Archive for June, 2010

Bee overwintering insurance in Canada

07 Jun

Edmonton…. Alberta’s beekeepers can protect their business from high winter losses in their bee colonies by purchasing Bee Overwintering Insurance before the June 20 application deadline.

Bee Overwintering Insurance, provided by the Alberta government through the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), is a valuable investment in business-risk-management. This insurance program, the only one of its kind in Western Canada, provides beekeepers with coverage for the loss of bees resulting from naturally occurring perils, including adverse weather, disease and pest infestation. Introduced last fall, the program has already provided insurance for approximately 44,000 bee colonies.  Read more here


To bee or not?

07 Jun

Warm, sunny days are best. That’s when honey bees are their calmest.

After 35 years of honing his honey bee skills, Ian Farber is full of bits of advice like that.

Perhaps that’s why he teaches beekeeping. Frankly, to talk to Farber about bees is to be hit with a wave of enthusiasm, information and passion for the little fuzzy bugs. Read full story here


Hibernation deaths hit bees project

07 Jun

A bid to reintroduce a bumblebee which died out in the UK but survived in New Zealand, having been shipped there more than 100 years ago, has been delayed after the bees died in hibernation. Click here for more


Night Skies

07 Jun

THE nights are now very short, with the 21st being the longest day, but there is still lots of fascinating happenings in the June night sky, including three planets visible.

The map is for 11pm on June 15 and will cover most of the evening’s major events.

On the northern horizon you will find Perseus, the hero, and next to him Auriga, the charioteer, with its bright star Capella showing well. The north-western horizon shows the top half of Gemini the twins, followed by Cancer with its lovely Bee Hive cluster. This is all enhanced by Venus (very bright). Read more here


A real stinger in Orihuela

07 Jun

Costa Blanca

LOCAL POLICE officers removed a nest of honeybees from beneath a roof tile at a property in Orihuela Costa.However, nearly all suffered several stings, except for the specialist bee keeper, whose assistance was very much appreciated throughout the tricky assignment, which took two hours to complete. Read more here


Bee whisperer tames massive swarm with bare hands

06 Jun

A native American bee whisperer tamed a 60,000-strong swarm with his bare hands when it swooped into a quiet Furzedown neighbourhood.

Gobsmacked crowds stood by while James Hamill began speaking softly to the creatures, gently scooping them all into a box without receiving a single sting. Read more here


Nepal’s honey hunters

06 Jun

Interesting article from the telegraph about a trip to the highest living honeybees, and the honey hunters who risk life and limb to plunder the feral colonies. To read click here


British Winter Losses Report

05 Jun

 The BBKA have issued a press release reportinbg on the winter losses for 09/10, which shows that more than 80% of honey bee
colonies made it through one of the harshest winters in 30 years.

To read more about the report click here


Bees, bees everywhere – but where is the honey on my smallholding?

05 Jun

………….. I winced as I related to his accounts of what the bad beekeeper does compared to the good beekeepers view. I, for example, have just been down to the bees and forgot my hive tool How can you forget anything so vital?

Read a smallholders account here


Valuable Insects

05 Jun

Bees are most valuable

Don’t swat the bees. They’re important friends. One-third of the human diet is dependent on pollination by birds, bees, butterflies, moths and flies. Of all the 3,500 species of North American bees, only one makes honey — the honey bee. It is not a native but was brought to North America by the early American colonists.

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