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Click ★Rooh.it on any page to start highlighting it." }, // Define the function that will be called after user successfully add bookmarklet to bookmarkbar function(){ // setTimeout(closeSlider, 500); /*roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function() { accomodateSlider(); }); */ showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); } roohJQ(document).ready(function() { if(roohJQ(document).data('mousetip.loaded') === true) { initTip(); } else { roohJQ(document).bind('mousetip.loaded', function() { initTip(); }); } /* Always show it $("h1.dragthis").hover(function(){ $('.bar-instruction').fadeIn(150); }, function(){ $('.bar-instruction').fadeOut(150); }); */ }); })(roohJQ); Collect, Share & Discover cool highlights. (In the 25 most popular apps. on Google Toolbar) Clips Clips Highlight Save Saves Page Collection to My Collection Organize Organize/Combine sub-sets Twitter Tweet Highlights Facebook Post highlights to your Wall Email Email Highlights Show-off Show-off Highlights Follow Follow users, sites.. Interests of your Interests Collaborate Collaborate with Friends' Highlights Get It Now Get It Now! Fast...  Free...  Web-based...   ★Rooh.it Drag button to Bookmarks Bar to get your own Highlighter Without installing anything   Go ahead and mouse over the gray button Ctrl + Shift + B to show Bookmarks Bar. Hide for today I already have it var showBkMrkBar = 'Ctrl + Shift + B'; accomodateSlider(); roohJQ('#skiphl').click(function () { /*roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function(){accomodateSlider();});*/ showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); roohJQ("#hideslider").on("click","li",function(){ var id = roohJQ(this).attr('id'); MAX_PROMPTS = 5 ; if(id == "hlnow") { // Get current time, subtract from EOD and pass in duration SetCookie('pluginprompted', MAX_PROMPTS, 86400, undefined, undefined, false, true); // 1-day cookie } else if(id == "hlnever") { // Set expiry of 180 days SetCookie('pluginprompted', MAX_PROMPTS, 31536000, undefined, undefined, false, true); // 365-day cookie, also save in DB } //roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function(){accomodateSlider();}); showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); var timeouts = new Array(); var timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').css('visibility','visible').hide().fadeIn(800);", 2500) ; timeouts.push(timeout); for (iterate=1; iterate<5; iterate++) { timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').hide();", 5000*iterate) ; timeouts.push(timeout); timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').css('visibility','visible').hide().fadeIn(800);", 5800*iterate) ; timeouts.push(timeout); } /* function blink(selector){ $(selector).fadeOut(1, function(){ $(this).fadeIn(800, function(){ blink(this); }); }); } blink('.blinkingDiv') ; */ Rooh it COLLECTED My Collection Saved page Page History Revisions of this Page Live Page SHARE rooh.it/ Edit Shiny Url Copy to Clipboard twitter Linked In Tell a Friend DISCOVER My Friends´ Highlights Show highlights on this page byConnect With Everyone´s Highlights   TAG Tagged by me as: Add tag Suggested Tags: Recent Tags: Choose Pen Color .clr_box{ width:10px; height:10px; float:left; margin:2px; border:1px solid #408bc3; }            Pen Up  Left Arrow roohlette Right Arrow Intro to Toolbar Help (FAQ) Settings Logout facebook twitter Comment Copy Delete down X Email Post on wall Tweet Linked In Delete Copy Search Embed Applied tags More   E-Mail Highlights Send: Highlighted Page Highlights Link To: Subject: From: Comments: Private  Quickly see the page I have highlighted for you at Email URL (use your local contact list)   Username:*  @ GmailHotmailYahoo!AbvAOLApropoAtlasAussiemailAzetBigstringBordermailCanoeCare2ClevergoDoramailEviteFastMail5FmFreemailGawabGMX.netGrafittiHushmailInbox.comIndiaIndiaTimesInetInteriaKataMailKidsLiberoLinkedInLycosMail2WorldMail.comMail.inMail.ruMetaMSNMynet.comNetaddressNz11O2OperaMailPlaxoPochtaPopstarmailRamblerRediffSapo.ptTechemailTerraUk2VirgilioWallaWeb.deWp.ptXingYandexYouTubeZapakmailBadooBeboBookcrossingBrazencareeristCyworldEonsFacesFamivaFdcareerFlickrFlingrFlixsterFriendfeedFriendsterHi5HyvesKincafeKonnectsKoolroLast.fmLivejournalLoventoMeinvzMevioMotortopiaMultiplyMycatspaceMydogspaceMySpaceNetLogNingOrkutPerfspotPlazesPlurkSkyrockTaggedTwitterVimeoVkontakteXangaXuqaPassword:* No passwords are EVER stored/seen by our servers I agree to the terms.    It seems there is already an account in existence on this computer. If you are the sole user of this computer it would be wise to merge your accounts.If you want to merge this new () account with your existing account you need to verify that you are indeed the owner of the existing acount. Please establish your identity. This is a ONE-TIME VERIFICATION.Existing Username: Password: Merge Don't Merge Add Tags ? to easily locate your highlights later Recent Tags : Suggested Tags : Untagged highlights are periodically deleted Save Tags smileyDone Paste this code into your site where you’d like your tile to appear: Copied " />').css({ 'top' : $sliderMain.offset().top + $sliderMain.outerHeight(), 'width' : roohJQ(window).width(), 'height' :roohJQ(window).height() }).appendTo($sliderMain).click(function() { roohJQ('#slider-overlay').fadeOut(400).remove(); }); //$dragbkmk.css('border-color', '#d5030b') ; //RC - 10/22/12 } else { roohJQ('#slider-overlay').css({ 'top' : $sliderMain.offset().top + $sliderMain.outerHeight(), 'width' : roohJQ(window).width(), 'height' :roohJQ(window).height() }); } $logodiv.removeClass().addClass('logo-container'); } else { roohJQ('#slider-overlay').fadeOut(400).remove(); $logodiv.removeClass().addClass('logo-container logo-container-inner-white'); //$dragbkmk.css('border-color', '#d5030b') ; //RC - 10/22/12 } if(!height || height > 200) { return; } if(roohJQ("#rooh-hp-panel").is(":visible") && typeof elemToPush != 'undefined' && elemToPush == '#rooh-hp-slider') // just hard code for roohit own site height -= pushPageDown; if(typeof origMarginTop != 'undefined') // If there was margin-top already on body tag, add that also height += origMarginTop; roohJQ('body').animate({ 'margin-top' : height }, { queue : false }); } catch (exc) { console.log ("Exception trying to acoomodate the Slider: " + exc.message) ; } } var blink = null; function blurExceptBkmrkBtn() { var opacity = "0.1"; roohJQ(".dragbtn-screen").css("opacity",opacity); // $(".bar-instruction").css("color","#999"); // $(".dragthis").css("color","#999"); // $(".dragbkmk-content h2").css("color","#999"); //$(".bar-instruction").css("opacity",opacity); roohJQ("#header").css("opacity", opacity) ; roohJQ("#home-banner-container").css("opacity", opacity) ; roohJQ("#home-wrapper").css("opacity", opacity) ; roohJQ(".starthl-downarrow").hide() ; roohJQ(".to-start-hlbtn").hide() ; //$("#rooh-btn-inst1").hide(); //$("#rooh-btn-inst2").show(); roohJQ(".dragthis span").css("visibility","hidden"); roohJQ(".dragbkmk-content h2").css("visibility","hidden"); roohJQ("#hideslider").css("visibility","hidden"); roohJQ("#tip").children().css("bottom",''); roohJQ("#tip").children().css("top",'-70px'); roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow-home").css('visibility','visible'); roohJQ(".straddle").css("opacity", opacity);//facebook login button on home page if(blink == null) { var len = timeouts.length; for(var i=0; i < len; i++) { clearTimeout(timeouts[i]); } timeouts = []; if(roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow-home").length) blink = window.setInterval(blinkUpArrowHome, 500); else blink = window.setInterval(blinkUpArrow, 500); } } function removeBlurExceptBkmrkBtn() { roohJQ(".dragbtn-screen").css("opacity","1"); // $(".bar-instruction").css("color","#333333"); // $(".dragthis").css("color","#000"); // $(".dragbkmk-content h2").css("color","#999"); //$(".bar-instruction").css("opacity","1"); roohJQ("#header").css("opacity", "1") ; roohJQ("#home-banner-container").css("opacity", "1") ; roohJQ("#home-wrapper").css("opacity", "1") ; roohJQ(".starthl-downarrow").show() ; roohJQ(".to-start-hlbtn").show() ; //$("#rooh-btn-inst2").hide(); //$("#rooh-btn-inst1").show(); roohJQ(".dragthis span").css("visibility","visible"); roohJQ(".dragbkmk-content h2").css("visibility","visible"); roohJQ("#hideslider").css("visibility","visible"); roohJQ("#tip").children().css("top",''); roohJQ("#tip").children().css("bottom",'0px'); roohJQ(".straddle").css("opacity", "1"); //facebook login button on home page if(blink != null) { clearInterval(blink); blink = null; roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow").show(); roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow-home").css('visibility','hidden'); } } function blinkUpArrow() { roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow").toggle(); } function blinkUpArrowHome() { var upArrow = roohJQ(".dragbtn-uparrow-home"); if(upArrow.css("visibility") == 'visible') { upArrow.css('visibility','hidden'); } else { upArrow.css('visibility','visible'); } } (function($) { function initTip() { roohJQ('#tip.dragbtn-tip').mousetip({ //to overwrite tips, just define the tip like this : tipSuccess: "
Click ★Rooh.it on any page to start highlighting it." }, // Define the function that will be called after user successfully add bookmarklet to bookmarkbar function(){ // setTimeout(closeSlider, 500); /*roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function() { accomodateSlider(); }); */ showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); } roohJQ(document).ready(function() { if(roohJQ(document).data('mousetip.loaded') === true) { initTip(); } else { roohJQ(document).bind('mousetip.loaded', function() { initTip(); }); } /* Always show it $("h1.dragthis").hover(function(){ $('.bar-instruction').fadeIn(150); }, function(){ $('.bar-instruction').fadeOut(150); }); */ }); })(roohJQ); Collect, Share & Discover cool highlights. (In the 25 most popular apps. on Google Toolbar) Clips Clips Highlight Save Saves Page Collection to My Collection Organize Organize/Combine sub-sets Twitter Tweet Highlights Facebook Post highlights to your Wall Email Email Highlights Show-off Show-off Highlights Follow Follow users, sites.. Interests of your Interests Collaborate Collaborate with Friends' Highlights Get It Now Get It Now! Fast...  Free...  Web-based...   ★Rooh.it Drag button to Bookmarks Bar to get your own Highlighter Without installing anything   Go ahead and mouse over the gray button Ctrl + Shift + B to show Bookmarks Bar. Hide for today I already have it var showBkMrkBar = 'Ctrl + Shift + B'; accomodateSlider(); roohJQ('#skiphl').click(function () { /*roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function(){accomodateSlider();});*/ showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); roohJQ("#hideslider").on("click","li",function(){ var id = roohJQ(this).attr('id'); MAX_PROMPTS = 5 ; if(id == "hlnow") { // Get current time, subtract from EOD and pass in duration SetCookie('pluginprompted', MAX_PROMPTS, 86400, undefined, undefined, false, true); // 1-day cookie } else if(id == "hlnever") { // Set expiry of 180 days SetCookie('pluginprompted', MAX_PROMPTS, 31536000, undefined, undefined, false, true); // 365-day cookie, also save in DB } //roohJQ("#dragbkmk-container").slideUp(700, function(){accomodateSlider();}); showBkmSlider(false, 700); //hide slider }); var timeouts = new Array(); var timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').css('visibility','visible').hide().fadeIn(800);", 2500) ; timeouts.push(timeout); for (iterate=1; iterate<5; iterate++) { timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').hide();", 5000*iterate) ; timeouts.push(timeout); timeout = setTimeout("roohJQ('.dragbtn-uparrow').css('visibility','visible').hide().fadeIn(800);", 5800*iterate) ; timeouts.push(timeout); } /* function blink(selector){ $(selector).fadeOut(1, function(){ $(this).fadeIn(800, function(){ blink(this); }); }); } blink('.blinkingDiv') ; */ Rooh it COLLECTED My Collection Saved page Page History Revisions of this Page Live Page SHARE rooh.it/ Edit Shiny Url Copy to Clipboard twitter Linked In Tell a Friend DISCOVER My Friends´ Highlights Show highlights on this page byConnect With Everyone´s Highlights   TAG Tagged by me as: Add tag Suggested Tags: Recent Tags: Choose Pen Color .clr_box{ width:10px; height:10px; float:left; margin:2px; border:1px solid #408bc3; }            Pen Up  Left Arrow roohlette Right Arrow Intro to Toolbar Help (FAQ) Settings Logout facebook twitter Comment Copy Delete down X Email Post on wall Tweet Linked In Delete Copy Search Embed Applied tags More   E-Mail Highlights Send: Highlighted Page Highlights Link To: Subject: From: Comments: Private  Quickly see the page I have highlighted for you at Email URL (use your local contact list)   Username:*  @ GmailHotmailYahoo!AbvAOLApropoAtlasAussiemailAzetBigstringBordermailCanoeCare2ClevergoDoramailEviteFastMail5FmFreemailGawabGMX.netGrafittiHushmailInbox.comIndiaIndiaTimesInetInteriaKataMailKidsLiberoLinkedInLycosMail2WorldMail.comMail.inMail.ruMetaMSNMynet.comNetaddressNz11O2OperaMailPlaxoPochtaPopstarmailRamblerRediffSapo.ptTechemailTerraUk2VirgilioWallaWeb.deWp.ptXingYandexYouTubeZapakmailBadooBeboBookcrossingBrazencareeristCyworldEonsFacesFamivaFdcareerFlickrFlingrFlixsterFriendfeedFriendsterHi5HyvesKincafeKonnectsKoolroLast.fmLivejournalLoventoMeinvzMevioMotortopiaMultiplyMycatspaceMydogspaceMySpaceNetLogNingOrkutPerfspotPlazesPlurkSkyrockTaggedTwitterVimeoVkontakteXangaXuqaPassword:* No passwords are EVER stored/seen by our servers I agree to the terms.    It seems there is already an account in existence on this computer. If you are the sole user of this computer it would be wise to merge your accounts.If you want to merge this new () account with your existing account you need to verify that you are indeed the owner of the existing acount. Please establish your identity. This is a ONE-TIME VERIFICATION.Existing Username: Password: Merge Don't Merge Add Tags ? to easily locate your highlights later Recent Tags : Suggested Tags : Untagged highlights are periodically deleted Save Tags smileyDone Paste this code into your site where you’d like your tile to appear: Copied Prejudice Sources: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html - 3.1 NS http://www.africanaencyclopedia.com/apartheid/apartheid.html - 2.4 NS http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-apartheid.htm - 2.3 NS http://www.wisegeek.com/how-did-apartheid-end.htm - 1.7 NS ________________________________ ________________________________ 18. May 2010 Opret kommentar til Engelsk Outline Seneste indlæg Hvordan skal det forstås? (0) A: stående bølge (0) Ligningssystem (3) Hvad er en artikel?? 30 sekunder... (0) Trapez i trekant! Hjælp! (0) Populære indlæg Ligningssystem (3) Kan man via fysiske tests finde ... (7) Hvordan skal det forstås? (0) A: stående bølge (0) A: Komplementærer strenge (2) Om Studieportalen.dk: Om Studieportalen.dk | Kontakt | Annoncering | RSS Hjælp: Support | FAQ | Stopplagiat.nu var restore_url ='http://www.studieportalen.dk/Opgaver/Engelsk-Outline-18286.aspx';var foreign_page_id ='8f226';var SHOW_SAVED_PAGE ='145417'; ::selection {background-color:#FFFF00 !important;color: #000000 !important;}::-moz-selection {background-color:#FFFF00 !important;color:#000000 !important;} /* jQueryConflictHandler() is DUPLICATED in HP XD bootstrapper */ function jQueryConflictHandler() { window.roohJQ = jQuery.noConflict(); if(typeof window.prejQuery != 'undefined') { // RESTORE THE OTHER WEBSITES' JQUERY window.jQuery = window.prejQuery.noConflict(); window.$ = window.prejQuery.noConflict(); } } try{ jQueryConflictHandler(); }catch(e){ alert('Failed to load jQuery') ; } if (window['restore_url'] == undefined) var restore_url=encodeURIComponent("http://www.studieportalen.dk/Opgaver/Engelsk-Outline-18286.aspx"); // Remove fancybox from saved pages. This is only for old pages as newer pages will have fancybox stripped already roohJQ('[id^=fancybox]').remove(); close window.isUserLoggedIn = false; window.rooh_loggedInUser = 0; if(window.rooh_cookies) { window.rooh_cookies.PHPSESSID = '983f323b2e76917f7d2b2a703ebc0986'; window.IS_FOLLOWING_DMN = 0; } var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false; if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) { document.cookie = "roohtestcookie"; cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf("roohtestcookie") != -1) ? true : false } if (!cookieEnabled) { window.location = 'http://roohit.com/CookiesReqd.php'; } System Message function accomodateSlider() { try { var $sliderMain = roohJQ('#rooh-hp-slider'), $logodiv = roohJQ('.logo-container'), $dragbkmk = roohJQ('#dragbkmk-container'), height = $sliderMain.height(); if($dragbkmk.is(':visible')) { if(roohJQ('#slider-overlay').length === 0) { roohJQ('
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Existing Username: Password: Merge Don't Merge Add Tags ? to easily locate your highlights later Recent Tags : Suggested Tags : Untagged highlights are periodically deleted Save Tags smiley Done Paste this code into your site where you’d like your tile to appear: Copied.. ubject: English Gladsaxe Skole 9.y General subject: South Africa My Topic: Apartheid  Why did I choose this topic?  Interesting  Important to know to avoid it in the future  What is apartheid?  National Party  Apart - separate  3 groups - Black, White and Coloured  Passport and “homelands”  How did it stop?  International pressure  The opposition - ANC  Demonstrations, strikes, sabotage and etc  How to avoid things like apartheid to happen again?  Learn from the past  What do I think about apartheid  Understand the political tactic  Don’t like  Separate humans and treat as animal  Prejudice Sources: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html - 3.1 NS http://www.africanaencyclopedia.com/apartheid/apartheid.html - 2.4 NS http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-apartheid.htm - 2.3 NS http://www.wisegeek.com/how-did-apartheid-end.htm - 1.7 NS ________________________________ ________________________________..  Why did I choose this topic?  Interesting  Important to know to avoid it in the future  What is apartheid?  National Party  Apart - separate  3 groups - Black, White and Coloured  Passport and “homelands”  How did it stop?  International pressure  The opposition - ANC  Demonstrations, strikes, sabotage and etc  How to avoid things like apartheid to happen again?  Learn from the past  What do I think about apartheid  Understand the political tactic  Don’t like  Separate humans and treat as animal"> Engelsk Outline - Studieportalen.dk
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Engelsk Outline

Engelsk Outline
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Tilføjet den 18-05-2010
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Engelsk paper på B-niveau (A-opgaven)
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Engelsk Outline
Opgaven Indenholder - Fritzl sagen - som disposition til Engelsk
Subject: English
Gladsaxe Skole 9.y
General subject: South Africa
My Topic: Apartheid
Why did I choose this topic?
Important to know to avoid it in the future
What is apartheid?
National Party
Apart - separate
3 groups - Black, White and Coloured
Passport and “homelands”
How did it stop?
International pressure
The opposition - ANC
Demonstrations, strikes, sabotage and etc
How to avoid things like apartheid to happen again?
Learn from the past
What do I think about apartheid
Understand the political tactic
Don’t like
Separate humans and treat as animal
18. May 2010
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