South Australian Consolidated Acts

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           Long Title

   PART 1--Preliminary

   1.      Short title
   4.      Interpretation
   5.      Proof of lawful authority and other matters

   PART 2--Assaulting and hindering police

   6.      Assaulting and hindering police

   PART 3--Offences against public order

   6A.     Violent disorder
   7.      Disorderly or offensive conduct or language
   7A.     Obstructing or disturbing religious services etc
   8.      Challenges to fight and prize fights
   9A.     Supply of methylated spirits
   9B.     Sale of drug paraphernalia
   10.     Offence to consume etc dogs or cats
   11A.    Avoiding payment of entrance fee
   12.     Begging alms
   15.     Offensive weapons etc
   15A.    Possession of body armour
   16.     Possession of instruments for gaming or cheating
   17.     Being on premises for an unlawful purpose
   17AA.   Misuse of a motor vehicle on private land
   17A.    Trespassers on premises
   17AB.   Trespassers etc at private parties
   17AC.   Authorised persons
   17B.    Interference with gates
   17C.    Disturbance of farm animals
   17D.    Forcible entry or retention of land or premises
   18.     Order to move on or disperse
   18A.    Public meetings
   20.     Permitting drunkenness and disorderly conduct
   21.     Permitting premises to be frequented by thieves etc

   PART 4--Tattooing etc

   21A.    Tattooing of minors

   PART 5--Offences against decency and morality

   22.     Indecent language
   23.     Indecent behaviour and gross indecency
   23AA.   Indecent filming
   23A.    Certain acts not an offence
   24.     Urinating etc in a public place
   25.     Soliciting
   25A.    Procurement for prostitution
   26.     Living on the earnings of prostitution

   PART 6--Brothels

   27.     Interpretation
   28.     Keeping and managing brothels
   29.     Permitting premises to be used as brothels
   30.     Prosecutions
   31.     Determination of tenancy of brothels
   32.     Power of police to enter suspected brothels

   PART 7--Indecent or offensive material

   33.     Indecent or offensive material
   35.     Restriction on reports of immorality etc

   PART 8--Fraud, unlawful possession etc

   38A.    Sale of books and educational matter
   39.     Valueless cheques
   40.     Acting as a spiritualist, medium etc with intent to defraud
   41.     Unlawful possession of personal property

   PART 9--Offences with respect to property

   43.     Interference with railways and similar tracks
   44.     Unlawful operation of computer system
   44A.    Unauthorised impairment of data held in credit card or on computer disk or other device
   45.     Using vehicles or animals without consent of owner
   46.     Interference with ships and boats without consent
   47.     Interference with homing pigeons
   48.     Posting bills
   48A.    Advertising rewards for the return of property stolen or lost

   PART 10--Nuisances and annoyances

   50.     Unlawfully ringing doorbells
   51.     Use of firearms
   52.     Throwing fireworks
   53.     Playing games so as to cause damage
   54.     Emitting excessive noise from vehicle by amplified sound equipment or other devices
   56.     Depositing or leaving dead animals in streets etc
   57.     Depositing rubbish on land
   58.     Obstruction of public places
   58A.    Objectionable persons in public passenger vehicles
   58B.    Sale of certain refrigerators etc

   PART 11--Control of traffic on special occasions

   59.     Regulation of traffic in certain cases

   PART 12--Bribery of police

   61.     Bribery

   PART 13--False reports to police

   62.     False reports to police
   62A.    Creating false belief as to events calling for police action

   PART 14--Proceedings by councils for certain offences

   65.     Payment of certain fines

   PART 15--Police powers of entry, search etc

   67.     General search warrants
   68.     Power to search suspected vehicles, vessels, and persons
   68A.    Power to search land for stolen vehicles etc
   69.     Power to board vessels
   70.     Power to stop and search vessels
   71.     Power to apprehend persons committing offences on board ships
   72.     Interpretation
   73.     Power of police to remove disorderly persons from public venues
   74.     Power to enter licensed premises etc
   74A.    Power to require statement of name and other personal details
   74AB.   Questions as to identity of drivers etc
   74B.    Road blocks
   74BAA.  Vehicle immobilisation devices
   74BAAB. Use of drug detection dogs

   PART 16--Fortifications

   74BA.   Interpretation
   74BB.   Fortification removal order
   74BC.   Content of fortification removal order
   74BD.   Service of fortification removal order
   74BE.   Right of objection
   74BF.   Procedure on hearing of notice of objection
   74BG.   Appeal
   74BH.   Withdrawal notice
   74BI.   Enforcement
   74BJ.   Hindering removal or modification of fortifications
   74BK.   Liability for damage
   74BL.   Delegation
   74BM.   Application of Part

   PART 17--Recording of interviews

   74C.    Interpretation
   74D.    Obligation to record interviews with suspects
   74E.    Admissibility of evidence of interview
   74F.    Prohibition on playing tape recordings of interviews
   74G.    Non-derogation

   PART 18--Arrest

   75.     Power of arrest
   76.     Arrest by owner of property or by servant or agent of owner
   77.     Arrest of persons pawning or selling stolen goods
   78.     Person apprehended without warrant, how dealt with
   78A.    Power of arrest in cases of certain offences committed outside the State
   79.     Arrest without warrant where warrant has been issued
   79A.    Rights upon arrest
   79B.    Removal and storage of vehicle in case of arrest of driver
   80.     Power of entry and search in relation to fires and other emergencies
   81.     Power to search, examine and take particulars of persons
   82.     General powers, privileges, duties etc of police

   PART 19--Right to an interpreter

   83A.    Right to an interpreter

   PART 20--Miscellaneous

   83B.    Dangerous areas
   83BA.   Overcrowding at public venues
   83C.    Special powers of entry
   85.     Regulations
           Legislative history

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