My Journey to Heal – Week 2

Dr. Llaiyla Africa & Me

January 29, 2011

It has now been a full week since I met with my holistic doctors (Dr. Afrika and Dr. Melanie Stevenson) and my spiritual peace doctor; my attitude and days have never been the same. When I first wake up in the morning, I meditate for 15 minutes, breathing in good positive energy and releasing the negative heavy weight of anything that should not be on my mind or in my spirit; then I pray and end it with reading from a book, currently I am reading “The Infinite Way” by Joel Goldsmith. It may seem like something very small and insignificant in words, but it has become a very powerful, peaceful and necessary experience for me. It allows me the time to put things in my mind in perspective, connect with God, and call the right energy into my spirit. Stress and worry have been the two big factors in my life over the past 6 years, which is a lot to carry much harm can come to your body over that period of time. A stressful lifestyle is also one of the biggest contributors to Cancer next to too much exposure to toxic chemicals, radiation and the consistent consumption of harmful foods. Therefore, recognizing and understanding where the harm comes from is important in order to understand how to properly heal.

So far, the noticeable changes in my body include no more throbbing pain in the area of the tumor, and some of the swelling around it has gone down. Every day, twice per day I am taking vitamins to help repair and strengthen my digestive and immune system as well as a blood cleanser that will help kill the Cancer cells. When stress sets in, your body immediately shuts down your digestive, immune, reproductive, and excretory systems. So for example, when a couple wants to have a child and a woman is under stress, she can’t get pregnant because she shut down her reproductive system, therefore it will not happen. If the situation where reversed and the husband were under too much stress, he can’t keep and erection long enough to have sex with his wife, therefore a baby still can’t be produced. Does an example help you understand the importance of working towards a stress free lifestyle…all the material things we stress ourselves out just to have is not worth literally killing ourselves over.

My journey to heal is connecting with my true spirit and to completely rid my body of these harmful cells. Once they are gone I will never call myself a “breast Cancer” survivor, for you can’t be in remission of something that is no longer there; Cancer is either gone or it’s still there, but not both.  We all have heard the saying “stress can kill you” but do you really know how it can kill you and what that really means? I truly understand with clarity how stress can kill a person and I have now become fully aware that you cannot separate mind, body and spirit. If you do not work to achieve total wellness among all of them, you can still shut down your system and nature will run its course; disease will set in.

But understand the word “Cancer” signals fear and sadness because socially we have been trained to express that emotion, but my purpose here on this earth is to serve as a health and wellness leader. For many years, my philosophy has primarily been about exercising and eating food to keep the body healthy. Because of this experience, I am now learning from my own lifestyle how important is to work towards spiritual and mental health. I have begun studying under Dr. Llaila Africa Holistic medicine to become certified as a holistic medical consultant.  I plan on studying to receive my Doctorate in Naturopathy.  All of this has been in one week although it sounds like enough to happen in one month. Well, until next time, that is all for now…..”take back your life”

Maria Bee

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The key to a Healthy Survival; Alkaline

By Maria Bee

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Lately in my writing I have been referring to the importance of alkaline foods and the importance of alkalizing the body for a healthy survival. I realize that many of you may be asking yourself what the heck is she talking about when she refers to alkalizing your body or, more specifically, how can I alkalize my body for better health. So let’s clear up these questions and allow me to empower you with the ability to make smart choices.

What is Alkaline

When you alkalize your body it means to balance the pH of your body in order to maintain good health. Your body has to maintain a specific temperature and it must also maintain a pH that is slightly higher than 7 (a number that can be measured with alkaline strips) which means it is slightly alkaline. Naturally your body works to maintain that level and it wants to work hard to keep you healthy even if you start getting acidic. What’s not so good news is the way the body handles acid by storing it in fat cells making a person over-weight, lining the walls of your arteries with cholesterol which leads to heart problems, or the possibility of seeping calcium out of your bones to neutralize the acid. The body wants to be well, but unfortunately it is also unkind and therefore it will begin abusing other internal organs in order to keep running.

When I first learned about alkaline, I wanted to know how to alkalize my body for better health and a stronger immune system. I learned that the answer is quite simple but because of the eating habits many people, especially Americans have adopted, it would be a choice and take discipline. Minimize the amount of acid you are putting into your body and increase the amount of alkalizing foods and drinks instead. Acidic foods include meat, dairy products, eggs, and sugars. All of these foods leave an acidic residue when they are digested. Alkalizing foods are primarily fruits and vegetables. Try to eat more “live” foods like fruits and vegetables instead of acidic foods. Nourishing your body by taking all natural health supplements and vitamins and drinking a lot of water is extremely important. In fact, you should drink at least half your weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 140 lbs., you should drink at least 70 ounces of water. As your body becomes more alkalized, you will experience a phenomenon of differences and start to be full of energy and vitality.

Dangers of an Acidic Life Style

New research is showing that disease is not the result of germs, viruses, or bacteria, but the byproduct of an acidic lifestyle and body.  Not surprisingly to me, some of the latest medical text books are now beginning to acknowledge that germs, viruses, and bacteria were never the sole cause of any disease. If you think about it for a minute, when comparing why in other countries people aren’t fighting the diseases and illnesses in their bodies the way that we are in America, by looking at their diet, you will see that this is true. When acidity and alkalinity are not properly balanced in the body, the breakdown may cause a myriad of chronic health problems that can be remedied with proper diet. In order to help this make more sense in your mind, here are a few basic consequences from too much acid in the body:

Weight Gain

In order to maintain a slightly alkaline pH, your body must deal with excess acid. One way it does this is to neutralize it with fat. The body will create fat or use fat to neutralize the acid, which causes major weight gain. Fat cells pack up the acid and then keep a safe distance from organs. This may sound like a good thing but it only increases health risks waiting to happen.

Headache, Low Energy, Fatigue and Stress

The more you are stressed, your body produces more acidic waste. And as your oxygen level drops, viral infections may infect your body system, making you weak, tired, and stressed. Physical and mental stress is one of the number one causes of death, therefore you have to work towards relief with enough rest, exercise, and of course, well and balanced diet. Becoming a slave of a stressful lifestyle will deplete your energy levels and plunge you into an overall feeling of exhaustion.


Undigested protein can cause allergies. It is most likely to happen when the digestive system is weakened as oxygen deprives alkaline environment. Very common to some people who have food allergies to experience dropping the ph level in their blood and body system.

Joint Pain, Arthritis and Osteoporosis

When too much acid is in the body calcium carbonate is formed which will deposit around the joints causing joint pain and arthritis.

Additionally, the combination of two most important minerals like calcium and phosphorus make our bones stay healthy and strong. But when the body is spending time trying to neutralize the excessive quantities of acid, you are losing the essential mineral, which causes the suffering of osteoporosis.


As mentioned earlier, high acidic and fat and low vegetable and fruits, can cause constipation. Proven research shows this issue can be alleviated with lots of water and an increase in the high alkaline fruits and vegetables.

Frequent Colds, Bronchitis, Infections, Headaches

An acidic body weakens the immune system that will also lead to various respiratory tract problems. As the immune system becomes affected, your body is susceptible to having headaches, frequent colds, viral infections and bronchitis.

Increase in Blood Sugar and Heart Attack

Many factors can contribute to diabetes and heart disease, which I talk about in my other articles, although these health problems can be solved by rectifying the ph level of the blood by eating right. Consequently, if acid wastes build up in the bloodstream and are dumped into important organs in the body such as the heart organ, then you are dealing with coronary diseases.

The fast paced modern living exposes us to an acidic environment and opens us up for many illnesses to succumb our body. We all have the ability to heal naturally if we return to a healthy biological terrain of a well oxygenated and alkalized environment coupled with watching consumption of various foods. We have billions of cells inside our body that are slightly alkaline, and therefore, we must work to keep and maintain the alkalinity in order for us to function well, or else, the poison of acidosis as it attacks the body can slowly hit and deteriorate our system leading to chronic diseases and death.

The Solution

Although learning to take control of your health is a great thing to do, I also realize it can be equally overwhelming. Especially when you are starting from the beginning and possibly growing up as a child your learned behavior has been the standard American way; hamburgers, French fries, microwaved meals and other processed foods.  Take information a spoonful at a time, but never stop learning because something seems to be too much. If the truth is what you are seeking, then the truth is what you will find and you will never be the same once you discover powerful information. So my final thoughts regarding this topic are a simple solution. The best ways to treat acidity in the body include herbal and homeopathic drainage formulas to stimulate the liver, kidneys and lymph systems. Also increase water intake, vegetable intake, increase exercise, try digestive enzymes and do the things necessary to experience more fun and pure pleasure in your life.

On the Road to Healing

January 24, 2011: Channeling  the Right Energy

Every day during last week I felt like I was drowning in sorrow. I had no desire to eat because I was disgusted with everything being contaminated with chemicals. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but for the sake of financial obligations I realized I could not neglect work, so I left my home only when I needed to. I knew with the consistency of that behavior I was emotionally in trouble. To make matters worse, everyone kept telling me to try not to stress. How could I not stress out when I never had health challenges before and one day I wake up with a health issue?   Obviously my health has not been a secret, therefore I was receiving so many phone calls , emails, and Face book messages from family and friends; I was grateful.

When I look back over my week I know it was God’s way of showing up with a force and I knew then it was not the time for me to give up.  Identifying a good doctor who practiced traditional medicine was not hard. Truth be told, it was like finding a liquor store in the projects; there is one on every corner. But finding a credible holistic doctor who also understands differences in black people and the melanin we carry in our skin was my concern so I kept making phone calls and searching for the right holistic support to help me. Amazingly enough strong forces of energy brought Dr. Afrika, one of the top holistic medical doctors in the country to my home Friday morning January 21 and that afternoon, Dr. Carter, one of the best spiritual healing doctors’s in the country; talk about a powerful day.  Within that one day, I was forced to face the fact that I never allowed my soul to heal from the emotional stress of my divorce, therefore my body began weakening over time. I had to acknowledge that my emotional and spiritual health was damaged and as a result of the stress from it all, my body began breaking down internally because it was trying to find a way to heal; I never took the time to go through that healing process, I just did what I needed to do to get by.

Today, I have made a complete change in my way of thinking and I am now on a journey to heal my soul and my body. I will no longer give the “C” word the ability to manifest in my body by giving it the life it needs to take over. My attitude is completely changed because I understand now how important a balance in all elements (body, mind, spirit) are necessary for me to survive, which means I must work towards downloading my stress on a daily basis through meditation and prayer.  While I am healing my soul, I will also be healing my body with herbal medicine, vitamins and a high alkaline diet.

Herbs covering lump

Today is a brand new day for me because God made his presence known and he has rejuvenated my attitude. I no longer see myself as a victim but a catalyst to tell a great story and to share a much more compassionate way of healing the body naturally as opposed to the intrusive and disruptive process women s bodies have to experience when they hear the words……….It’s MALIGNANT.  That is all for now, until tomorrow.

Going to sleep with Cancer, Waking up with Cancer

Breast Cancer Confessions January 15, 2011

I used to wake up with such zest for life, hopping out of the bed, laughing at myself, or just thinking about everything I needed to accomplish for my day. Today I woke up wondering if my life could possibly end early. Would I miss seeing my kids grow up as adults and have families of their own? Everything tied to the possibility of mortality is going through my mind, which only leaves me feeling paralyzed; unable to move forward with my day. This morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed, talk to anyone, or eat anything chemically altered by man.  Today has been a hopeless feeling. I am so disgusted with the” American way” I have thoughts of wanting to go live in another country where there is not so much sickness and disease.  On the day I was told I had Cancer I ached at the idea of traditional medicine for treatment, which made having Cancer, in my opinion, even more agonizing. I have at least decided with sound feelings that I choose to get cured from Cancer and not treated. In other words, I choose natural healing and I am not interested in traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is a revenue stream. Yes, it has saved lives if you look at the possibility of life over death. On the other hand, if someone knew their Cancer could be cured through natural medicine, would she have chosen something less harsh and intrusive to the body?

Chemo not only kills bad cells, but it destroys the good ones as well. I choose to live life and keep everything in my body God gave me except what doesn’t belong. I choose to live and I choose to take back my life. So now it’s time to search for the right natural support system. In the meantime, I must also apply some major changes in my diet; it’s time to go raw…..