 minutes or less. Then wash and dry on towel!

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Post By dont wanna mention name (Guest Post) (08/19/2008)
I knew my hands were getting very sweaty at the randomest times? They drip completely! I can't do handshakes or hold hands or nothing and it doesn't stop for about 2 hours or more! Recently my feet have started to sweat a lot to I really need help. gahh

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Post By Mary (Guest Post) (08/19/2008)
i have the sweatiest hands in the world. I can't touch anyone with my hands when they're sweaty. When i toouch even an object like a cellphone or paper and i have to give it to someone im so nervous becuause its all wet. ive learned a couple ways of gettinng around it:
when people go up to shake your hand and its all sweaty give them a hug instead.they'll just think ur a warm person not a sweaty palmed self conscious person

i'm still trying to think of a socially acceptable way around high fives..its hard

but ive also found tht rubbing your hands against ur hair absorbs alot of th sweat so if ur planning on interacting using ur hands with aanothr person PLAY WITH UR HAIR

washing ur hands and lotion works

avooid sandals..th little puddle under ur feet just isnt worth it
i guess ther isnt a lik REAL CURE.there is a surgery tht ive heard about but they just send th sweaty stuff to another part of th body. i want it GONE. i cant hold hands with people or touch people and i feel constantly conscious of my hands. after i touch someone and i know my hands were sweaty i always look at their faces. i feel bad for whoever has to touch my hands becuase il admit..its disgusting. its not lik water where is just..there. its sticky and moist and gross. and as much as i feel bad for th person but i just want to KILL them when they say outloud infront of many people "Why are your hands all wet." i always wonder if people talk about my hands behind my back. or telling eachother never to touch me or theyl drown in my sweat.
and these disgusting and itchy redish pink bumps develop. they look lik zits and when they get dry and broken its painfuland it stings when the very sweat tht causes it touches it.

i guess im glad i found this website cuz i always thought i was the only one and scrolling down the page made me realize there are lots of us.

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Post By bob (Guest Post) (08/17/2008)
I have the sweatiest hands and feet ever! Its' the most embarrassing thing ever! If they aren't sweaty, which is rare, that's when I high five people etc. So I don't look completely unsociable and a freak! I hate it!
I'm going to try some of these home remedies. I'll get back to you if they work! ;-)

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Post By kylie (Guest Post) (08/13/2008)
I have the same problem. It is terrible! I am always thinking about it, and I'm afraid of having a boyfriend because I know well be holding hands and stuff like that. My feet are also disgustingly sweaty. I would walk in my flip flops and they would start to squeak! I had to do this co-ed dance class at my school and I felt like just running out of there; I knew he was grossed out. Sometimes its hard to be yourself, but I'm really hoping this will all just go away. It really feels like it has overtaken my life. But I think I'm gonna try the baby powder. I really hope it works /:

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Post By janine (Guest Post) (08/11/2008)
I've been dealing with sweaty plams for years now. I've tryed botox, alcohol wipes, and certain dri brand antiperspirants. Powder only works if it is sweating a little bit. If it's severe you have to talk with your dermatologist/dr. Sorry guys.

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Post By Jackie (Guest Post) (08/07/2008)
I have had sweaty palms since I was a teenager. I love to get my nails done but I always dread going because I know I am going to sweat on the nail technician doing my nails. I try to over compensate by giving the tech a 40% tip because I feel bad for him/her to have to touch my sweaty hands. My doctor told me to buy over the counter Certain Dri and put it on before bed. After doing this consistently for a week I can tell a difference, I am not 100% sweat free but I am a lot better than I was before I started using Certain Dri.

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Post By kristinkills (Guest Post) (08/01/2008)
I have had this for a few years now, and I'm tired of it. I'm a makeup artist and it's really hard having to work with peoples faces and it's really unsanitary. So last night I had surfed home remedies for hyperhidrosis and I kept coming across soaking hands and feet in tea bags for 20-30 min. I did it this morning and it hasn't stopped but I can tell a difference. (But I would do it at night before you go to bed.) Just do it for about a week and see how it works.(it may turn your skin tan) And so help me goodness it's not nerves! Its genetics! I'm not going to do this ever 3-7 months, I rather get the surgery. It's worth everything to me and no one should have to go through this!

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Post By Katana3700 (Guest Post) (07/22/2008)
Hello I have the same problem. My hands are always sweaty along with my feet and I don't allow people to touch them. But along with that my skin discolors and is cold. I found out I have Raynaud's disease which causes it.I just apply baby powder to my hands and feet and it makes them dry and Soft so that's 2 Upsides! :)

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Post By barbra (Guest Post) (07/17/2008)
I have sweaty hands and feet too. It's so embarrassing. I could have had a boyfriend but he tried to hold my hand and I kept pulling away. It was horrible and at dances I freak out. At school we did co-ed dance and I had to wear a big sweaty shirt the whole time and I was so hot and extra sweaty! I wish there was a home remedy, I'm too embarrassed to tell my parents!

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Post By Georgia (Guest Post) (07/14/2008)
Hey, I just found something that works pretty well! I just dust a sprinkling of baby powder on my palms and it dries it right up! Some of my friends used to make fun of me for my sweaty hands- one would even make me feel horrible by refusing to touch my hands. Now they all think my hands are soft and smell powder fresh! I think they have mini bottles of baby powder at regular stores

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Post By daniela Quiros (Guest Post) (07/08/2008)
Hi I also have the same condition like you and sometimes is really embarrassing. I'm always afraid to have a boyfriend knowing that if he grabs my hand it will start to sweat. Sometimes I get really frustrated. I heard of some home remedies like holding in your hands a bag of tea for about 15 min.

I really don't know if it works, but you should try. Also what I sometimes do for like dances an stuff since I know I'm going to be holding hands with someone while dancing I just wear long sleeves shirts or sweater that are long enough to cover my hands. Good Luck =D

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Post By Andrew (Guest Post) (06/18/2008)
This problem is a Disease called Hyperhydrosis. I feel your you pain, I'm 15. It is embarrassing I know to well. I take ITF TAEKWON DO. On the mats you see foot prints where I had walked. SO I know whats it's like. I would go to a Doctor and address it to a Doctor. I have not yet But I just found out that this is a disease. So GOD BLESS.

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Post By Jen (Guest Post) (06/10/2008)
Heyy Kattt

I Have the same problem to its horriblee my feet and my hands sweat quite alot and its really embarssing.what can i do to stop it? x

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Post By me (Guest Post) (05/20/2008)
I have sweaty hands all the time and its really annoying. I've been trying to look for something to get rid of my sweatiness. I sweat on and off and its really embarrassing. I never want to hold anybodies hand. I always feel disgusting. My mom told me there's surgery to get rid of it but that sounds scary. Please help.

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Post By uhuuh (Guest Post) (05/05/2008)
hi! I've the same problem too :[...I did a bit of a research today and found a couple of so-called remedies. I'm gonna give them a try.

Here are the remedies:

-boil 5 tea bags in water and soak your hands in the solution for about 30 minutes

-apply white vinegar.. who knows..it can work!

-drink more water

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Post By clearly annonomous - imagine if this went on rove :P (Guest Post) (04/23/2008)
Well I've had the problem for several years now and it's awful knowing at any times your hands are going to get sweaty. This is especially a problem when you greet friends with handshakes, hi 5 people or any other basic task such as writing. I have loathed having a girlfriend purely due to my hands, everything is perfect, other then the random sweat building up at any time. They get cold and clammy, and trust me i feel like putting on a layer of glue lol :P ><.

btw has anyone noticed they're a completely different person in the rain?, I do and it's cause I don't notice the sweat and the rain covers everything. I love the person I am in the rain or pool, but limited by sweaty hands is the worst. Well hopefully we find a decent cheap cure. lol, night guy

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Post By iluvpb (Guest Post) (04/11/2008)
Hello everyone I have sweaty palms too.You need to go to a dermatologist like i did. A doctor doesnt really know what theyre doing in this case. Try Drysol I am and I think it will work.

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Post By doug (Guest Post) (04/07/2008)
i've dealt with cold sweaty hands for the past 20 years. The only sure-fire method i've found is using a prescription antiperpirant called Drysol. Once you get the prescription, it's very inexpensive and absolutely works. after using it for a few weeks your hands might get too dry. But honestly, I prefer overly dry to cold and clammy any day. try it. it really helps. good luck.

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Post By (Guest Post) (03/27/2008)
besides the usual washing of the hands, eliminating certain foods in diet like garlic or onions help reduce sweating of the palmsa and soles of the feet.Also try eliminating caffeinated beverages like sodas and coffee. If those natural remedies don't work, try taking vitamins with zinc and maganesium. Obviously children under 17 should consult with their pediatrician of what kind of vitamins to take.

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Post By Kasie (Guest Post) (03/05/2008)
I had this crazy same problem too. Wanna know what really helps? Lotion and washing your hands a lot. Whenever you see a sink, go for it please wash your hands! And to be honest, I had sweaty hands and when I held hands with my boyfriend, I got nervous and got sweaty hands. Use some lotion to prevent sweating!
Your welcome! lol, Kasie

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Post By simon (Guest Post) (02/10/2008)
I am in 7th grade and I have been having sweaty hands ever since 2nd grade and it is so embarrassing! Can someone send me tips on how to get rid of it?

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Post By Katy (Guest Post) (02/09/2008)
hey. I have sweaty palms and feet too. I've found that it's a more psychologica problem for me. Like sometimes, my hands would be really dry or really wet. And my hands NEVER get wet when I'm at school, unless I'm doing some physical activity. But when I get home, sometimes it turns wet again or at other times, it stays dry.

I've found that trying to relax and not think about my hands may get it to become dry (if it is wet) and stay dry. Corn starch is also helpful for a temporary effect to soak up the sweat.

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Post By nicolle (Guest Post) (01/25/2008)
Hey I have the same problem with it to. i can't shake anyones hands or nothing. I was looking on the internet, and they said try holding a tea bag in your hands about 15-20 mins.

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Post By uvinerse (Guest Post) (12/21/2007)
I have the home remedy to sweaty palms but i'll be honest it's a lot disgusting but it really works. I didn't want to have to use it again, but my sweaty palms are back after having gotten rid of em for quite a long time. Now i'm surfing the net looking for other new home remedies coz i just can't go thru the old one again, i don't seem to be seeing new home remedies with the pages i've come across surfing the net right now.

Looks like its back to my tried and tested remedy for me again. Groan...

I started trying this remedy when three people i've talked to, each spoken to at different occasions, all of which were unfamiliar with each other told me about the exact same remedy. Brace yourself. Here goes.. The first thing you do the moment you get up from bed in the morning is pee. But this time pee on your hands. Afterwards let your hands absorb the pee and dry in your hands for about 15-20 minutes before proceeding to wash your hands. Nobody needs to know you peed on your hands anyway except you. Do this every morning (until the problem subsides) or for night owls whatever time you get up from your longest daily sleep.

This isn't as easy as it sounds. It's said that the pee is most effective when it's the very first pee of the day from the moment you wake up. I had to put a sign near my urinal to remind me to do this routine because trust me, you'll always forget. By the time u remember doing this you've already peed your first pee of the day.

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Post By sekhar (Guest Post) (12/06/2007)
i had the same problems with my hands and feet can someone help

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Post By Rachel (Guest Post) (12/03/2007)
Hi. My hands sweat SO much. I've tried telling my mum, but she just changes the subject. And.. tomorrow I have SOCIAL DANCE at school. I've confided in a friend tonight, and she says I'm fine, and that I'm normal, and that boys hands sweat too. But not like mine do.

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Post By kris (Guest Post) (10/19/2007)
I can so relate to everybody! I am in nursing school and I have to wear gloves when I do procedures. I cant even get my gloves on because my hands are so wet and then when I take them off it actually splashes! I hate it. It is preventing me from putting on sterile gloves and keeping sterile technique. My hands are sweating right now just from talking about it. I use this lotion called hpercare and it helps a little but not enough. Please help

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Post By yurmommma. (Guest Post) (10/09/2007)
Kat! i have the same problem and I went to the doctor and they told me I had no problem and that it was normal! I don't know what to do and now my mom thinks i was lying the whole time! What should I do! I can't even write anything and I am always getting sweat blisters. What's wrong with me! I always sweat especially when I get nervous!

Please help me! I cry all the time and I just want this problem to go away!

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Post By Tom age 13 (Guest Post) (10/05/2007)
Hey Kat i have the same problem i get sweaty hands all the time. Even if i have my hands in my pockets or anywhere they always sweat its so embarrassing when a girl asks me 2 high five her. i like hesitate and wipe my hands on my blazer and then high five and i'm scared 2 hold a girl's hand because they sweat so easily and its embarrassing i need help plz!

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Post By becky (Guest Post) (09/30/2007)
I also have sweaty palms and sometimes feet and when I try to take notes in school the pen keeps slipping out of my hands and I have to blow on my hands to dry them! It drives me crazy! Any suggestions?

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Post By Tina. (Guest Post) (09/26/2007)
I got the same. Each time I go for a job interview I DREAD the fact that I have to great someone before the process. My hands are usually very cold and sweaty and i tend to explain to them that it was really kinda cold outside just to kinda brush off the weird feeling after the shake. It really sucks! Damn surgery is expensive and nothing seems to work. Anyone have any homemade remedies I could try?

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Post By YURMOM (Guest Post) (09/20/2007)
Well I have sweaty palms and I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and they said that nothing was wrong with me. I was about to scream, "What do you mean nothing is wrong with me?" They told me it was probably just the nerves. and they told me I have nothing at all wrong. I felt so weird. I would put baby powder on your hands but I don't think that is going to work either, because I have had experience and nothing helps my sweaty palms. I get them when I'm nervous and when I think about it. I'm always scared to have a boyfriend because of my sweaty palms.

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Post By oshae (Guest Post) (09/06/2007)
I need a home remedy solution. Something that doesn't involve going to the doctor or subscribing for a medicine. The powder is good, but I need something else.

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Post By jasmine at pinkdog.com11774@yahoo.com (Guest Post) (06/13/2007)
Get a presciption of Robinul 1mg 3 times a day. It has been prescribed for over fourty years for the problem.

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Post By meana (Guest Post) (06/13/2007)
Robinul 1 mg 3 times a day is what i take for sweaty hands. you can get a surgery called a endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy ( i'm not sure if i spelled that correctly) but it cost"s about 10,000 dollars and i don't have the money for that. if the doctor just looks at you as if you are crazy when you ask for robinul be prepared with research on this drug printed out with you. Robinul has been prescribed for this problem for about fourty years. the only side affect that i suffer from taking it is if i take too many at once, my sweaty hands go away, but i sometimes get a little dry mouth. if that's worth it to you I would encourage you to try it. (p.s. I wish that I had had this medication in high school, it might have made it a little more bearable for me) Good Luck meana

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Post By trish (Guest Post) (02/15/2007)
hey i too know how you all feel... i have sweaty hands and feet its weird because sometimes i will just be sitting doing nothing and they will just come i have to do square dancing and i had to hold my partners hands and spin around it was so embarrasing because when he touched my hands he cringed and was like oh my god! and he barely held my hands to do the spin it was so embarrasing is there anything i can do without having to go through surgery?

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Post By Maria (Guest Post) (01/22/2007)
Hey Kat! I was surfing the net and came across this page. I know how you feel. I'm looking for a remedy without having to go through surgery. I hate my sweaty palms and it's extremely embarassing. I hope we all can get rid of it soon.

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Post By jenny (Guest Post) (11/12/2006)
hey I have the same problem as you. I know what it is like. It stinks!! My hands are always so sweaty! I hate to shake peoples hands. Like during church it is hard because all you thnk about is your sweaty hands. I also have sweaty feet. It's hard in the summer time because I can't ware flip flops. I hope you can find something that helps you. <3

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Post By Tom (Guest Post) (09/02/2006)
A company called Drionics has an effective and low cost way to solve this

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Post By Josh (Guest Post) (06/26/2006)
I understand everything man..
It happens to me all the time.
When Im nervous of meeting someone..
Hanging with friends.
I even get it around a girl or girls..
Its normal. Its just pretty much Hormones changing.
I even get it thinking about giving someone a hand shake or Blah Blah..
But what you really do is.. Or what I do.
Is you take baby Powder* Johnson Baby works great*and just put it on your hands. and Just keep pating your hands.
Then just act normal..


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Post By hm... (Guest Post) (05/31/2005)
same here! but i just made an appointment with a doctor so hopefully i will be sweat-free (of hands) by end of summer. Its can be depressing but have hope.

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Post By Cely (Guest Post) (05/16/2005)
Hey kat,
i can relate to you because my feet and hands also sweat all the time. Its embarrassing and i hate it! And i also get sweat bumps on my feet and hands every summer from the heat And now my hands become really red and swollen. I dont know what the heck it is but its really embarrassing. I never seek medical help for the red hands but i surf the internet to seek help for the excessive sweating and like the other members i think its "hyperhidrosis". Hopefully somebody can help, but good luck ! :)
p.s. if anyone can help me with any feedback or information please feel free to contact me @ MsRicanCulo22 @ aol.com (remove spaces) thanks :)

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Post By (Guest Post) (04/25/2005)
Although i dont have any remedies for you I can relate. I have the same problem and its even more embaressing when you're at church and the preacher goes around and shakes people's hands and cringes and wipes his hands on his pants after he shakes your hand..........so i feel your pain, and i hope you can get through it

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Post by meoowmom (1591) | (04/23/2005)
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get to doctor to get it checked out. I had sweaty palms, and feet and it was some little electric glitch
in the heart, I am not diagnosing just saying ask
your doctor. And it could just be NERVES, I used to
carry a cotton handerchief in my pocket and would
squeeze (to dry hands) as boys walked up to ask me to dance. The boys hand could be sweaty too from his nerves and he will not notice yours, it happens! HaVE FUN

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Post by patsAZ (62) | (04/23/2005)
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Rub your palms with an antipersperent/deodorant and see if that helps. I have heard that it works.

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Post By Crystal (Guest Post) (04/23/2005)
I use to have the same problem when I was younger, now I am 23 and I don't have sweaty palms anymore. I think it might have something to do with nerves, so TRY and relax and hopefully it will help! You can try putting baby powder on your hands also, I heard that is suppose to work.

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Post By syd (Guest Post) (04/23/2005)
Check this website out

This is something you are born with ... hyperhydrosis is what it is called. The anticipation of hand contact makes it even worse, as you probably already know.

Locate a doctor specializing in this and make an appointment ... there is surgery available. I think it is live with it or do something about it!

Good luck.

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Post by Luvyabye (438) | (04/22/2005)
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Hi Kat! I'm sorry to hear about your sweaty palms problem. It may be a medical condition called "hyperhidrosis" and if that's the case, you really need to see a doctor. My cousin had surgery for this and he had sweaty palms and feet (the bottom of his feet). I found some sites that tell about "hyperhidrosis". You may not have that at all, but it never hurts to check it out with a medical doctor.

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