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Disney's TRON: Legacy Commemorative Giveaway

By Lori Cunningham

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Are you a big TRON fan?  Win one of 6 TRON:  Legacy commemorative ultra cool US B thumb drives - designed to be exact replicas of the Light Cycles driven by Kevin Flynn and Sam Flynn in the movie – complete with bonus movie content, lighting and sounds effects!  See the end of this article to enter this giveaway!

If you love thrillers, suspense, and technological awe, you’re in for a treat in Disney’s new TRON: Legacy, opening in theaters this Friday.   A sequel to TRON, a fascinating movie made in the eighties, TRON: Legacy is sure to delight with sci-fi  theatrics and awe-inspiring f/x effects.

Jeff Bridges, the original “Kevin Flynn” in the eighties once again plays “Kevin Flynn” in this suped up version of TRON: Legacy….

For twenty years, Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) has been haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin (Jeff Bridges), an innovative software programmer and former CEO of ENCOM International. One night, an executive consultant for ENCOM and friend of Kevin, Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner), sends Sam to investigate a mysterious page originating from the long abandoned Flynn’s Arcade. While searching for clues, Sam is suddenly transported to the digital world of The Grid. Aided by the digital warrior Quorra (Olivia Wilde) and Tron (Bruce Boxleitner), Sam is reunited with his father and together set out on a journey to return home. Encountering vehicles, weapons, and landscapes that have become far more advanced than before, father and son must evade CLU 2, an updated version of Flynn’s original hacking program, which will stop at nothing to prevent their escape.[1]

Wow, now how’s that for a plot?  Need to see it for yourself, check out this official preview:

To learn more about TRON see the Disney TRON site.

Want to get a piece of the action?  Dane-Elec has created the most unique USB thumb drives I have ever seen to commemorate Disney’s TRON:  Legacy movie.

To satiate both Kevin and Sam Flynn fans, Dane-Elec has designed two different versions of the product that each represents the father and son team movie characters. The white Kevin Flynn Light Cycle limited collector’s edition offers 8 GB of memory and is packed with exciting features including blue LED lighting and sound effects from the movie.  With wheels that light up, the black Sam Flynn Light Cycle product includes 4 GB of memory and is an exact replica of the TRON bike featured in the movie!

Both devices offer consumers additional bonus content such as 3D rotating videos of each character’s Life Cycle,  the movie trailer, movie posters as well as wallpaper and screensavers inspired by the TRON Universe.

In addition, there is plenty of space on both drives to save your music, documents, pictures, etc.  Your kids will certainly love storing their digital data on such a cool drive.

The Kevin and Sam Flynn commemorative Light Cycles can be purchased at Amazon.com, Tiger Direct, and Toys R Us.


To feed the buzz surrounding Disney’s new TRON: Legacy movie, Dane-Elec is giving away 6 stellar TRON: Legacy Kevin/Sam Flynn USB drives!  Yes…. 6 of them!


1.     Leave a comment telling us what excites you about the TRON: Legacy movie.

For extra entries:

2.    Tweet “I just entered the @TronLegacy FLynn Light Cycle USB drive Giveaway on @WellConnectdMom http://bit.ly/MquAR #TRONLegacy” for another chance at winning.  Leave a comment to tell us you tweeted ensure your tweet gets you another shot at winning.

3.     Become a fan of the WellConnectedMom.com by clicking on “Like” on the Facebook Fan box on the right hand side of this page(or click here).  Leave a comment to tell us you’re now a fan.  If you’re already a fan, leave a comment too for an extra entry!

The more comments you leave, following the guidelines above, the better your chances of winning!   Winners will be drawn from comments using Random.com.

Contest ends New Years Day, January 1st @ 10pm PST.  Contest open to all US residents. Good luck and thanks for spreading the word!

  1. http://disney.go.com/tron/index_flash.html#/tron-legacy
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For me i am looking for the continuation of the storyline, a what has happened to Kevin Flynn and crew since the first movie. I also want to see how the more modern effects look on screen. This will be the first movie i am dragging myself to a 3D theater for.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
I like the Special effects of this movie..it is so vivid! Plus I would like to see how the story continues with his son in this movie. Thank you for a excellent giveaway! :)
My inner geek wants to see what modern technology and film approaches are capable of doing with the story.
I was obsessed with Tron as a kid. Just the nostalgia of the new movie excites me. I'm sure the action and effects will be awesome to watch, and seeing how the the story continues will be interesting. I'm looking forward to taking my nephew.
Jennifer C.'s avatar

Jennifer C. · 14 hours ago

I love the graphics...the first movie was phenomenal and now we have so much more in technology that this remake should be MIND ~BLOWING~!!
I really liked the first Tron so I'n hoping this one will be even better. I'm also excited that it will be in 3-d.
Margaret Konczal's avatar

Margaret Konczal · 12 hours ago

What excites me is that Jeff Bridges is in it!
Linda Kish's avatar

Linda Kish · 11 hours ago

Seeing Jeff Bridges

lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'm excited about the fact that my dad wants to take me on a 'date' to see this particular movie and out to a bar since he promised me a drink when I turned 21 :)

And of course it generally looks like a good movie!

Thank you for this giveaway ^.^
I follow you on Twitter @TheEclecticE and I tweeted:
Melissa Jackson's avatar

Melissa Jackson · 10 hours ago


Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com
Melissa Jackson's avatar

Melissa Jackson · 10 hours ago

I am a fan of WellConnectedMom.com on FB! (melissa jackson)

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com
Christian Griffin's avatar

Christian Griffin · 10 hours ago

I am excited to see the new style and story line.

This movie is going to be SWEET!
Can I tell you that I haven't watched the movie, but DH said it was not worth watching? We will probably be watching it on video since DS is getting something Tron-related for xmas. Merry Xmas, Lori! XOXO
I LOVE the original! What excites me is just the idea of going back into this world. I can't wait to see what they do with the story and how they connect it into the original. Plus it just looks so shiny. :)
love all the special effects and I have always like the 3d we will see...
I like wellconnected mom on facebook I am new to you:)

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