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Haitians in NYC Hold Vigil

7 hours ago | Brooklyn, New York | Vetting explained

sjunat55 Posted by:

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  • Last updated: 7 hours ago

CNN producer note

sjunat55 captured the raw emotions flowing from those gathered in New York City for a candlelight vigil for the victims and missing in Haiti. “I heard people talking of missing relatives and friends, but there was also a tone of hope in the way they are organizing the local relief effort,” he said.
- zdan, CNN iReport producer

iReport —

On Wednesday. January 13, the Haitian community in New York City held a vigil in remembrance of the victims of the earthquake that devastated their country.

They gathered in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, sometimes known as Little Haiti, the center of one of the largest populations of Hatians in the world.

The vigil was one of reflection, music, hope and also a starting point for organizing the community's relief efforts. People from other aribbean islands were there to show solidarity.

They spoke about their country. families and friends, and prayed and sang in English and Creole on a cold night that brought them together.


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