Windows > Windows Forums > Windows 7 Forums > Hardware and Drivers > Monitor not detected, only non-PNP monitor used

AnswerMonitor not detected, only non-PNP monitor used

  • Friday, November 20, 2009 5:28 PMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I have been using Windows 7 and an external monitor, an Acer AL2216W, for several weeks.  The monitor res of 1680x1050 was being used.  I rebooted and now 1680x1050 is no longer a choice.  When I use the Screen Resolution widget, it lists the monitor as Generic non-PnP Monitor.  I get a choices for various resolutions only some of which the monitor will display.  I elected to use 1600x1200 but the fonts are blurred and at 1680x1050 the characters are crisp.  I have tried to install the monitor driver for the Acer AL2216W monitor, but windows tells me that it likes its current driver more and won't install it.  Do you know what I could try to have this monitor properly detected?


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  • Monday, November 23, 2009 3:49 PMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    This is resolved.  The monitor had to be unplugged, powered down, and then replugged.  Having done that the monitor is again detected by all the computers.

    • Marked As Answer bycgrue Monday, November 23, 2009 3:49 PM

All Replies

  • Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:35 PMGokul TMicrosoft Support, ModeratorUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Hey cgrue,

    Thanks for posting in Microsoft answers!

    Firstly, I’d suggest you to uninstall the display drivers and re-install the same and check if that fixes the issue.

    If that doesn’t help, you may also try by reducing the video hardware acceleration and check if that fixes the issue.

    1. Open Display Settings by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, clicking Personalization, and then clicking Display Settings.
    2. Click Advanced Settings, click the Troubleshoot tab, and then click Change settings.

        Note that some video card drivers do not permit you to change settings.

    3. Move the Hardware acceleration slider to different levels, apply the changes and then try to play the game.

    Also, refer the links below for more details on troubleshooting multiple monitors:

    Move windows between multiple monitors

    Troubleshoot multiple monitor problems

    Hope this helps!

    Gokul – Microsoft Support
  • Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:27 PMmar97 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Can't understand why it wont detect graphiocs card Nvidia geoforce go 7400 after a clean install of windows 7. Seems we have similar problems. Has anyone given you an answer yet
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:08 AMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    I have a KVM switch.  The Acer monitor is reported a a genric non-PnP monitor on Nvidia GeForce 9500GT on one machine.  The monitor is likewise reported as non-PnP on Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT on another system.  The third system is a notebook XP and it is running Intel mobile graphics and it also reports the monitor as non-PnP and won't display resolutions greater than 1024x768.  It doesn't make a great deal of sense, but it might be my monitor.  I will switch in another one to test and will reply here afterward.
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:11 AMSteve WinogradMVPUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Does the monitor work right if you connect it directly, with the KVM switch?
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:12 AMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    When I connect the AL2216W monitor directly (without the KVM switch) I get the same results as when connected through the KVM switch.  When I connect another monitor, an Acer AL1916, to the KVM switch in place of the AL2216W, then that monitor is properly detected.  In fact, when Win7 was rebooted on one of the computers connected to the KVM switch, Win7 changed the screen resolution to match the newly attached monitor; before rebooting it I was getting the hardware error that the AL1916 monitor couldn't process the input, the resolution had been set to 1600x1200.  The monitor that is being detected only as a non-PnP monitor, the AL2216W, seems to be working fine.  The only problem that I am having using it is that it is no longer (it once was) being recognized as an AL2216W.  It's not being recognised by two Win7 machines with Nvidia cards (a GeForce 9500GT and 9800GT) nor on a notebook running XP with Intel mobile graphics adapter.  My conclusion is that my AL2216W is haunted, or prehaps someday I will pick up a Microsoft update and it will start working again.  But having Win7 and XP boxes esperience the same monitor detection problem seems to point to the AL2216W monitor.  How it could fail in this way is the part that I don't understand.
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:26 AMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    I am sorry, but I am missing something.  I am able to follow your instructions down to the Display Settings choice.  On the Personalization screen I see I have an option to click on Display.  When I do that I don't have an Advanced Settings choice.
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 4:38 AMyupduluth Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Go to control panel and hit on modems under phone and modems.Just hit the answer to your ? .It automatically installs your new modem.For two years when I had a shoot me please computer i would run xp dr. and It always came up no modem detected or the old one.I had the techs going crazy comeingout to change modems sayin "my diognostics are saying yur modem doesn't show!It was my pc.Your computer should run ok in spite of that unless you want to dig into the modem itself.Hope this helps.
                                   Email removed for privacy P.S.If you are on vista get xp home,black,or pro,which I am running now.Fling yur vista disc's up in the air and shoot them like clay pigeons.It feels good and you will not have yur days wrecked so often.I shot my old pc. with my .38 special police "positive" and it felt great.Then I saw an ad and got a dell OPTIPLEX it is a pentium 4 dual quad and it rocks!a thousand in software,500 games a flat screen,a new keypad and mouse.140.00 bucks.My point is;if you think a problem is caused by a modem,it is most likely your pc.If you shoot yur pc make sure you do not hit batterys or power converter as it will spew (do you love that word)mercury,arsnic and other veeeeery dangerous fumes.Hope this helps.Yup 
    Mark Schossow
    • Unproposed As Answer bycgrue Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:35 PM
    • Proposed As Answer byyupduluth Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:03 AM
  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:27 PMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Hello Mark,

    I am having trouble with an Acer AL2216W monitor.  I don't have a Vista disk.

  • Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:32 PMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I have installed the latest video driver and chip set drivers for one the machines.  It still does not detect the AL2216W monitor.  The screen resolution screen only refers to a non-PnP monitor.

  • Monday, November 23, 2009 3:49 PMcgrue Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    This is resolved.  The monitor had to be unplugged, powered down, and then replugged.  Having done that the monitor is again detected by all the computers.

    • Marked As Answer bycgrue Monday, November 23, 2009 3:49 PM
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