$sdf_annotate ("m1.sdf", "testbench.m1_0", ,"sdffile.log"); or "module_name" = testbench.m2_0.m3_0 if sdf file is base m3 module ===> $sdf_annotate ("m3.sdf", "testbench.m2_0.m3_0 ", ,"sdffile.log");" /> How can i annotate SDF file as Using NC-verilog?
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How can i annotate SDF file as Using NC-verilog?

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Joined: 18 Jul 2002
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Post28 Apr 2003 6:03   

ncverilog sdf

How can i annotate SDF file as Using NC-verilog.
As I use the following words in testbench:
$sdf_annotate ("sdffile.sdf", "module_name", ,"sdffile.log");
I find Nc-verilog can't recognize this mode.because there is no error report when I use an invalid sdf file.

I use another way to back annotate.The tool I use is "Virtuoso Schematic Composer Analysis Environment For NC-verilog Integration".I enable it from "Virtuoso Schematic Reading".After setting in the menu->setup->sdf delay annotate of this tool.a file sdf2sdf.log was created.there are many warnings in this log file.part of this was showed like:
simViewName = "schematic"
Hierarchy divider / will be mapped to .
WARNING - Instance does not have a mapped name
WARNING - Cannot find pinmap data for instance U98 (master ), pin N01.
WARNING - The verilog model is . Using original pin name for this pin.
WARNING - Cannot find pinmap data for instance dcon_7_reg (master ), pin H02.
WARNING - The verilog model is . Using original pin name for this pin.
WARNING - Cannot find pinmap data for instance databus_tri[7] (master ), pin N01.
in the end of the file report like this:
SDF name mapping completed successfully

Who can tell me how i can back annotate sdf file in NC-verilog?
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Post28 Apr 2003 6:03   


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Joined: 15 Jul 2002
Posts: 24

Post28 Apr 2003 7:12   


$sdf_annotate ("sdffile.sdf", "module_name", ,"sdffile.log");

That "module_name" must met your design !!

Ex: module testbench();
m1 m1_0(............);
m2 m2_0(............);

module m2(.......);

m3 m3_0(........................);
m4 m4_0(........................);

So: "module_name" = testbench.m1_0 if sdf file is base m1 module.

===> $sdf_annotate ("m1.sdf", "testbench.m1_0", ,"sdffile.log");
"module_name" = testbench.m2_0.m3_0 if sdf file is base m3 module

===> $sdf_annotate ("m3.sdf", "testbench.m2_0.m3_0 ", ,"sdffile.log");
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