A Defense of the LMS (and a case for the future of Social Learning)

May 12, 2010
by dwilkinsnh

For some time now, I’ve seen a growing negativity toward LMS solutions by a pretty wide group folks in our space.  Many of whom I really respoect.  I see it in blog posts, comments, posts, LrnChat discussions, and all sorts of places.  90% of this negativity seems to be directed at the formal nature of LMS, the percieved lack of flexibility, or the lack of learner “control.”  In just about every case, the argument seems to be that “social” or “informal” will fix all this — social platforms like Jive or Sharepoint or maybe just loosely joined collections of social apps, like WordPress, Twiki, and Yammer.  One post I saw even suggested that Google Analytics could be used to replace reporting in an LMS (arguably the most ridiculous thing I’ve read in some time).

Suffice to say I don’t buy any of the above arguments and I largely disagree with my professional colleagues.  Not because they are wrong about social, but because they get so little right about LMS.  In my opinion, many of the critics are operating from a limited or outdated data set.  Here’s my take: if you haven’t used an LMS as a learner in the last couple of years or implemented an LMS to solve a real world business problem, I would humbly submit that you lack the necessary frame of reference to make sweeping statements about the whole industry.  And if your only experience is from five years ago or even from yesterday, but you’ve only ever used one solution, then, again, you don’t really have the breadth of experience necessary to judge the 200 or so vendors in this space.  Not even close.

As fate would have it, I do have that experience and frame of reference.  As the VP of Product Marketing at a leading LMS vendor, I’m involved in planning our own product’s future, and I’m required by the nature of my role to keep up with what competitors are doing and what industry analysts say about our space.  I’ve also been in the L&D, EPSS, HCM, Knowledge Management, Tech Writing, simulation, gaming, social learning “improve organizational performance through people” space for over 15 years.  In other words, I have a pretty good breadth and depth of perspective on this issue, and I can say, unequivocally, that today’s LMSs  do a hell of a lot more than track courses and curriculum and are just as valuable as “social systems.”

Let me also just say, before I defend the central role of LMS solutions, that I obviously agree there is a significant role for social interventions (I mean really, just read the title of this blog or any of my 100 or so other posts or my SlideShare presentations or webinars or published articles etc…). This week alone, I’ve done three social learning webinars or presentations, one of which was on the intersection points between HPT and Social / Informal Learning.  Needless to say, I’m not exactly a Luddite or knuckle-dragging LMS defender when it comes to technology or new approaches.  That said, I don’t think that this is an “either / or” type of inflection point (any more than the rise of “e” learning and WBT was).  This is an “AND” join.  And one really necessary part of the “AND” in this equation is formal learning and LMS.  It’s time someone said so.  And I guess that someone is going to be me (because as much as I love @Quinnovator, his “case for LMs” was a pretty weak case…; )

Argument #1: LMS is an essential business application (whether Jane likes it or not…)
Even if you wrongly believe that LMS’s are only about tracking courses and assessments, reporting on compliance and certifications, and pushing content onto new hires or to address learner skill gaps, LMSs still deliver unmistakable business value.  Why?

While it’s true that 80% of companies valuations today come from intangibles like “know how,” human capital, talent etc…, it’s equally true that codified best practices, processes, and knowledge still exists, in abundance.  It’s equally true that depending on your organizational focus, you will need some perentage of your workforce to just “know stuff” or to develop unconscious competence.

I used to have this argument with EPSS advocates all the time too.  Their view was that all systems should be so easy to use, no one should ever need training (a nice goal but absolutely impossible to achieve in the real world), or if that wasn’t possible, that we should layer additional interface and support tools right into the experience to minimize what they needed to “know” to effectively do their job.  Again, great in theory, ridiculously hard in practice (though attainable with the right teams).  My argument was simple, even assuming that all of that works as designed, there is still a butload of stuff that people need to “know” to be effective.  There is a butload more stuff that they need to be able to “do.”  Not by looking these up by reference or by relying on the system, but through instant, millisecond decisions based on knowlegde and expertise that is second nature.

The same holds for social and informal learning — “phone a friend” works great on “Who wants to be a Millionaire” and in real life too, but just as often, we’re actually on Jeopardy and we better know some shit right then and there.  While social and informal learning can help with this, formal training via simulations, assessments, role-plays etc… provide a far more efficient model to drive higher levels of competence to the masses on specific known skills and knowledge.

It’s also true that on the other end of the spectrum, we have a lot more people who need “Intro training” and “How to be a [insert job role here].”  According to the Department of Labor, 50% of the US workforce has been at their current company less than two years.  Can anyone say “onboarding” training?  Also according to the DOL — new hires entering the workforce today will have 10-14 jobs before the age of 35.  Granted most of these will happen earlier in their careers, but even among older workers, job hopping is very common.  Again from the DOL as of 2010: “Among jobs started by workers when they were ages 38 to 42, 31 percent ended in less than a year, and 65 percent ended in fewer than 5 years.” (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/nlsoy.nr0.htm) In other words, among even the most experienced workers, 1 out of 3 is switching jobs every year.  Suffice to say, US companies are doing a whole shitload of onboarding and job-role related training.  All of which should be standard and automated.

Hire me into the HRIS, push my data via data feed or web service, create me in the LMS, assign me my Onboarding plan and assign me a Job Role related plan.  Bam, bam with no need for manual process. Oh yeah, also assign me any required Compliance Plans or Required Certifications or CEU’s — cuz, you know, there is that whole get fined “millions of dollars for being out of compliance” thing that businesses need to think about…  Oh yeah, also drop me into a new hire community automatically based on my hire date, and as part of my Job Role related learning plan, also grant me access and send me a link to a relevant community of practice or discussion forum(s).  Wait, you mean LMS’s can do that?  Yeah, welcome to the future…  Well actually the past since our LMS has been doing all of the above for over five years now…

While I touched on Compliance and Certification above, let me just add to that a bit here.  I’m not sure that critics of LMS understand how big a deal this is.  This is not a nice-to-have.  It’s not a “do it because we have to” and therefore, “spend as little as possible” kind of issue.  This is a “do it right or jeopardize your company” kind of issue.  If you are in healthcare, finance, pharma, manufacturing, or one of a dozen other industries there are certain kinds of regulatory compliance you need to show.  Sometimes, it’s as simple as OSHA training, but other times it as complex as JCHAO reporting.  And if you are in pharma, not only do you need to show compliance reports, you are also need to demonstrate support for digital eSignatures and audit trails to prove unequivocally that the people who took the training and assessments to satisfy compliance are in fact, who they say they are.  Crazy?  Yeah, it’s insane.  It’s also a reality that businesses need to accept and address head on.  Wishing it wasn’t so and downplaying the importance of this by suggesting companies lead with social and collaborative systems (which support none of the above) is professionally irresponsible.

LMSs are 10-15 years deep in this functionality and it’s not frivilous depth.  None of us in this space sit up at night thinking about multi-year recertification tracks for compliance plans and the associated reporting because we like it.  We do it because our clients need it and have demanded it for 10+ years, along with hundreds of other nuanced features like ILT waitlisting prioritized by group membership.  Sure, it sounds ridiculous — until you realize that it’s again tied to compliance.  For Group A, the training is optional, for Group B, it’s a mandatory part of the annual compliance plan.  So even though a member of Group A is wait-listed at higher in the queue than the member of Group B, we add the member of Group B to the class when an opening occurs to satisfy the organizational compliance need.  Good luck designing all of those thousands of nooks and crannies into a pure social platform.  I’ll check-in on you in a decade and see how it’s going…

Argument #2: Modern LMS solutions are way more than a pure LMS

But of course, LMS’s do way more than this.  Claiming they don’t is like saying that all Outlook does is email.  Umm, calendaring, to-dos, contact management?  Ditto for LMS.  Current versions of industry-leading LMS solutions can:

  • Manage files – video, audio, PPT, PDF, docs, spreadsheets, including support for learner uploaded materials
  • Manage certifications and CEU’s – a must for multiple industries (healthcare, legal, higher ed etc…)
  • Manage compliance – not just the courses and assessments, but digital eSignatures, renewals, notifications, reporting etc…
  • Manage skills and competencies and link learning to them so that when learners have performance gaps, they can remediate
  • Manage forms and workflows to automate paper processes and streamline approval workflows
  • Manage Performance Appraisal process including 360 and ad hoc assessment models and again, remediate with training assets
  • Manage career planning and succession planning both for the learner pursuing new career options and the company looking to fill gaps
  • Help employees find mentors and tap into shared expertise around content via discussions and ratings and reviews (at a minimum)
  • Manage goals, both individual and organizational, and map informal, social or formal learning to these
  • Organize learning assets by Job Roles so that learners can be automatically assigned job role related learning, including participation in Job role based communities of practice, discussions, wikis etc…
  • Automatically assign training and learning assets to new hires, including video, audio, content categories, discussions, chat etc…
  • Manage ILT events, including classrooms, assets, instructors, waitlists etc…
  • Manage WBT and CBT assets, using multiple tracking protocols
  • *Enable collaboration on all of the above via Virtual Confernecing, Chat Rooms, Discussions, Ratings and Reviews, Blogging, Tag Clouds, and Wikis
  • Enable collaboration outside of all of the above on anything via Chat Rooms, Discussions, Ratings and Reviews, Blogging, Tag Clouds, and Wikis
  • Enable expertise location by making certain parts of learner profiles searchable – user-generated fields, HR fields, and even fields from third party systems
  • Enable creation of sub-portals to support communities of practice, eCommerce, extended enterprise spaces (partners, resellers, clietns, alumni) and much more
  • Support the embedding of widgets, RSS feeds, and iFrames into any page or portal interface to bring outside content in
  • Support the external embedding of LMS features into other systems via deep links, iFrames, and widgets, such as our integration with Taleo TBE
  • Manage users groups and display page regions, whole pages, or even whole sub-portals based on group affiliation
  • Support SSO (Single Sign-on), data feeds, RESTful API’s, SSL, email and calendar integration, and mobile deployments to ensure maximum integration into a workers daily workflow
  • Support the creation of formal WBT courses, assessments, and surveys, including support for learners to create these assets themselves
  • Support the scheduling, creation, and management of virtual conferences, either through integration with external VILT tools or through built-in tools, including support for learners to schedule and record their own virtual conferences
  • Support full UI configuration through WYSIWYG editing to enable even novice users to brand the UI and create custom client interfaces at will
  • Support for “Learner-administered” pages or whole sub-portlas by named users or by group affiliation.
  • Support the use of professionally developed, industry-specific WBT by pre-testing and validating integration; as an example, we have tested and validated over 30,000 titles from leading vendors in every major industry
  • Support for custom data fields and reporting of same from any external feed – TM systems, ERP, CRM, production tools, etc…

Not every vendor can do all of the above.  In fact, many don’t.  But we can.  And there are a few strong competitors who can claim a similar list.  Do all of our clients use all of these features? No, of course not.  But when they are ready, we are ready.  Look at that list again — which of these things would you remove?  Talent?  OK, fine, then buy our Advantage version.  It doesn’t have any talent stuff.  Social?  So you don’t want to rate courses or ILT events or discuss content or company initiatives? (So that means you don’t support ratings and reviews or discussions in Amazon, right?  Same model.)  You don’t want to use tag clouds to search?  You don’t want to find mentors by areas of expertise?  You don’t want communities of practice that support the sharing of formal, informal, and social content in the same shared space?  Pray tell, where else will do that?  Surely not social platforms which do not yet support formal content in any meaningful way?

How about course creation, survey creation, assessment creation, and virtual conferencing?  Sure you can get these elsewhere, but you also need to pay for them and then you need to separately deal with integration (which is still nowhere near as baked as pundits would like to think). Assume minimally, you’d want to buy licenses for Lectora, Question Mark, Survey Monkey, WebEx.  Any idea how much licenses for this stuff would cost if you bought licenses for your whole company so everyone could contribute and create?  Or are you still thinking old school that only ID people and trainers should make this kind of content?  Anyway, don’t bother. It’s not even worth talking about; the costs are off-the-charts.  In our solution, this stuff is baked in.  Any and all learners can be granted permissions to create these types of learning assets.  And further, since they can also be granted rights to create files, it’s a five step process for a user to load a user-generated a video or podcast or to include one in a course.  Buy a $99 Flip camera, record a video, load it (via your Windows file management model or YouTube), drop the video into a page or course, publish it.  Done.  Sure it might be this simple to do the same thing in Jive.  Except there I don’t have the option to track it or make it part of a larger course or curriculum.

Learners can also be granted rights to administer pages or even whole sub-portals.  So this means that they can create content that is department-specific, product-specific, subject matter-specific, or cohort-specific.  A lot like how Best Buy uses wikis.  Imagine learner-granted control over any page in the solution, the ability to create new pages, or the ability to administer whole subportals.  All with the ability to include discussions, ratings and reviews, any file, RSS feeds, and embedded content from outside sources.  This is different from a Jive or SocialText how?  Oh yeah, we also support all of the company’s needs for formal content, like classes, courses, job-role related learning etc…  Am I saying that all LMS’s are equivalent to a Jive or SocialText, no.  I am saying that some are a hell of a lot closer than you think.  And I am most definately saying that LMS’s have a shitload more social features than the formal features that social platforms offer.  Maybe the craziest part is that for many LMS’s like ours, these social features are either free or cost just marginally more than the base offering.  If I’m to believe Jane and others, my only course of action is to buy two systems with duplicate registration, duplicate user management, duplicate reporting, duplicate searching, etc… despite the fact that formal and social learning content are really just different ends of the same content continuum.

Argument #3 — Market maturity and System Maturity
As I noted in my intro bit, I speak about this social stuff a lot — easily 30+ times a year, in addition to engagements with our LMS clients and consulting clients whom I help to guide through the maze of social learning strategies and approaches.  Unfortunately, my overarching conclusion is that L&D folks are not ready yet to jump with both feet into social platforms.  Most don’t even have a toe in the water yet.  I’d suggest that 75% or more would have no clue where to begin.  When I mention stuff like Records Retention and the parallel between email records and discussions or microblogs, their heads usually start spinning.  When we start talking about moderation strategies like “seeding” or community concepts like group identity and trust, heads occassionally start popping off necks like popcorn.  This is new territory.  In addition to the tech like wikis, blogs, discussions, tagging etc…, there is a whole new set of concepts and approaches L&D professionals need to adopt.

This is first and foremost a cultural shift, not a technology one, and most orgs are not “there” yet and, more to the point, most L&D folks have neither the clout nor the expertise to drive this change.  ISPI approaches like HPT and performance consulting are a perfect fit, but again, there are only a couple of dozen folks out of every hundred who are ready for this.  So needless to say, L&D and Performance Consulting folks have a ways to go before we’re ready, as an industy, to move to *predominantly* social models.  I’m not even sure most Corp Communication and IT groups are ready.  Marketing, which is easily five years ahead on this front, is still very much a mix of old school “I’ll talk at you” models and newer more conversational / interactive approaches.  According to a recent survey of over 1300 marketing professionals, 65% have been using social media in their strategies for less than a few months (http://marketingwhitepapers.s3.amazonaws.com/SocialMediaMarketingReport2010.pdf). In other words, 65% of marketing professionals are literally just starting, despite the fact that as an industry, marketing is the vanguard of this transformation.

So from a market maturity perspective, my take is we’re seeing that the bleeding edge is just starting to do social learning or informal learning (via officially supported process or tools), but not yet as the predominant learning model.  Given the evolution and growth of social strategies in the marketing function (which faces nearly zero regulatory pressure, far fewer privacy and workflow concerns, and has much greater latitude in systems and process) I’d guess that widespread adoption in L&D is minimally five years away, maybe even seven years.  Again, I’m talking here about official platforms, policies, process etc…  Of course social and informal learning is happening all around us all the time and *is* the predominant model of how people learn.  It’s just not the official model.  And as much as I’d like to flick a switch and make it so, the real world doesn’t work that way.  Aside from the change management angle, there are numerous regulatory, reporting and privacy issues at play that most social platforms are only beginning to address at required depth.  Companies are right to be cautious and to think this stuff through.

In addition to market maturity, there is also the issue of systems maturity.  By any measure, leading LMS solutions are way ahead of most social platforms when it comes to Enterprise-readiness.  Nearly every major LMS supports SSO (Single Sign-on), data feeds, RESTful API’s, SSL, email and calendar integration, as well as virtualization, redundancy, langauages, foreign data and time formats, foreign currencies.  LMS solutions also have deep support for privacy, people data, reporting, analytics, groups and sub-groups, tracking, auditing trails, automated provisioning, notifications and alerts, permissions, etc…  As with everything else in this post, this is not a knock on social platforms.  It’s a matter of experience and longevity in the market.  LMSs already have a huge list of required elements that social platforms are currrently rebuilding from scratch.

Which brings me to my next major point — systems and market co-evolution.  As the market matures, do you really think LMS vendors are going to sit still?  Nearly every major LMS vendor already has a legitimate social story that in some cases includes communities of practice, ask an expert, discussions, wikis, blogs, ratings and reviews, tagging, page-level editing, shared spaces, groups and sub-groups, social profiles, chat, virtual conferencing, support for user-generated content like video and audio.  Some LMS’s even support mobile access.  Is all of this as elegant as it might be in Jive or SocialText?  Maybe not.  Is it as open and supportive of first time contributors?  Maybe not. A lot of it could be a lot better.  But many of the core pieces are there.  And nearly all of the back-end pieces are there.

We’re talking mainly about changing the user experiences, changing permissions, and continuing the current migration to a learner centric view of the world.  We’re not starting from scratch, not by a long shot. And if my estimated time horizon is correct, the LMS market has about ten releases (assuming 2 major releases a year) to migrate toward a full-on Web 2.0 / learner-led model.  Any of the leading LMS’s could do it in two, maybe even one really big one.  In other words, when the market begins to make a real push in this direction and it’s not just bleeding edge companies going “full social,” but a larger percentage of the market, every leading LMS vendor will either already be there or be a single release away.  Ask yourself, over that same time horizon, is it reasonable to assume that social platforms will build out all of the formal learning support that organizations need?

So let’s review the calculus of this:

  • LMS are a must-have application for businesses.  Any medium to enterprise level organization needs one.
  • Leading LMS solutions already have 75-80% of the essential “social media” applications and user experiences that can be found in social platforms.
  • Social platforms, by contrast, have less than 5% of the essential “formal” functionality that can be found in LMS solutions.
  • There are multiple years until we reach a point where most organizations regard social interactions and collaboration as either a core part of learning or a core part of their business.

And so, based on above, the advice to companies just starting out with their learning strategy is to start with a collaborative system?  I’m sorry, I must have misheard you cuz that makes no sense.  Shouldn’t the advice be: “Take advantage of all of the social stuff your LMS vendor already has to offer and then request some more.  And while you are doing that, educate yourself on social concepts and tools so you know what the hell you are talking about…”  I realize that message isn’t as exciting or provocative as “minimize your use of LMS and start with social” but it’s a hell of lot more realistic, practical, achievable, and in line with current trends toward system integration and suite approaches, than a strategy that specifically advocates the creation of a brand new silo in a domain area where they will have minimal industry support to draw and virtually no personal or professional experience.

Argument #4 — Integration and Suites
All of the talk about leading with collaborative systems and minimizing LMS completely ignores the other dominant trend in our space which is the trend toward unified systems, in particular TM suites.  Every major TM vendor now provides Recruiting, Compensation, Succession Planning, and Employee Development of which L&D is a piece.  Many leading LMS vendors offer some subset of this functionality as well.  And in at least two major cases, there are integrations between TM and LMS suites: us (Learn.com) with Taleo and Geo with SuccessFactors.  The reason for the integration and the consolidation of the space is because buyers and vendors both see the same challenges in having multiple systems that share the same people, overlap in their processes, and offer different answers to the same problems.  Unified suites enables better and more integrated use of data, simpler reporting, easier user management etc…  TM vendors clearly want to be the system of record for employees’ talent profile from on-boarding to retirement (and beyond). And clients want it to.

TM Suites seek to source the best candidates, to grow them into roles, to manage them, to reward them, to train and develop them, and to elegantly off-board when the relationship ends.  Do you think TM vendors will site idlly by while Social Platforms begin trying to own user profiles, reputation management and the like?  Will TM sit by when social platforms introduce organizational network analysis, peer recommendations, and ask an expert models?  I don’t think so.  Social stuff and formal stuff should be part of the same unified Talent Profile.  End of story.  I haven’t heard one word lately about TM’s role in all of this, but it seems clear to me that if LMS isn’t the place where social happens, another viable option is TM vendors.  I mean SuccessFactors just acquired CubeTree for crying out loud.  So rather than do my collaboration and social networking through CubeTree functionality that’s included in SuccessFactors, I’m instead going to go to a different system that does that same thing, but requires a separate login, manages my profile separately, reports separately, and has a different UI.  Why in the hell would I do that?  Because social is cool?  It makes no sense.

Social is going to be absorbed into existing enterprise-level systems in the mid to long-term.  Just like eCommerce was eventually absorbed into brick and mortar companies.  Sure, Amazon is doing great and I love them, but Walmart online isn’t exactly a chump competitor, nor is Best Buy online or Target or…  Once it became clear that eCommerce was viable and something consumers used as a decision criteria on where to shop, brick and mortars adpated and enabled eCommerce models with very robust websites.  Some like Best Buy and Walmart also take advantage of their brick and mortar legacy, enabling you to pick up a web purchase or return a web purchase at a local store to avoid shipping fees.  Pretty cool stuff and not something Amazon can offer.  And that’s why none of use the term “brick and mortar” anymore.  It’s just how business is done.  Social is going to be the same.  Once it reaches a certain level of maturity, it will just be how work is done, and it will be part of every system we use, woven throughout the daily work experience.  One or more of these systems will vie to be the system of record to maintain profiles and unified profile and activity data.  In some cases, LMS will win.  For other clients, TM will win.  For still others, ERP and HRIS will win.  In other words, the status quo but with social stuff woven in.

The End Game
As far as the specific question of where learning should happen:  what I want is a system that can support all learning, not just formal, not just social, not just informal.  Not just stuff that happens in the system, but through aggregration and feeds, stuff that happens outside the system.  Not just stuff that learners are assigned, but the stuff that they pursue on their own.  And sorry, but I want to report on all of it.  You know why?  Because reporting matters.  It helps you see trends.  It helps you see impacts.  It helps you see correlations.  More than that, I want analytics on all of the above, not Google Analytics, but actual analytics.  I want to know whether the people who spend more time in collaborative exchanges outperform those who learn formally.  Or vice versa. Because at the end of the day, while it might be nice if employees love to learn and love each other in their networks, what I really care about is whether the company outperforms it’s competitors, mitigates risk to the greatest extent possible, and delivers value to shareholders.  That’s what business systems are for.

You know what else I want?  I want a single system of record for user profiles at any given company.  I want a consolidated view of their skills, certifications, formal learning, informal contributions, user-generated content, peer reputation, performance reviews, job history, self-identified expertise, job title, location, contact information, professional networking affiliations, and formal hierachical relationships – all in one place that’s searchable and browsable based on various levels of permission.  I want to mine that data when and where I need it.  I want users to mine each other’s data when and where they need it.  And through that process, I want to make faster decisions, generate trust and self-efficacy, and tap the full potential in the intellectual crowd and cloud within our company walls and beyond it, in our extended organizational network.  Speaking of organizational networks, I also want to map all of the above through organizational network analysis so I know who my key influencers are, who my rising stars are, who is a high potential, and who lives at the periphery so that I can remediate, integrate, or terminate.  And once I’ve done that, I want to assign formal leadership and SME development plans to my high potentials to keep them motivated and accelerate their growth toward the next stage of their careers.

I want a system where a learner can share what they know on any subject at any time, via a variety of tools including blogs, wikis, ratings and reviews, discussions, microblogs, “courses,” virtual conferencing, games etc…  I also want a system where they can do this ad hoc or in response to some other learning that’s happened, whether formal or informal.  I also want them to be able to attend formal classes, read official files, take professionally developed WBT’s and simulations, watch official videos and read official blogs.  In short, I want the flexibility to do it all.

You know what I don’t want?  I don’t want a future where, on an institutional basis, formal learning happens in one place and social and informal learning happens someplace else.  That’s one of the reasons why LCMS as a stand-alone model failed – it tried to create a separate system for just a few kinds of content that LMS’s manage and deliver.  Social and informal learning will of course happen where they happen.  That’s part of the deal.  We need to be willing to mash-up content and link to content and reference content where ever it is.  But if people start arguing that social learning can *only* happen in Jive or SocialText or related systems, and that somehow social learning in an LMS is less valueable, which seems to be the case lately, then frankly I start losing my cool a bit because it makes no sense. At all.  None.  Zero.  In fact, as I noted above, a very strong case can be made that in the long-term “social software” will be absorbed into other systems, and the three most likely candidates are LMS, TM solutions, or ERP / CRM.

Does this mean that I’m not a fan or Jive, SocialText, WordPress, Yammer, or one of 50 other awesomely cool and innovative technologies?  Of course not.  I’m a huge fan of all of the above.  I am *not* a huge fan of silos.  I’ve been fighting against them my entire career, whether it was the false silo of EPSS vs training or the false silo of knowledge management vs training or the false silo of LCMS vs LMS.  At the end of the day, everything we do is about driving organizational performance through improved individual and team performance.  Creating artificial walls between content types is insane, and managing them via separate tools that have duplicate registration, user management, SSO, data feeds, reporting and on and on is also insane.  Of course, the reality is that some orgs may need to do that for awhile as the formal and social systems blend toward the middle, but it’s sure as hell not a desired end state.  And we shouldn’t be encouraging L&D groups, many of whom lack even the fundamanetal understanding of social stuff, to start there at the expense of their LMS strategy.

I’ve been saying for more than three years now that we have to look at social and formal content on a continuum, not as separate *kinds* of content.  Instead, I’m reading posts that suggest that we create a new set of silos based on social vs. formal.  And by the way, who makes this distinction?  Is an official blog post or video by a known expert formal, informal, or social?  The tech is social media, but the content is official.  What happens when you have courses that include discussions, RSS feeds, YouTube embedding, and ratings like Composica enables?  When I find a known expert via social networking tools in my LMS so that I can ask an opinion, is that formal or social?  The expert and platform are formal, but I found the person through social networking.  Is this a Jive thing or an LMS thing?  What if I only want to find experts based on their officially recognized skills and certifications?  Oh boy, now it’s really formal! I guess it would have to be the LMS because social solutions don’t maintain this.  But wait, it’s still expertise location which is a “social” concept!  Oh, what will I do?  I guess it lives nowhere. I mean, are we really going to go down this road?  Seriously? After all the experience of the last 10 years, we’re going back to meaningless distinctions between kinds of content? Makes me want to smash my head against the wall honestly.

The reality is that we need formal, informal, and social interventions.  The further reality is that for the moment at least, LMS’s provide a lot more “social” functionality than the “formal” functionality that social apps provide. Way more.  Like 70% to almost none.  I don’t think anyone realizes how much harder it will be for social vendors to rebuild key LMS functonality than the reverse.  And how much less likely.  At another company I worked at in this space, it too almost a full year to rebuild the curriculum and certification functionality, which is about 10-15% of what an LMS does, and that was with a team that had industry expertise, an existing database model, and a bunch of other required elements.

What does this mean?  The most likely outcome is that when social platforms reach enough critical mass and we actually see enough demand in the marketplace, major LMS vendors will rebuild this functionality into their solutions over a few releases (as we and Saba are doing), buy and integrate a social platform (as Cornerstone has done), or deeply integrate (like ElementK).  Social vendors have neither the pockets nor the experience to do the same (short of integrating).  End of story.  It will be LCMS all over again.

And if LMS’s don’t do it, TM vendors will, as evidenced by SuccessFactor’s most recent purchase.  In the meantime, mature companies will rightly experiment with Jive and SharePoint and SocialText etc…  and companies with leading LMS solutions will start using some of the social software they already have in these systems.  What won’t happen is a wholesale abandonment of LMS as a viable solution, not even close.  We need to face that reality and then work from with the paradigm to effect change — like Lundy getting hired at Saba, me helping drive strategy at Learn.com and Tom contributing at ElementK.  Anything else is counter-productive and further muddies what are already pretty muddy waters, even to those of us that “get it.”

I guess that’s all I have to say on this.  I’ll shut up now and let the hate mail flow in.  Please do keep in mind as you rip my arguments that I am a fan of social stuff and have been a major proponent of this model since around 2000 when I helped invent an integrated EPSS, KM, Social, Training platform.  This is not an argument against the idea that we should be embracing informal or social learning models.  It is however, a strong counter-argument against some recent posts and comments I’ve see as to the methods we choose to obtain these results.

Social Learning Assessment and Recommendation Tool

March 19, 2010
by dwilkinsnh

Ok, I know I’m way behind on posting.  I despair of ever getting back into any sort of rythym.  Ironically, I’ve never been more active on the social front, its just that the majority of it is happening in person at industry events.  I can’t even count the number of venues I’ve spoken at this year.  I’m also reworking entire websites within Learn.com to be much more social and collaborative, using approaches that include microblogging, idea sharing, discusssions, ratings and reviews, and blog-ish type strategies – all using our own technologies of course… ; )

I’ve also been pretty active in creating assets.  Kevin and I recently created the Social Learning Strategies Checklist which we released under Creative Commons with a Commercial Share Alike license.  And I came up with a new ID rubric that accounts for emergent, collaborative, and codified learning.  It piggybacks on top of a post by Harold and Jay, but also extends it quite a bit to be used as a framework for evaluating the specific type and nature of the learning challenge.  I’ve now extended this even further by making it into an Excel spreadsheet.  Now it does all the math, creates a graph of your “type” and than makes recommendations based on how strongly or weakly you answer certain questions.

While I originally intended it to be used by less experienced folks, I’ve actually found if helpful to use when I’m thinking through my strategies — which is kind of weird since I wrote it… ; )  I think this means there may be some actual value in it.  I hope you feel the same.  Here it is:  ECCO Assessment and Recommendation Tool.  Let me know what you think.

Slides from Keynote at Training 2010

February 3, 2010
by dwilkinsnh


I had the great pleasure to present a keynote address yesterday at Training 2010.  While I’ve presented at dozens and dozens of conferences over the years, this was my first true keynote.  Was I nervous?  Yeah, I have to admit, just a bit.  Complicating matters was the fact that the other keynote presenter (they had two back-to-back) was significantly delayed as a result of air travel issues.  So my directions were to basically go on stage not knowing whether I was going to need to be on for 30 min, 45 min, 60 min or even more.  The conference was also using an audience response system for the first time which I insanely decided to use.  I’m happy to report that it went off pretty seamlessly despite all sorts of potential for disaster.

The good news is that I was able to get the data from the audience response system and boy was it interesting.  I don’t want to spoil the fun, but suffice to say, the training industry is a mess in terms of it’s understanding of it’s role and responsibilities.

For now, I just want to give you the slides.  Tomorrow or perhaps over the weekend, I’ll do a full write up on the preso and the audience polling.

Social Learning Strategies Checklist

January 12, 2010

Kevin D. Jones and I are doing a session at Training 2010 titled Defining Your Social Learning Strategy.  As prep for this, we’ve put together a comprehensive checklist of Social Learning Strategy topics that learning professionals and executives should consider when thinking through their objectives and plans.   Here is a link to the doc, but if you would prefer to read it in-line, the full body of the doc is below.  Let me know what you think we missed and we’ll update it.  In the event that you want to use this for your own initiatives, all we ask is that you adhere to the  Creative Commons Share Alike license.

Introduction to Social Learning Strategies

Organizational adoption of social media as a comprehensive learning strategy is one part software rollout, one part transformational change, and one part large scale corporate initiative.  Depending on your initial focus, it might involve a single cohort group, your whole company, your partners or suppliers, your clients, or even the public at large.  Regardless of your scope, there are a number of critical items that you must address in order to achieve success.  While you may not need to address all of the issues below on your particular initiative, you should at least consider the implications and issues for each item below, and where necessary, develop a plan of action to address those that are relevant to your situation.

Checklist of Social Learning Strategies

Cultural Issues Related to Social Learning
What do you want it to be?  What is it today?

  • Openness vs. planning?  Where is your balance point?
  • Autonomy and self-direction vs. top-down mandates?  Where is your balance point?
  • What do executives, key stakeholders and “rank-and-file” think about social media and sharing?
  • What are your organizational attitudes about transparency?
  • To what extent do learners take personal responsibility and accountability for their learning?

Social Learning Approaches and Methods
What “kind” of  Social Learning models are you pursuing?  How do they integrate?

  • Codified?
  • Collaborative?
  • Emergent?
  • What kinds of social learning interventions do you need?
  • Do you need focused Communities of Practice or decentralized social learning that is part of all learning experiences?  Or both?
  • Will you pursue a federated model and use best-of-breed from multiple provides with a single or multiple aggregation points?
  • Will you use a unified suite that offers core social media applications, such as SharePoint or Jive?
  • How will your social media elements interact with your Learning Management System?
  • If “social learning” happens outside the LMS, what will happen where?
  • If “social learning” happens outside the LMS, how will you see a unified view of learner activity?
  • Where will you keep the “profile” of record to avoid having multiple learner profiles across multiple systems?
  • If you use a federated approach or multiple systems in any way, how will ensure that learners can discover people through content, content through people, content through content, and people through people across your systems?
  • If you use a federated approach or multiple systems, how will you search?
  • If you use a federated approach or multiple systems, how will develop recommendation, reward, and recognition strategies?
  • If you use a suite approach, how will you address gaps – missing wiki, missing microblog etc…?

Social Learning Planning
Who owns what?  How will get from point A to point B?  How will you mitigate risk?

  • What kinds of social media are already being used in the organization?
  • For what purpose?
  • Who owns them?
  • What kinds of learning communities do you want to help along through hands-on nurturing?
  • What kinds of learning communities do you want to more proactively manage and plan?
  • What are the problems you are trying to solve?
  • Who is your target member for your community?
  • What are the problems your community members are trying to solve?
  • If the problems are solved, what does success look like?
  • If the problems are solved, what is the impact of success?
  • What is your Social Learning Policy?
  • What is your plan when these policies are breached?
  • What is in your Miss Manners Guide to Social Learning?
  • Who is on your Social Learning Governance Board – IT, Legal, CLO etc…?
  • How will social learning activities factor into key performance indicators and performance reviews?
  • What does IT own?  Some suggestions:  security issues, archiving, technical issues, deployment, options, aggregation, report consolidation, integration fulfillment, report fulfillment.
  • What does Learning own?  Some suggestions:  strategy, cultural readiness, “tools” training, moderation, member management, community management, programming, integration requirements, reporting fulfillment with built-in reporting tools.
  • What does Legal and Compliance own?  Some suggestions:  archival strategy, social media storage requirements, approval strategies for sensitive content (which might be all content), member management and “flagging” policies, reporting requirements for all of the above.
  • Who will support your organization’s use of social media?  Technical support?  IT?  Learning?
  • What is your start point in terms of participants and technologies?
  • What is the long-term rollout plan?  What social media tools will be turned on when?  When you do turn on new functionality, what is the trigger – time, membership, activity?
  • Will you organize content topically, hierarchically by division, unit etc…, or by functional area?
  • What is your launch strategy to drive participation? (more below)
  • What is your moderation strategy?
  • What is your reporting strategy?
  • Who will own your programming schedule?
  • How will you identify champions and key influencers prior to roll-out and on an on-going basis?
  • Who will be responsible for defining content categories and the overall ontology of your social learning content?
  • What is end of life or end game for your learning community?  Does the community evolve into something else?  Is it archived?  Is there a planned obsolescence because it’s a one-off in response to external factors what will change?

Social Learning Launch Activities
How will you quickly achieve critical mass?  How will you sustain and grow the initiative over time?

  • What other corporate initiative(s) is the launch point tied to?
  • How will you drive traffic and participation in the “early days”?  Some suggestions:  competitions, rewards, “forcing” through changed process, well-planned programming schedules, middle management expectations, senior level management modeling, social media events – wiki barn raising, live chats, team video jams etc…
  • Who will be responsible for enforcing your policy and procedure changes?  For example, if learners are not supposed to answer questions of each other via email, but through the wiki or an FAQ discussion board, who will be responsible for enforcing the change?
  • Who will be responsible for “seeding” content before go-live?
  • Who will communicate the launch?
  • How will you ensure that learners have the necessary skills and tools to participate in the conversation and sharing?  Things to consider:  training on the social media tools, training on social media concepts, lots of early recognition and praise.

Social Learning Technical, Legal, Compliance Issues
How will this effort fit into existing corporate governance strategies?

  • What is your security plan to prevent unauthorized viewing of sensitive data?
  • What is your data recovery plan in the event of corruption, server failure etc…?
  • What is your plan to communicate the security so that users can help safeguard sensitive content while feeling secure enough to freely share within the defined parameters of the site?
  • What is your records retention policy?
  • What is your content permissions policy?
  • Do you need a “contact” permission policy to prevent your SME’s or other experts from being overwhelmed?
  • Do you have a “Do not discuss via Social Media” list?  What is it and how will it be communicated?
  • What kinds of topics require “pre-approval” before posting live to the site?
  • What kinds of topics must include “report violation” options after they go live?
  • Do you have a list of keywords that should be redacted or replaced?
  • Do you have a keyword list that should trigger notification to SMEs, Legal or Compliance personnel?
  • What is your reaction plan to a breach of policy?  Who owns it?  Who enforces it?

Social Learning Communities in the Extended Enterprise
Planning for community members who are “outside” the company walls…

  • If you have external audiences, suppliers, partners, clients, etc… in addition to internal audiences, what is your plan for all of the above for your external audiences?
  • What is your strategy for leveraging public social media channels?
  • Is the Learning group the lead or is Marketing, Customer Support, Product Management, etc…?
  • How will your social learning strategies compliment your marketing, customer support, product, etc… strategies?
  • How will you leverage content between various constituents?
  • Do you need to have “blended” areas where clients, employees, suppliers etc… co-mingle in a shared space with access to shared content?
  • What role do your external members play in community management, programming or moderation?

Social Learning Community Management
How will you manage and grow your community over time?

  • Who will be in charge of community management?
  • What is your moderation strategy?
  • Who is responsible for moderation?
  • How many months in advance will you publish your programming schedule?
  • How will you reward and recognize key contributors in ways that increase internal motivation?
  • What sort of member management policies do you need?
  • Who enforces member management?
  • What role will senior leaders play in contributing to the learning community?
  • How will you market your successes and the growing value of the content?
  • How will you promote new content, new members, new groups, and new topics?

Social Learning Professional Development, Skills, Competencies
What kinds of skills and competencies do you need to develop as a learning professional?

  • Become a Social Media tools maven – wiki, video, podcast, blogging, microblogging, etc…
  • Understand key concepts of Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Understand key concepts related to Team Building and Team Dynamics
  • Understand key concepts in Social Psychology
  • Understand key issues of self-efficacy as it relates to social media: trust, belonging, self-confidence, self-direction, motivation, skills
  • Knowledge of moderation strategies and key moderation concepts like seeding, facilitating, autonomy, respect, and flow
  • Knowledge of key community management strategies including programming, reward and recognition models, advertising and awareness campaigns, member management
  • Ongoing professional development by networking outside the company through social learning

Social Learning Strategies, Models, and Roles

September 18, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

I’m presenting a new deck tomorrow at a pretty big company.  I’m not sure that I can name them so I’m going to err on the side of caution.  The basic gist of the talk and the follow-up workshop is “”typing” your social learning initiative.”  Many months ago I came up with this idea of “typing” learning needs in a similar fashion to a Myers Briggs.  I’ve chronicled the history of this idea and related ideas in other posts.

So I’ve taken this to the next level and created a kind of learning needs assessment framework.  I call it the ECCO model, borrowing from the terms Harold and Jay used in describing some of the underlying concepts.  ECCO is Emergent, Codified, Collaborative Opportunity Model.  You use the framework to determine whether your primary learning needs for any given opportunity or initiative are Emergent, Codifed or Collaborative.  From there, you map to interventions.  It still needs work, but I think it’s a good start.

 The deck and the Word doc provide some additional explanation and descriptions, but I’ve also included the raw text here to make it easier to find via search:

The ECCO Model
(Emergent, Codified, Collaborative Opportunity Model)

  • For each of the questions in each category, answer on a 1-10 scale.  For percentages, round to the nearest 10% and reduce to a 1-10 number.
  • Average the score for each overall category by adding the score for each question and dividing by 10.
  • Plot the score for each category on the provided chart.

Emergent Questions

  1. To what extent will your business or initiative be dependent on the creation of new ideas, new processes, new products, or new services to drive key performance indicators? (10%, 20% etc…)


  2. How much of your team’s intellectual effort will be expended in solving novel challenges or problems?


  3. How much of your team’s intellectual effort will be spent creating new solutions to existing problems or new problems?


  4. What percentage of your team’s best practices will need to be based on principles and theory (as opposed to concrete steps and rote processes)?


  5. What percentage of your best practices will emerge “from the trenches”?


  6. To what extent will you need to rely on knowledge sharing among diverse groups either within or outside the company walls to drive key performance indicators?


  7. When you think about a core contributor on your team, how much of his or her expertise is a result of superior synthesis, invention, or sense-making sorts of skills?


  8. For the majority of your core initiatives, how important is a diversity of perspective or expertise in achieving your project goals or key performance indicators? (1-10 with 10 being the highest)


  9. In terms of succession planning and talent identification, what percentage of your existing “experts” and leaders were identified because of the admiration and esteem of their peers?


  10. How often do coordination and issue resolution happen through the ad hoc assembly of networked teams or individuals (versus through formal hierarchies)?


Total Score for Emergent Questions


Average Score for Emergent Questions




Codified Questions

  1. To what extent will your business or initiative dependent on the efficient execution of known best practices or processes to drive key performance indicators? (10%, 20% etc…)


  2. How much of your team’s intellectual effort will be spent training on known best practices and processes?


  3. How much of your team’s intellectual effort will be expended in ensuring adherence to known best practices or processes?


  4. What percentage of your team’s best practices will need to be based on established steps and rote processes?


  5. What percentage of your best practices will emerge “from on high” – SME’s, senior leaders, compliance officers etc…?  


  6. To what extent will you rely on efficient execution of homogenous, geographically co-located teams to drive key performance indicators?


  7. When you think about a core contributor on your team, how much of his or her value is a result of the correct application of accepted processes, rules, or physically repetitive actions?


  8. For the majority of your core initiatives, how important are a shared perspective and acceptance of authority in driving key performance indicators?


  9. In terms of succession planning and talent identification, what percentage of your existing “experts” and leaders were identified through longevity, established metrics, or manager opinion?


  10. How often does coordination and issue resolution happen through existing teams and formal hierarchies?


Total Score for Codified Questions


Average Score for Codified Questions





Collaborative Questions

  1. To what extent will your business or initiative be dependent on collaboration to drive key performance indicators? (10%, 20% etc…)


  2. How much of your team’s execution is dependent on specialized knowledge?


  3. How much of your team’s execution is dependent on the sharing and coordination of distributed expertise?


  4. How much of your team’s intellectual effort will be expended in collaborating to develop known best practices or processes?


  5. What percentage your best practices and domain expertise are known in “pockets” organized by geography, shared interest, or network affiliations?


  6. What percentage of your best practices will emerge “from group consensus”?


  7. To what extent is your team organized around common job roles and functions? (Retail or early childhood education would be 90% or more – identical job roles in multiple physical locations.  A biotech or high tech would likely be far less – similar jobs in some cases, but dissimilar responsibilities.)


  8. What percentage of the problems faced by your team members are likely faced by other team members in identical job roles?


  9. When you think about a core contributor on your team, how much of his or her value and influence is a result socially recognized expertise?


  10. To what extent are key performance indicators driven by socially-validated domain knowledge?



Total Score for Collaborative Questions


Average Score for Collaborative Questions


CEC - Codified, Emergent, Collaborative

CEC - Codified, Emergent, Collaborative

The Learning Long Tail Webinar and Article

September 16, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

So hey look at this – a new blog post!  Crazy I know.  For those of you that have been waiting, my apologies.  I totally underestimated the effort of onboarding at a fast moving company like Learn.com.  The good news is that I’m back and with a bang…

I’ve written two articles in the past month for Learning Solutions magazine and I’m doing a webinar this coming week with none other than Ray Jimenez.  Hoo ra!  Then just a few weeks from now, I’ll be doing a webinar with Claire Schooley of Forrester, then another with Bersin & Associates.  And in October, I will be writing the featured article for Learning Solutions.

Crazy right?  But wait, that’s not even half of it — I’m also speaking at the the CLO Symposium, ASTD VOS, ASTD Ohio, ASTD Boston, and a virtual ASTD Benchmarking forum.  If that wasn’t enough, I’m also doing two briefings on the future of learning for two very large Fortune 500 companies.  And all of this happens over the next month and half!  Needless to say, I am pretty damn busy.

So here are some of the upcoming gigs and some links:

Next week on Tues, September 22nd at 1:00 pm, Ray and I are going to be doing a webinar on the Learning Long Tail.  I’m going to present the meat of the article I did for Learning Solutions, and Ray is going run through his learning framework, specifically addressing how the introduction of social learning changes roles, behaviors, and responsibilities for learners, SME’s, and instructional designers.  This should be a really solid event.  We’re planning to leverage Twitter and chat pretty extensively during our session.

On September 29th at 1:00 pm EDT, Claire Schooley and I are doing a webinar on the “The Top 5 Reasons LMS Implementations Fail and How to Plan for Success.”  I’ll have details on this one shortly.  Claire is going to present some of her findings on this topic, but we’re not doing a standard webinar presentation — we’re going to do it interview style.  How cool is that?

I’ll have more to share in the coming weeks.  Thanks for your patience.  The bad news is that I kept you waiting.  The good news is that I’m back with a vengence.

Rewards and Exemplars

June 26, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

Wow.  What a week!  It’s been a long, long time since I’ve on-boarded anywhere, and I’m feeling it.  It sort of like if you haven’t been to the gym in awhile, you know?  That first work out leaves you sore for days.  In this case, it’s my brain.  Ding, ding, ding…  I’m full.  LOL.  It’s a good feeling though.

The team continues to impress, and I keep finding little nuggets that I love.  Two examples:  Learn gives out reward “tokens” to clients when they act as a reference, refer prospects our way, speak on our behalf, write on our behalf… and on and on.  These tokens can be used as cash to buy services or solutions from us.  How cool is that?

They have a similar program around employee performance.  Learn.com employees who are caught doing outstanding work or who are identified as key contributors by clients can receive cash awards or non-monetary awards like additional time-off.

Needless to say, Learn has really nailed the concept of “rewarding performance.”  The rewards aren’t so big as to become an extrinsic motivator, but they aren’t too small to go unnoticed.  Rewards can be tricky; for most people, they’re not really about money as much as they are about recognition and feeling appreciated.  And for the company, it’s not only about acknowledging and rewarding good people, it’s about identifying exemplars and models of behavior that result in desired performance.

Another nice aspect of the program is that any employee can nominate any other, which brings a nice peer-to-peer, social aspect to the model.  After winning an award, the employee is listed on an internal LearnCenter site (our intranet) so that others can see who won.

This week I suggested that we interview these top performers with a Flip and then post the videos to YouTube.  From there, we can link the videos back into our Facebook site and into our LearnCenter listings.  That way we can share these great folks with the world, and our own internal Learn.com employees can learn more about their ass-kicking colleagues.  Do you know what happened when I suggested this?  They said, “Awesome idea; let’s do it…”  Have I mentioned how much I love it here?

Yeah, so that’s my first week.  Good stuff.  By the way, it turns out that I’m going to be at SHRM next week in New Orleans.   Hopefully, I’ll have an opportunity to live blog or live tweet a session or two.  If anyone wants to connect while there, leave me a comment or hit me up on Twitter: @dwilkinsnh.

Why I am going to miss Randy Saari

June 24, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

So a few days ago, I talked about my departure from Mzinga and alluded to the loss of some talent over the last couple of years.  I’m sure some may have interpreted this as griping.  I’m equally sure that my former colleagues at Mzinga weren’t so thrilled with me… ; )  But I think after 12 years, I get to have a little fun, right?  Today, Randy Saari, Senior VP of Sales wrote this as a comment / rebuttal:

I also agree that some amazing talent has left Mzinga…like all companies. I feel compelled to point out that amazing talent still remains at Mzinga. With the changes at Mzinga we have promoted a whole new generation of “A” players in services, customer support, marketing, finance, solutions architects, product management, engineering, analytics, advanced engineering and operations. These are experienced professionals that continue to get high marks from our customers. When you layer on some uniquely competitive products and concept to completion services, Mzinga will continue to deliver world class solutions with some of the highest customer retention rates in the industry.

Great stuff right?  In reply, all I can say to this thoughtful, well-written comment is “Well done.”  And “I agree.”  Those who remain at Mzinga are pretty kick-ass too – the Jody’s, Matt, Meredith, Joel, Mel, Annie, You, Eve, Alicia, Mike…  I never meant to imply that there isn’t a deep pool still there.  Or that the product isn’t impressive and well-positioned for the coming changes in the market.  It is.  And I have no doubt that under your leadership, the sales team will deliver and fulfill the promise of what’s been built there over the last few years.

I’m gonna miss you, my friend.

Day 2 at Learn.com

June 24, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

Ok, so I made it through my first two days at Learn. You know that expression “drinking from the fire hose”? Make that four fire hoses. I’m simultaneously trying to get a handle on product, sales, marketing and overall company vision and strategy. Thank god I don’t also have to learn about the LMS part of this equation as well…

What’s it been like at Learn?  Three things have really jumped out at me:

  1. The company here is very team-oriented. I got a few dozen heart-felt “welcome to the company” messages today, and this evening, I was having simultaneous email conversations with about 10 different people at around 10:45 pm. To a person, everyone I met has been gracious, passionate, and relentlessly focused on winning. It reminds me a lot of the amazingly fun and kick-ass times I had at Knowledge Impact just after the launch of Firefly. There is a “can’t lose” attitude here that is infectious, even for an old salt like me.
  2. The product is way better than I assumed.  Virtually all paths forward from where we are right now lead to all sorts of kick-assery for the competition which is exciting.
  3. On several occasions so far, I’ve been briefed about the future direction and overall strategy for the rest of 2009. And in all cases, for want of time, I’ve heard maybe 20-25% of the story before getting pulled into something else (normal new hire craziness).  So for two days, I’ve done what I’m inclined to do in these scenarios: I’ve filled in the blanks with logical next steps, future evolutions, connections to other features.

    This evening, for the first time, I saw the complete, high-level PPT overview for many of the product features and themes that I had been building in my head.  In every case, the existing product strategy and direction mapped pretty much exactly to my “fill-in-the-blanks” product strategy and direction. What does this mean?  Just two things – 1) the team here knows their stuff, and 2) this is a really good fit for me.

So after two days worth of demos and conversations, I’m happy to report that I’m even more jazzed about my role here and Learn.com’s potential to achieve true greatness in our space.

As to this blog, once I get my sea legs, I will be fine, but the next few weeks are going to be busy busy so don’t be surprised if I go dark for days at a time.

On a totally unrelated note, does anyone know of any good talent management, workforce 2.0, or competency / performance blogs to follow? I need to re-immerse myself in this world as quickly as I can, but I’m a bit out-of-touch on the best blogs in these arenas.

Dave Wilkins, Learn.com, and Talent Management

June 21, 2009
by dwilkinsnh

    So I guess the title gives it away, right?  ; )  Today I start a new job at Learn.com as Executive Director of Product Maketing.  I realize that this may surprise some, especially given my leadership of Mzinga’s social learning strategy.
    It’s about talent management.  They offered me an attractive pay-for-performance compensation package that appealed to my “kick-ass and take no prisoners” competitive side.  And they didn’t pussy-foot around the details.  They offered me a good package out of the gate and practically dragged me to headquarters by the scruff of my neck.  It felt nice to be wanted.  Who doesn’t like that feeling?  But they also moved fast and executed well which, coupled with the pay-for-performance comp plan, also suggested a culture built around perfomance and flawless execution.  I’m ready for a team that will come up with a plan and then kick it’s ass over and over until it’s done.I was also impressed by the extent to which Learn “eats it’s own caviar.”  In the first five minutes of my interview, JW (COO) showed me how they use LearnCenters® internally as intranet sites through which they drive most of their internal collaboration and knowledge sharing.  Did you know that over 60% of Learn.com employees work remotely?  This isn’t just social media fun and games, it’s how they actually coordinate and do most of their real day-to-day work.  This is workforce 2.0 kind of stuff.

    They also showed me how they also use their LearnCenters®, not only as client portals, but as the platform driving their entire externally-facing website.  First, how cool is that?  Second, think about what this means in terms of their world experience with new models of client support, client engagement, and communication and sharing across the extended enterprise.  They also talked to me about their committment to execution and client satisfaction.  Did you know that Learn typically signs clients to six month contracts, after which they can switch to month-to-month contracts?  Why?  Because if you are committed to client satisfaction and client success, you earn it day in and day out.  And if you truly respect your clients, you empower them make the choices that are best for them, even if that means a parting of the ways.  Powerful stuff.   Attitudes like these are also probably why Learn continues to be the most highly rated vendor in terms of client satisfaction and why so few of their clients ever feel the need to leave.

    So ok, you get it, they seem like a good company.  What about all that social learning stuff I’ve been talking about?  My committment there is unwavering, and from what I’ve seen already, Learn has some pretty crazy possibilities in this regard.  Do you know that they have a B2C offering called Learn.com Personal Edition (LPE)?  It’s basically a site where job seekers or existing employees can “skill up” in a particular job or role.  Learners earn a Skill Score® which then indicates some level of competency in that job role.  Imagine if we married this to some of the ONA concepts I’ve been talking about?  Or maybe we marry it to reptuation management?  In either case, the idea is to connect individual achievement with group dynamics – cool stuff.

    Learn also has a customizable form builder, FormFlow®, which provides all sorts of intriguing options around new models for blogging, discussions, wikis, microblogging, idea sharing, and FAQ engines.  They have deep social profile technology which is already being extended, and web services hooks into multiple entrprise level apps.  So again, think about the big picture – personal HR data, CRM data, ERP data all feeding a central profile via web services, a profile which is further enhanced through social and personal data added by the employee.  They are already very far down this path.

    Suffice to say, I’ve already had like a bajillion ideas of how some of the social concepts I have been kicking around for around nine years now could find their way into the Learn.com platform.  The ideas above are the obvious ones.  I’ll share the less obvious ones once they come to market… ; )  

    So am I excited?  Hell yeah.  I’m going to miss some key people at Mzinga, most notably Randy Saari (who is hands down, the most impressive leader and sales VP I have ever known) but I’m excited to meet my new team at Learn.com.  And I’m anxious to get the party started.  For the first time in many years, I have that nervous, “the game is about to start” feeling in my stomach.  The good news is that I’ve been training and preparing for this moment for the past 15 years, and it’s no longer a question of being ready, it’s only a question of many goals we’re gonna score.  Based on how I feel right now, I’d put that number at a “whole shitload.”  Hoo ra!