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Books » Percy Jackson and the Olympians » Lost
Girl of Music
Author of 13 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Jason G. & Leo V. - Reviews: 3 - Published: 01-01-11 - id:6614134


The heroes of Olympus is awesome. I just finished reading the first book and almost cried when I saw the next book wasn't released yet. :(

WHY! WHY! ! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU RICK RIORDAN! But still, I'm absolutely amazed that we get to read more about Percy's world.

So, yeah, this is a fan fiction for The Heroes of Olympus. Hope you guys enjoy.


P.s The same rule applys. Leila, is included in all my PJO and TLH stories. So is Percy, Annabeth, blah blah blah.


Drew had quietened down since stepping down. She spent her free time in the cabin, shying away, getting stuff done. She never complained again.

Aphrodite cabin had existed in harmony under my leadership. I treated everyone fairly and became acquainted with my siblings. The ugly nurses shoes were given the boot, along with punishing others with rubbish duty.

I almost never had to use her charmspeak. Except for when persuading Leila to get in the skies and find where Jason had flown off to after curfew.

"Jason's a grown boy," Leila had tried to explain. "He can fly out for as long as he wants." Oh, boy. Leila hated having to retrieve Jason, especially at night.

I gave her my classic puppy dog eyes. Leila hesitated at my face. Then she winced. "But it's so late! And Jason's probably enjoying the view of New York. Maybe he's talking to Dad! You don't know my dad, he can get pretty mad when an important conversation is interrupt. The last guy who did that"- she pointed at a small black grease spot further off - "it didn't end so well for him."

Leila was really good at arguing, but children of Zeus had been known to rebel against rules like, No second helpings, or, No more starting fires with lightning bolts, blah, blah, blah, especially don't stay out after ten o clock. Leila and Jason were the only ones who normally broke the last rule. I was charged with making sure they both got back before curfew, and this time, only Leila had obeyed.

I had avoided using Charmspeak, but she couldn't stand stubborn people. It was already 9: 54 pm.

"Come on, Leila! Please?" I used as much goo in my voice as I could, and Leila's face seemed to melt into the trance. She pinched herself and grimaced.

"Fine! But this is the last time." And she tugged on the cuffs of her dark, red, plaid shirt - her favorite - and motioned for me to step back. She focussed hard on the sky and shot upwards, leaving a small crater where she'd kicked off. She flew off into the distance, leaving a small trail of fog behind her.


I shot through the sky like a comet. Gosh, I hate doing this. Despite all the fun stuff about staying out late in the sky causing havoc and fooling around, I always went back whenever it got cold, and it was raining now, or maybe that was just because I had flown through a cloud.

I hate having to dry my clothes out in the dryer. My dark purple skinny jeans (that Luke had 'borrowed' and I'd had to wash them to rid myself of all the gayness he'd radiated) had once come out with enough fluff and lint from the other clothes to make a pillow. And it was embarrassing having to hang them over the fire in front of others. Jason and Piper were bother gonna owe me.

I sped through the clouds, biting back curses. I'd last seen Jason watching the sunset from the sky so he couldn't be far from that area. My clothes got damper and damper as each cloud passed through me, on my way to the shores.

Wait. There he is.

He was resting on his back, floating in mid air, watching the stars. He lay there casually as if he were just lying on a hill. Oh, boy. I was gonna get back at Jason. I flew as silently as I could and sneaked up underneath him. Then I charged.

"ARGHHHHH!" I yelled, flying into him from underneath, crashing into the small of his back. He shrieked out loud in a tone that would've embarrassed himself in front of Piper and Thalia. He must've lost his focus on flying and he plummeted.

"Oh, crap," I mumbled to myself, I gathered my wits and shot down after him. He was still yelling even after I'd caught him. Man, he was heavy. He'd obviously forgotten that he could fly on his own because I was the only thing keeping him in the air.

I started getting tired. "For crying out loud, Jason! Fly on your own!" He stared at me for a second, and then flew out of my arms.

"What was that for!" He yelled, shaky from his free fall. He glared at me.

"I'm getting tired of coming out here to get you," I pulled my Iphone out of my pocket and checked the time. "And it's past our flying curfew!" Jason didn't seem aware of the time until I told him. I tucked my phone back into my jeans pocket, before giving Jason my deluxe Why are you so frustrating? look. Jason's eyes widened with shock and said, "Oh, crap. We're gonna have to dishes again,"

I glared at him.


Jason smiled a sly grin.

"You're late as well."

Oh, crap. Did not think of that. Jason had managed to drag me under too. Now we had to work together so we weren't spotted coming back late.

"Come on then, Jason. When Thalia visits camp, you are so gonna be in trouble!" I promised before we both flew back to camp faster than torpedoes.

When camp came in view, our hair was already dripping wet and our clothes were soaked. Great. How were we going to hide this?

Maybe Leo could work some steam magic to dry us out, or maybe that giant leaf blower thing was still available from the shed. The Harpy's were patrolling the camp border, so we couldn't sneak in on foot.

Piper, Piper, Piper, darn you and your stupid Charmspeak.

I'm sure both Jason and I had thought that at the same time. Jason rubbed the small of his back, as if it was still sore from the shock. Little baby.

I guess it was ironic to say that, seeing Jason is two years older then me, but we were like twins. Always arguing, always fighting, always beating the crap out of each other with lightning bolts, though how a child of Zeus can hurt another child of Zeus with electricity is beyond me.

We flew above Camp Halfblood and got caught in the smoke from the camp fire. I let out a big cough and some of the campers looked up in our direction.

"Oh, Crap. Nice going, dumbass!"

That was just mean. My ass is not dumb. It's pretty damn great.

"Shut up!" I hissed. Chiron seemed to see right through the smoke that hid us. He glared at us and bent his finger in a summoning motion.

Jason sulked.

"Oh, great. He saw us! If we get in trouble, dibs on drying the dishes,"

I grimaced. Jason always knew which was better out of two options. Gr.

Chiron seemed pretty peeved when Jason and I created two brand new craters by landing, but, what can you expect? Landing's not exactly the gentlest action you can make in the flying process.

The campers glared at us with annoyed expressions, especially Piper, who was about twice as Jason only. She cringed away from me. I realized my face was red and my skin crackled with electricity, the way it does when I get frustrated or annoyed. Chiron didn't say anything. He just gave us a long, stern glare and pointed at the kitchen.

He didn't need to say anything. Jason and I raced to see who would get the drying towel first. Sure, Jason called dibs, but that was merely a heads up that he had his eye on that spot.

After a lot of bickering, a few electric shocks and another death glare from Chiron, I was the one washing. But, hey? There was still benefits in washing, like...


Soon, there was only a few dishes left. I glanced at the clock.


Great. We'd been here for over an hour.

This is your fault, Jason." Leila growled, obviously annoyed.

I grimaced and dried another plate.

"My fault? You're the one who gave us away. You're the one who just had to dislocate my spine!" My back still hurt and thinking about it made my bones ache.

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess right now!" Leila showed anger in her face as her cheeks went red. "Have you ever heard of a watch!"

I looked at her as if she was the dumbest person in the world.

"I have one!" - I waved my wrist in front of her face - "When are you gonna stop being such a ditz?"

As soon as I said it, I wished I hadn't. Leila's eyes froze over and I knew I'd upset her. Her muscles went rigid.

She said nothing. Instead, she washed the last of the plates and stormed off.

I thought she was gonna spend the night in solitary confinement by locking herself in the Zeus cabin but she didn't stop there. She walked right past all the cabins and surprisingly, she entered the amphitheater. So she'd rather spend her time beating the crap out of Jason-Look-alike dummies.

Thunder growled across the clouds. I muttered something in Latin and finished drying. I left the kitchen and headed to the cabin.

Beep, Beep.

My phone ring tone. I pulled the sleek IPhone out of my pocket and read the screen.

1 new message from

Piper Mclean



I can't talk long. Consult Chiron about it first. Tell him 'code: Nymphai Abduction' has been activated. He'll send someone to find me.

Bring a weapon. Tell Leila and Leo. Do NOT tell Drew.

Suddenly the air around me felt cold. She wanted me, Leila and Leo to come after her. But...Oh, yeah. Leila's still searing mad at me. The closest thing to nice would be a lightning bolt. But still, worth a shot.

I ran to the amphitheater without stopping. Camp felt so empty. All campers had gone to bed. Would Drew notice Piper gone? Hopefully she was too wrapped up in makeup supplies.

The arena looked totally different. Black thunder clouds swirled around, occasionally lit up by lightning. Wow. Gosh, I couldn't have upset her that bad?

Leila stalked all the dummies in the arena. Her silver eyes glowed the way they do when she's mad. Her skin crackled with electricity. She was holding her obsidian meat cleaver - her weapon of choice. Every time the blade struck a dummy, a lightning bolt channeled through her body and into the dummy, sending it flying backwards. I would've charged in, knowing electricity couldn't hurt me too bad but I'd forgotten I was a child of Zeus/Jupiter. I just stood there like a coward, hiding from the powerful aura this place radiated.

Finally, I stepped in and Leila saw me. The lightning stopped. Her cleaver compacted back into a small lip gloss tub. She glared at me.

I spoke first. "Leila! Piper's in trouble! She sent me a text!" Her face softened.

"Really? We have to talk to Chiron." We both sprinted to the Big House.

OMGSH! That was the longest chapter I have ever written!

So what did you think? Is it good? Should I keep writing. Tell me in a review!

Please R & R!


P.s WELCOME 2011!

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