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How to get Roxy and Lady Goo Goo!

30 Votes


**********************************HOW TO GET ROXY******************************************

hobbididance in the arby/mopod box when you sign in and then go to your seed bag and palnt The Radiant Roxy Rose with any 2 other seeds and then you have Roxy when It grows

*******************************HOW TO GET LADY GOO GOO**************************************

Complete the Super Moshi Mission if your a member. If your your now a member sorry you can’t do it.


About lukey140701

I love Moshi Monsters!!!!!!!

Posted on February 7, 2011, in Super Moshis, The Secrets Moshlings. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. yeah i got roxy before but i let her go cuz i wanted another moshling

  2. u can still do the 1st super moshi mission.there is a list of super moshi missions.

  3. hey how do you get the 3 and 4 moshling????????? Plz right back to me soon!

  4. i love this sit but it does not tell you how to get lady googoo

    • Its does… Its in super moshi mission #1

    • To get ladygoogoo you have to be a member if you are one go to the volcano and do mission number 1 and you will get her and if you go on other missions theres more moshlings to get!Oh by the way you have to complete the mission;) and add me please i am koolkitty1005 !

  5. Oops accidentally pressed on this post! Awesome site!!!

  6. coooollllllllllll

    i hate you!

  7. cool it works for roxy

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