Philip Turnor


       Philip Turnor was born in 1752 in Middlesex, England. He was the first mapmaker hired by the Hudson Bay Company in 1778. He was hired when he was 26 years old. After he was done surveying he did months of map making.


          Philip Turnor was stationed at Cumberland house. While he was there he taught surveying to David Thompson and Peter Fidler.


          Philip Turnor made a trip to Lake Athabasca in 1790 � 1792. The Hudson Bay Company didn�t let him set up a post there, so he returned to Middlesex, England and taught navigation and made maps. Philip died when he was 26.


Philip Turnor�s Diary

May 4, 1778

I was just hired by the Hudson Bay Company as the first mapmaker. I don�t realize how important this job is. I�m living in a shack that the wind blows threw. I need food to survive.


November 10 ,1780

     I have mapped almost all of this new land. I had many obstacles but I conquered them. This job is getting better.


December 25 ,1782

    I finally get to come home for Christmas and see my wife and child. It will feel good to have a nice warm bed and a full breakfast. I think I should quit my job.


Philip's Letter Home


Dear mom and dad,


Since I got here it�s been hard. It has been bad weather. It has been hard for me discovering land and making maps. A bear bit me but my Indian friend stabbed it then I got my gun and shot it in the ribs twice. I also broke my wrist because something fell on it. I don�t remember what it was but I just knew it hurt. I was starving but the Indians gave   us some pemmican and fruits and grains. I can�t wait till my birthday in 9 days. The Indians have taught me their language. I can now speak two languages. Some unfriendly Indians have robbed me once. But we found them give the supplies back.



Your son,

Philip Turnor


by: Katie, Cody and Grant