WikiLeaks people defect to Openleaks

WikiLeaks not only has to fend off attacks from the outside, it also has dissension from within to grapple with, as former staffers have branched off to form their own whistleblower platform, Openleaks, expected to go live Monday.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter published an account of the upcoming launch, using information from an unnamed source.

It quotes that source: "Our long term goal is to build a strong, transparent platform to support whistleblowers — both in terms of technology and politics — while at the same time encouraging others to start similar projects."

The main difference between the two sites will be the way information will be published to the public. Openleaks will allow whistleblowers to submit documents anonymously and will allow them to choose where the information goes, rather than be the source that publishes it. They'll be the messenger, the go-between. In theory, that will free Openleaks from the political firestorm currently consuming WikiLeaks. Not everyone is convinced it will have that effect.

Openleaks also wants to function more democratically: "As a short-term goal, this is about completing the technical infrastructure and ensuring that the organization continues to be democratically governed by all its members, rather than limited to one group or individual."

Traders in secret information can themselves sometimes get caught up in the intrigue of it all, and the in-fighting that led up to Openleaks is a clear indication of cracks in the WikiLeaks foundation, and perhaps some hypocrisy in not holding itself as accountable as it does the governments it exposes. WikiLeaks seems to be as punitive over supposed leaks within its own organization as much any entity that is the object of its exposure.

This schism is most apparent in an exchange between WikiLeaks detained founder/cyber martyr Julian Assange and the most prominent name in the new endeavor: former WikiLeaks' German spokesman Daniel Domscheit-Berg, aka Daniel Schmitt.

The two sparred late summer over Assange's investigation of a "serious security breach" of internal conflicts within WikiLeaks being published in Newsweek, while Domscheit-Berg tried to question him over details about WikiLeaks agreements with the media over the release of the Iraq War logs.

The instant message log between the two foreshadows the resignation of Domscheit-Berg and others who left WikiLeaks to create Openleaks.

Assange wrote to Domscheit-Berg: "A person in close contact with other WikiLeaks activists around Europe, who asked for anonymity when discussing a sensitive topic, says that many of them were privately concerned that Assange has continued to spread allegations of dirty tricks and hint at conspiracies against him without justification. Insiders say that some people affiliated with the website are already brainsorming (sic) whether there might be some way to persuade their front man to step aside, or failing that, even to oust him.”

Domscheit-Berg responded, "What does that have to do with me? And where is this from?"

Assange continued to question him. "Why do you think it has something to do with you?"

Domscheit-Berg retorted, "Probably because you alleg (sic) this was me, but other than that just about nothing. As discussed yesterday, this is an ongoing discussion that lots of people have voiced concern about. You should face this, rather than trying to shoot at the only person that even cares to be honest about it towards you."

No surprise, this doesn't end well.

"You are not anyone’s king or god," wrote Domscheit-Berg. “And you're not even fulfilling your role as a leader right now. A leader communicates and cultivates trust in himself. You are doing the exact opposite. You behave like some kind of emperor or slave trader."

And in the lingo of such an imperious force, Assange fired this at his willful employee: “You are suspended for one month, effective immediately."

Domscheit-Berg: "Haha. Right. Because of what? And who even says that? You? Another adhoc decision?"

Assange: "If you wish to appeal, you will be heard on Tuesday.”

He and other former WikiLeakers will be heard Monday, loud and clear, through Openleaks.

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Just another branch of AlQuida....plain and simple.....supporter of terrorism...

  • 3 votes
Reply#1 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:35 PM EST

Better check Wikipedia...Al Qaida is the proper spelling.

Keeping everything secret is the way the Soviet Union and the Nazis tried to stay in power. It worked for a while when everyone was scared, but eventually the truth won out. I'm more afraid of governments that keep everything secret than I am of internet organizations that keep nothing secret.

I suppose if George Bush and Dick Cheney had just told us all that they made up the "weapons of mass destruction" argument, we could have saved thousands of American lives, billions of American money, and we'd be able to have tax breaks AND health insurance now. Instead, we invaded, destroyed, and had to rebuild, two whole countries because Shrub didn't read his Presidential briefings and actually do something about the warned attacks. He kept it secret so it wouldn't hurt the US airline industry, a big contributor. So, the airlines almost went broke anyway......and needed federal bailouts. ('s a secret)

  • 12 votes
#1.1 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:13 PM EST

You are an idiot.

  • 7 votes
#1.2 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:32 PM EST

What about the tons of yellowcake shipped out of Iraq to Canada a few years ago after the war started? No one keeps tons of yellowcake unless they have a WMD program.

What about the poison gasses used on fellow Iraq citizens, possibly Iran and possibly during the Gulf War? Are they not WMD?

  • 6 votes
#1.3 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:20 PM EST

What about Clinton not killing Bin Laden in 1998 when we had 24 hr view of him?

  • 6 votes
#1.4 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:22 PM EST


No sir, you are. Resorting to a personal attack is comical and immature, way to use an ad homonym.

At least give a proper rebuttal on why you think he is an idiot, as well as why you think your opinion gives you the right to judge others.

I live for respectable debates so if you are going to respond please leave out the rhetorical errors.

  • 5 votes
#1.5 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:46 PM EST

Are you saying that you have inside info on why we went to war? It was because of Yellow-cake shipments? Or Chemical Warfare used on and by "fellow" Middle-Easterners? Are there really U.S. Laws that govern Rules of Engagement with regard to other Nations at war amongst themselves?

  • 1 vote
#1.6 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:48 PM EST

"What about Clinton not killing Bin Laden in 1998 when we had 24 hr view of him?"

you mean BEFORE the 9/11 attacks?

  • 3 votes
#1.7 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:05 AM EST

Getting any of this information out, in whatever way possible, trumps the damage done by the Political, Financial, and Religious institutions that have wreaked havoc on the world for the last 30 years (minimum).

  • 6 votes
#1.8 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:30 AM EST

A really good Wikileaks or Openleaks program would disclose terrorist plans too.

Prevents sneak attacks like 9/11, although that could have been prevented too if GWB had been paying attention.

  • 2 votes
#1.9 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:33 PM EST

Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

    #1.10 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:06 AM EST
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    Frankly, I'm a firm believer that the release of this information is a good thing. Who cares if Hillary Clinton thinks the French Premier drinks too much, or if Mohammar Khadafi is dating a 31 year old model?? Most of the stuff I could tell you just by seeing how these people act on national telelvision. The rest of it doesn't need to be kept secret. Don't we think that our enemies are smart enough to figure out key installations around the rest of the world? I could have come with a similar list just by looking at a map. Without even thinking about it too hard, I could tell you some ways that terrorists could hit us again. I don't need WikiLeaks to provide that information.

    Let's figure out what's really important as far as saving our informants lives, and make that information inaccessible. The rest of this stuff, just let it out. I don't need WikiLeaks to tell me that Iraq and Afghanistan were huge mistakes, or that we tortured people, and killed civilians. I knew that already. I'm ashamed of my government already with regard to Bush's Wars. As has been said many times, the truth shall set you free. Let it out. Ever since 9/11, the US has moved closer to the old Soviet model and further from the model of freedom and truth that we should be.

    • 7 votes
    Reply#2 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:40 PM EST

    I Wiki the pot or the kettle ??

    • 1 vote
    Reply#3 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:20 PM EST

    The goverment gives you rights to privacy. Are they not allowed to have the same kind of rights? The reason we keep alot of these things secret is to not piss off certain people or countries. Now in the eyes of the world, we're (more) worthless.

    Everybody's been asking, "why were these files not encrypted?" Well, it's against the law for anyone with clearence to distripute these files and against the law for people without it to obtain them. Maybe our goverment treats us like children because we act like children. And sometimes, diplomats act like children. Thats the reason alot of those cables or files are suppose to be secret. To keep diplomats from looking like asses.

    • 1 vote
    Reply#4 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:51 PM EST

    Actually the Patriot Act has taken long strides in the effort to take away most of our "privacies". Get on a airplane and pass through all the patdowns and body scanners and tell me about the right to privacy. The government does not have a right to privacy. They do, however, have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring shame or indignation against themselves or us as a country. I dont think it is so much to ask our elected officials to act like adults when they are conducting American business abroad.

      #4.1 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:17 PM EST

      Our rights do NOT originate from government.

      • 1 vote
      #4.2 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:20 AM EST

      Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

      Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

        #4.3 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:06 AM EST

        I disagree with the person above who compared the US to Nazi Germany and the USSR. Those two belligerent nations combined, did not have 17 intelligence agencies and nearly 800 military bases around the world, not even during a world war. Maligning nations in such irresponsible ways is irresponsible. No wonder deep thinkers like Randy are forced to resort to childish tactics like name-calling.

        • 2 votes
        Reply#5 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:23 PM EST

        Plus, MkeMike, when people like Angry APE, who is presumably a scholar with elite spelling skills,(how else would he know that Al Quaida is affiliated with WikiLeaks) misspell a commonly used term, it is usually because they are trying to seem less than well-informed. This is an old trick used by operatives and think-tank types to deceive irresponsible 'civilians' like you.

        • 3 votes
        Reply#6 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:40 PM EST


        • 1 vote
        #6.1 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:31 PM EST

        umm in the ussr people stood on lines 10 blocks long just to eat one potatoe for dinner and were forced out of their homes all over the country and had to live in community houses and farms. there were told what do and where to do it with little choice. they also had the KGB which was a menacing and vicious security apparatus which snatched people out of their homes and took them to lubyanka and then shot them. that makes the CIA looks like a gentlemans club. Citizens killed and tortured for saying just waht you are saying now about the US. Mild complaints overheard in the market led to your mom or your dad hauled off and never to return and dont ask any questions. How is that like the US again? nazi germany??? the nazis shoved what.. 12 million people through the gas chamber and then burned them in ovens. they went to war with the entire world under the premiss that they were superior. How is that like the US???

        • 1 vote
        Reply#7 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:51 PM EST


        You mean lines like the ones at the soup kitchens in every large US city? And forced out of their homes, as in foreclosed upon? And "community houses" like our shelters, or would that be more like our prisons , which are of course providing housing for 25% of the world's prison population.

        But of course the US has never resorted to genocide unless native Americans are considered but the bodies were not burned in ovens so you've got me there. And of course Americans are never "viscous", nor have Americans "tortured" anyone who mattered, they burned some kids alive in Waco once but those 'types' of incidents are different I suppose, nor have Americans put 'real' citizens in internment camps, or at least not people with light colored skin except maybe some Germans but of course that is 'different', so again I must concede on those too. But as for the "superior" thing... are you serious?

        • 4 votes
        Reply#8 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:26 PM EST

        Good grief, rl love. Those things are not equivalent.

        • 2 votes
        #8.1 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:15 AM EST

        The Espionage Act is, and should not be "brought back" into use, as it is a very real danger to American citizens. Go look that one up, getalife. All these things you may consider small add up.

        • 1 vote
        #8.2 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:20 PM EST

        The road away from Democracy is paved with thousands of tiny pebbles that eventually become the concrete bedrock of a Dictatorship. They take some things now, more small things later and even more small things years from now... the end, you dont even realize you have given up everything, one bit at a time.

          #8.3 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:22 PM EST

          As a former Military and Civilian Government person with a Top Secret clearance, I am a believer in not sharing anything classified as Security Sensitive Information. We don't need to assist those international "Spy" networks not working in our best interest, gather intelligence that can be used against America. That's just the "Rules of Engagement" in the Global intelligence community. We do our share of "over-the-shoulder peeking" too. However, I have been strongly against the use of Government assigned Secret labels being applied to things that do not have anything to do with National Security. If we allow our National Security secrets to be shared with politically motivated special interests, then we jeopardize our National Security. There are always human eyes viewing legitimate secret documents and other data every second of the day, and when these eyes see things that are in no way dealing with National Security, at some point we should expect that this info is going to be exposed and many will say it is justified because it should not have been there in the first place. Look at the Nixon tapes that are contiuously, after all these years, revealing more and more distasteful behavior by his administration. I personally have never met an American who resented legitimate National Security secrets being kept that way for the safety of our Country and it's allies. But I have met many of the same people who very much resent things not worthy of the Secret label, being hidden under this type classification. The Military side of our Government should be able to maintain secrecy with oversight for our overall protection interests. The Civilian, non-military, side of the Government is elected by the People and therefore subject to public scrutiny. Aside from certain Commitees and elected individuals charged with the oversight of National Security interests, there is no reason for our electeds to have anything in the political realm that is catagorized as "SECRET". They can expect resentment from those who elected them and expect that there will be those who will resort to whatever is necessary to expose these types of misuse of the "Secret" classifications.

          • 2 votes
          Reply#9 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:23 PM EST

          Tyanders, I agree completely. Having at one time the privilege of a TS-CRYPTO, your distinction between military/ security and political assignment of TS designation is right on. Perhaps the designation of ' Potentially Politically Embarrassing ' (PPE) would be more appropriate for the vast majority of the information heretofore released by WikiLeaks.

          • 5 votes
          #9.1 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:11 PM EST

          Wow, some one with common sense...

          Tyandres for President!

          We have found a person in our country who sees how juvinile our elected officials are acting. Really, if they listened to people like you, and believe me they should, then every American would be appalled by leaks of TRUE classified information. But classifing things to cover your ass does not National secrets make.

            #9.2 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:26 PM EST

            Tyanders, Graeflded,

            I also agree. Police states need secrecy. Only democracies need honest and open lines of communication between the public and private sectors.

            Citizens have a choice between trusting people who 'believe' they know what is best for uninformed citizens, or, having all of the information they need to make sound choices with their votes. And, evidently, US citizens prefer a police state, leaves them more time for entertainment I suppose. And so long as Uncle Sam continues to force his culture on the ROW, his clearly superior ways, there will always be a need for secrecy. Something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everybody is happy and jobs are created as if by magic.

            • 2 votes
            Reply#10 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:37 PM EST

            RL Love, You should change your screen name to something more appropriate. I suggest "Pollyanna".

              #10.1 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:17 AM EST

              Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

              Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

                #10.2 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:05 AM EST

                Openleaks doesn't sound like a real 'leaks' site.

                “Openleaks will not publish information it receives but will allow media outlets and other organizations (?) to access the system and disclose what they want…”

                “…which could minimize and heat from governments.”


                • 1 vote
                Reply#11 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:34 PM EST

                yea, it wouldn't surprise me if 'Openleaks' were part some sort of government sponsored infiltration. 'They' will stop at nothing to do what is best for us, and only 'they' know what that is.

                • 1 vote
                #11.1 - Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:52 PM EST

                I was thinking the very same thing myself about "Openleaks" sounds like someone got to some of the staff of Wikileaks, as I believe that Assange is now imprisoned falsely as well for the same reason; eliminating their influence. They could not do it by attempting to shut them down a half a dozen other ways, so go straight to the existing "source".

                For all of you that still believe that our system is eutopic, it's time to wake up. Long past time.

                I don't necessarily endorse the methods that Wikileaks utilized, but I do endorse the outcome. As long as America exists, the people have the right to know, and that right has been violated for a very long time.

                We had the right to know that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before George Bush hastily made the decision for all Americans that we should waste this country's resources and military personnel over there. Iraq had NOTHING to do with Al Qaida. And we had a right to know that as well.

                • 2 votes
                #11.2 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:42 PM EST

                The future of Human governance..especiLly in t states, will be limited gov on the fed level yet meritocratic, not democratic, in nature. Experts will focus only on behemoths and represent industries, forming rules for them,. Yielding fair games due to game theory dynamics instead of favoritism like in the current system. Think of the meritocracy in hong kong or the mitary. And hen you will have representatives that carry out voted peices of legislation directly by the people and generated by the meritocracy..each of the drafts supporters...clealy shown and bipartisan proposals garnering greater electorate support. The generator of the draft legislations will be high iq people or people prime in their fields, like steve jobs and bill gates. The will be the future deal breakers for legislationtargeting certain industries in the educated electorate, while the fed gov having limited scope and power, especially when it comes to the individual. The fed gov activates only around other giants, it is limited. The states select the drafts they seek to adopt and negotiate grand programs from he b up, conservative or liberal. They subscribe to them. Internet based. People support and pay more taxes for the programs they support. For example, progressives get together and see how if 30mlio of them paid so much, they could pay for this anthiz program. And then they enact a "wikidonate" crusade..with a bar for progress..your future is not democracy,. It's a meritocratic republic with democracy on steroids through the interment by allowing greater state autonomy.

                • 1 vote
                Reply#12 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:44 AM EST


                One of the reasons for this evolution is the Internet. It has it's drawbacks but it inevitably will lead to yor betterment

                  Reply#13 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:48 AM EST

                  best of both worlds..of free market, the legal system, and socialism..

                  Instead of higher taxes for free health care and education..Yo know what your kds do?

                  They make education for free if people pay back society through 4 years in public service. The public service? Health care, cell phone service operations and construction. You use that generated revenue for free to pay for the education retroactively and for health care through the cheap young labour...Efficiency and you keep taxes low. Another way? Selective taxation, tax the banks and oil industry way more than the wealthy . U get 2. Trillion rigt there. Personal responsivilit and donations..your kids....will not only take care of you but their kids..but since they will have less kids than their grandparents or even u..about he same amount of people as your gp took care of...4 kids.

                  You prevail..through The pain. You destroy the barriers. Unfortunately,. The posterity of Europe,. Is not so lucky. they still though, too, have a choice.

                    Reply#14 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 AM EST

                    Wasn't that the premise for "Starship Troopers"?

                      #14.1 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:11 PM EST

                      I've been a member of the human race for almost 70 years and I still don't understand it. When we found out that Bush had been allowing our phones to be tapped and our emails to be read there was a huge outcry about how our privacy was being invaded and yet I'd bet some of those same people are now cheering what Wikileaks has done. I'd also bet that the Tea Party is loving this only because it gives them yet another thing to somehow "be afraid, be very afraid" of. This country is going down the drain not because of politics but because of the people who thrive on "being afraid, being very afraid". It's truly sickening. This is our government we're talking about. This is international relations we're talking about. We shouldn't and DON'T NEED to be told everything. If you are so into knowing everything, try digging into the company you work for or your bosses wheeling and dealing and see how far you get.

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#15 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:04 AM EST

                      Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

                      Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

                        #15.1 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:04 AM EST

                        The Israeli Spies inside of the US Pentagon that are sending Wikileaks select and cherry picked leaks to further their Zionist agendas send the same cables and US Military documents to various media outlets around the world hoping they'll be published and further their agendas.

                        Shutting down Wikileaks or even having the CIA performing a covert operation involving two women connected to the CIA to extort or blackmail the Wikileaks founder does not change where that source of information is coming from.

                        Everything was on the low simmer until the Wikileaks technicians discovered the Israeli Spies digital fingerprint ID matched that of the thieves that stole the 300 Billion dollar F-35 stealth 15 year US weapons package digital file, THEN suddenly ALL of the AIPAC corrupted US Lawmakers wanted Wikileaks shut-down and the Wikileaks founder locked up.

                        Even the US State Dept. appears to have resorted to extortion letters sent out to the Wikileaks providers and support hubs. Paypal CEO read one such US State Dept. letter he received in which it stated his client, wikileaks had broken laws and was committing crimes, to sever their business relationship or else! Problem is however that Wikileaks is not charged by the US Dept. of Justice of any crimes, the US State Dept. letter appears to be a LIE and an attempt to extort business's to dump Wikileaks or ELSE!

                        • 1 vote
                        Reply#16 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:24 AM EST

                        A.Smith... do you have enough tinfoil on hand? "They" are out to get you!!

                          #16.1 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:20 AM EST

                          So in other words, openleaks is basically stealing someone elses idea, prettying it up with some cowardice in not publishing anything itself and by doing so avoiding any responsibility or legal threat.. bah
                          Wikileaks is only at the forefront of the publics attention now because of Assange and the mathematically calculated attention he has brought through the worlds attention being focused on him and transferred to wikileaks by association. All he has to do now is sit back and let the politicians make themselves look fools and bring Wikileaks more attention. No whistle blower would choose to share info with openleaks when wikileaks is around and brave enough to bare the responsibility themselves. Openleaks should be boycotted as other organisations opposing wikileaks are.

                            Reply#17 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:20 AM EST

                            I am having a long laugh. The Self righteous Wikileaks shows itself no better than the governments it is trying to embarrass. Seems to me that Assange and company have some secrets themselves. The world wants to know the truth about the operations of Wikileaks. Why is it so secret? Why not be democratic? It seems that Mr Assange is behaving like some of the government he has exposed. His staff has concerns. Why is he ignoring their concerns?

                            Really Wikileaks is just a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The Wikileakers should remember that "he that is without sin should cast the first stone.

                            • 1 vote
                            Reply#18 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:51 AM EST

                            Wikileaks is not on a even playing field with our federal government; i.e., David and Goliath. And also, let's consider them in the sense as news reporters. Do news reporters reveal their sources? In a court of all, do officers of the court always reveal their sources? They are not required to.

                            And in considering them in the same light as news reporters may be a very poor analogy, but only because the integrity of most of our major news organizations has deteriorated horrifically in this last decade.

                              #18.1 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:09 PM EST

                              Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

                              Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

                                #18.2 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:03 AM EST

                                There you have it. Assange= Attention whore and a hypocrite.

                                  Reply#19 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:08 PM EST

                                  Socrates "the truth will set you free" The new bible.

                                  Assange is the closest thing to god we have and that scares you.

                                    #19.1 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:02 AM EST

                                    These posts are amazing. I think I am losing brain cells reading them. The article is about Wikileaks hypocrisy. Instead we learn from bitter folks that everything is George Bush's fault (mkemike), rl love hates America, and A.smith hates Israel. By the way mkemike, I'm sure A. Smith would tell you that everything is Israel's fault. You two need to get together and figure it out.

                                    Meanwhile, among those who don't really hate anyone and enjoy rational thought, we are not surprised to see that Assange can't take his own medicine and has fits about leaks. You see, a little bit of privacy is a basic human need, and a basic family need, and a basic company need, and a basic government need. Assange and his misguided sympathists are fighting nature.....and will lose in the end.

                                      Reply#20 - Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:39 PM EST

                                      A. Smith-1451820  Sad to see another "blame it on the Israelis", even if it's coming from a clearly paranoid source.
                                      Once it was "blame it on the Soviets", but since the fall of the Soviet Union, paranoid types had to find another
                                      group capable of high level spying, and in this sad case, the Israelis were chosen.
                                         Well folks, consider the source of this rant, and hope A.Smith isn't someone connected to our government. I've been listening to some of the newer Congressional members-elect, and somehow the rhetoric sounds familiar. I find that scary indeed.

                                        Reply#21 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:12 AM EST

                                        It has been reported that four or five members of the innermost team at Wikileaks have defected to implement a supposedly superior but untested, unproven information-leaks-publication platform that will be managed by a democratic organization with non-authoritarian leadership. There are reportedly 500 to 800 volunteer members of the total Wikileaks organization worldwide who give their time and talents to Wikileaks. The defectors were a very small percentage of the total.

                                        The lead defector, Daniel Schmidt, reportedly said that Julian Assange acted like an emperor in his leadership of Wikileaks. Another former member of the innermost team at Wikileaks, a woman MP from Iceland whose name I do not recall, reportedly said that Julian Assange had a high IQ (intelligence quotient) but a low EQ (emotional quotient). These ad hominem attacks are misplaced and say more about their authors than they say about Julian Assange or his leadership style.

                                        As background, it helps to understand that there is no such thing as pure democracy as a form of government. No real-world parliamentary government is a pure form, but rather is a mixed-form government, consisting of elements or components that are democracy, aristocracy and monarchy. Furthermore, there is direct democracy and also there is representative democracy. Direct democracy is rare because it works effectively only in very small numbers. The USA federal government is non-direct democratic (House of Representatives), aristocratic (Senate), monarchical (Office of the President), and aristocratic (Supreme Court). In times of crisis, when the Congress (House and Senate) make a formal declaration of war, the President as Commander-in-Chief is a de jure and de facto dictator, and remains the sole authority for the duration of the formal war until there is a formal declaration of peace.

                                        Corporate governance is not unlike state governance. Every organization struggling for its social, political, economic, legal and financial survival needs a leader who can provide it with a decisive, autocratic, and yes, when necessary, dictatorial but not authoritarian in the fascist sense, style of leadership. Fortunately for those who value the freedom of expression, the right to information, and the openness of the Internet, Julian Assange has demonstrated that he has the intelligence, knowledge and flexibility to rise to the occasion and provide exactly what is needed exactly when and where it is needed for the Wikileaks organization, notwithstanding possible personal frailties and idiosyncrasies, some of which afflict all human beings to some degree. 

                                        The defectors should praise and emulate Julian Assange for his vision, his courage, his generosity, his creativity, and his steadfast refusal to be distracted by anyone or anything that would undermine the success of his bold venture in the new world of transnational sensitive-information gathering and distribution without fear or favor. The reported structure of the so-called improved model of the defectors, dubbed OpenLeaks, may not have the necessary incentivization for each of the key stakeholders to make it viable. Nevertheless, every new project to facilitate safe, secure, efficient, responsible leaks of sensitive information worldwide is welcome and long overdue, where the word responsible is here defined in terms of the public good and not in terms of the vested interests of the power elite who need secrecy to veil their exploitation of the non-elite.


                                          Reply#22 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:38 PM EST

                                          By all reasonable measures, it is evident that Julian Assange is a great man, and he appears to be surrounded by some people who are "little men" in the sense given to that phrase by Wilhelm Reich. In his classic book entitled Listen, Little Man!, Reich coined the phrase to describe those individuals who willingly give up their freedom for the sake of short-term comforts and false security. As explained by Reich, this is the "emotional plague", and it is an original concept in his timeless book entitled The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which explains that the roots of fascism are found in the authoritarian structures of family, state and church. Julian Assange and his leadership style are not authoritarian in the fascist sense.

                                          • 1 vote
                                          Reply#23 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:54 PM EST

                                          More pseudo-intellectual horse droppings. Assange is no better than those he seeks to expose. He is a hypocrite, and worse--he is a blowhard hypocrite. I agree with a psychological assessment I read the other day, that concludes that Assange is a narcissistic sociopath.

                                            #23.1 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:51 PM EST

                                            we've learned to accept and adobt by needing to obey. on some stuff where u only need a couple guys to x amount of people cuz there's more too the power role, so everyone is aware before, to say its just a job is negative why would once getting into this role take offense or know exactly what to defend, it is them. might as well look at it as what it stands for because knows you the persons have no choice in the matter on the using the fed reserve system to pay him and using that system for he/she to be in that position as authority. thats why i say it's a role none even wanted, because he/she is just setting that issue aside because its bigger and there is nothing they can do about needing you to use their system and pay them for them to be authority, why else would they be so generous to offer you that same system which is federal reserve system which is how they're paid from you the people who use the federal reserve notes which comes with or part of the federal reserve system. don't even look at it that way because the truth hurts, its still just always the peoples fault to them.. all the stakes with it is saying the peoples fault once again etc this all means that if people have to use the governments federal resrve system for the government to have their role as government or authority of the people, than they know what comes along with people using their federal rserve notes and paying them with the tax that came along with using the same governments federal resrve system, know that they couldn't be there as authority without this and wouldn't and wouldn't be able to 'lock people up' without this, shows alot and says alot with what they really stand for, how many people are homeless they dont know or care, amongst million other things... and wouldnt have this role if it wasn't for the people using their federal resrve system. maybe it would but thats not the case. its once the subject actually thinks puts it together that thats how he/she is creating the authority by the federal resrve system , the people use the federal resrve notes and are taxed for it, this gave them the authority so once realizes how , thinks why would i think there's any merrit to even be authority to than punish u knowing that by me being here what its causing if people are infact using the federal resrve notes and authority couldnt be there as authority without that. but its been like that all along., so to keep it short, any cop you see or congressman, president is a 'didnt know what it takes' to be authority, if he or she couldnt be in that position without you the people using the federal resrve notes from the federal resrve system which you are taxed on and that's how theyre paid, they didnt know you HAVE to be hungry, all kinds of things involving federal resrve system because they need to be authority , and knows couldn't lock u up without people using the federal rserve notes which they are taxed on, if that cop is the same government and is paid by the tax from you using the federal rserve notes, see than the 'weve been for 1000s of years' etc doesnt work anymore, so what... what does that mean, they had too back than too becaues government existed, we accepted to obey we accepted it, the hunger etc as people for them to be authority, ya right. or a somebody else will , so accept it. etc.. that makes it ok, arrogant sob might of said that they dont need this,, HELLO?? what about the hunger for u to be their authority thing, meaning u shouldnt be there runnin to calls in the first place, so its not that just by being there it isnt enough (the hunger, poverty comes along etc because people do use federal resrve notes) its how they can than punish you, if knowing that couldnt do this to people without all the people of land using federal resrve notes for what theyre used for, u gotta kinda get them into .. why they didnt even have to or want to come out with it or talk about it.. they do have to make a leap, kinda becomes aware of reality. excellent meaning for 'there not all there yet' lol dont worry about me, , see the ones who started it - knew better with words like 'surrender' we just kno how big we are tahha knowing how im there for u to surrender to me, im king, if you think a little more , it's because you're authority, you obviously are able to be authority by the people of united states using the federal reserve notes which they are taxed on from using .. their 'money'thats why u kno what u see some thinkin its fun to be something because u can and play with it cuz of a power role and nobody wants others to get hurt, so it is bad when u mess with them cuz u kno they hurt u let them, the truth always comes out tho and plus they 'wouldn't' meaning they wouldnt of done it, might as well, if cause im authority there's more to them being in poverty because i know i didnt have to get into that with u the people, u know i'm at power here oh and focus on how ur not in poverty and not to be in or homeless cuz u kno better
                                            so obvioiusly the federal resrve system notes people if get paid by the tax, but because theyre ur authority ppl have to be in poverty, hungry and many ohter dangers you using their federal resrve notes united as people causes. so stuff like by us using the federal resrve notes they provide which we are taxed on and is paid to the authority, government is why there is even more dangers at one time than they have out there, meaning even less necessary and knows it already if indeed is even paid by the tax of the federal resrve notes together as people we use, it doesn't stop at just the hunger, it's more thats what these people use or whatever people are hungry because of which is using the provided federal reserve notes united, because i know you have it in ya to not be in poverty, hungry isn't cuttin it for me. the sobs know u have it in ya together, and the role has to be there because of us using the federal reserve notes if they couldn't do what they do to you the person without that because are paid by the tax of the used federal resrve notes, u chose to accept it for your way of life, of course, because u see what happens to those who aren't doing what other people around them doing which some or alot of the time has to do with something paper and light weight just the right size for human to carry, and it's not the peoples fault that they have to use the federal resrve notes, just as ur authority does, they did kinda get into something twisted if indeed u are just trying to listen and obey, thats just not how they look at me does almost sound not crazy but see i duno if i can even say but, thats just massive they obv dont even care about what they create by having this role as authority or locking people up, i know its hard but it is a cold hard fact.. we do use the federal resrve notes together and call it money, and there is only one government here atleast., were alot stronger as people too i came to the realization, if technically were in our nightmare at times when u think about it, because u know u could get robbed for example because the government thinks u can do better at making the notes and not have to do that, knowing that by u people united using them , its causing it, if paid by the tax from the notes you are provided with, if in details stuff like they know they cannot even be enough of them in the streets for howm any instances is or crimes commited with their federal resrve notes or a robbery for example which has to do with everybody using the notes, but the government is in their nightmare already they just didnt even come clean with themselves what theyre doing yet. kill eachother fori t, dont care , but make sure to pay me and dont starve now, watch yaself. cant say auth isnt in on the pay thing they get paid by from the tax from people of usa using the federal reserve notes and also what happens if you dont pay that tax theyre paid from, punished by them. thats right. hahha being in poverty, homeless isnt good enough, the government knows you have it in you. when subject now thinks about how 'some people arent hungry though' more clearity, cause knows that person very well could be too . you could always hit them with the 'they know what it takes for me to be their authority., they know some have to be hungry etc' is what you're saying if you're providing them the federal resrve notes you're than paid from them using them, this is precisely why i know things like u even want them to violate law so you could do it to them unless u still think its right for them to be hungry ,in poverty and god knows what for u to have some control and to punish them. don't want to scare you but your so called defense if they only get bigger with time, that means we all could get nuked soon still a don't make me have too , were basically under attack nah jk not safe but cool cuz we still see its bad with it and robbing or stealing for example cause we all do have to live with it but that's why. its still government making them hungry so let me blast it to pieces with that power they got and problem is itso nly a body of land and it will say u wouldnt have a culture or something probably, what if they moved lmao, its a sick in on it with u type thing all of them...there isn't a way ud even join if u didnt want too cuz not only can have that impact because of who you are but know you couldn't do it all without, maybe before u were gettin into it u were ahh maybe it isn't enough than once u do become this role, you're oficially a not only there hunger for example isn't enough, but you're going to use whatevers causing that and feel this should give u authority to punish.. maybe it is more than that giving u authority but that fact is still there. meaning them being hungry by them using the notes you provide to them to make and than tax for using your federal reserve system, ya the one whos started would tell ya hey i said custody, you knew what was up.. no jk, see cuz even the worse dont like that they had no idea what they were doing, shoulda read it orthoought about how u have this role of theyre in your custody. lmao, whats another meaning like a parent role custody, they all tryna keep it real or something by it too, they couldnt hang, they all think cuz of the technical superiority they are able to create BY you the people using the notes and whatever else they do, its legit. its same as hitler or something but that guy missed the so called superior race thing already was created and he was already it, the people still viewied as government they knew ppl were hungry cuz he could do that, superiority type thing, yup right and wrong with the money or federal resrve notes cause you have to use them , the fear of not having a roof , you know right and wrong with it as people together and it's complex because that math where you're doing math to get back is the same physics as breathing for instance you're doing math to get math and getting returned from something bigger (earth) whatever you're providing. inhale exhale and the tax u pay is whatever you contributed after you exhaled, a system everybody uses and getting back more of whatever theyre using together by contributing, to get what you wanted which was the air you had to do the math to get the math back from a system bigger than just u the earth so giving math to get math so ur tax would be whatever by you getting your air you contributed than back, to get your air you need to contribute, cause if by whateer we exhale were contributing to this system where we live than to get the air we needed we needed to give, the tools figured it out but forgot that if they had to be manning the system why wouldnt there be a being thats responsible for u needing to give back something to get air. see if we all didnt give back to the system together we wouldnt have the system, same with the governments pay system, why this premeditated identical math ur giving back to something bigger thats providing for u

                                              Reply#24 - Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:54 PM EST

                                              see the ones who started it - knew better with words like 'surrender' we just kno how big we are tahha knowing how im there for u to surrender to me, im king, if you think a little more , it's because you're authority, you obviously are able to be authority by the people of united states using the federal reserve notes which they are taxed on from using .. their 'money'thats why u kno what u see some thinkin its fun to be something because u can and play with it cuz of a power role and nobody wants others to get hurt, so it is bad when u mess with them cuz u kno they hurt u let them, the truth always comes out tho and plus they 'wouldn't' meaning they wouldnt of done it, might as well, if cause im authority there's more to them being in poverty because i know i didnt have to get into that with u the people, u know i'm at power here oh and focus on how ur not in poverty and not to be in or homeless cuz u kno better
                                              so obvioiusly the federal resrve system notes people if get paid by the tax, but because theyre ur authority ppl have to be in poverty, hungry and many ohter dangers you using their federal resrve notes united as people causes. so stuff like by us using the federal resrve notes they provide which we are taxed on and is paid to the authority, government is why there is even more dangers at one time than they have out there, meaning even less necessary and knows it already if indeed is even paid by the tax of the federal resrve notes together as people we use, it doesn't stop at just the hunger, it's more thats what these people use or whatever people are hungry because of which is using the provided federal reserve notes united, because i know you have it in ya to not be in poverty, hungry isn't cuttin it for me. the sobs know u have it in ya together, and the role has to be there because of us using the federal reserve notes if they couldn't do what they do to you the person without that because are paid by the tax of the used federal resrve notes, u chose to accept it for your way of life, of course, because u see what happens to those who aren't doing what other people around them doing which some or alot of the time has to do with something paper and light weight just the right size for human to carry, and it's not the peoples fault that they have to use the federal resrve notes, just as ur authority does, they did kinda get into something twisted if indeed u are just trying to listen and obey, thats just not how they look at me does almost sound not crazy but see i duno if i can even say but, thats just massive they obv dont even care about what they create by having this role as authority or locking people up, i know its hard but it is a cold hard fact.. we do use the federal resrve notes together and call it money, and there is only one government here atleast., were alot stronger as people too i came to the realization, if technically were in our nightmare at times when u think about it, because u know u could get robbed for example because the government thinks u can do better at making the notes and not have to do that, knowing that by u people united using them , its causing it, if paid by the tax from the notes you are provided with, if in details stuff like they know they cannot even be enough of them in the streets for howm any instances is or crimes commited with their federal resrve notes or a robbery for example which has to do with everybody using the notes, but the government is in their nightmare already they just didnt even come clean with themselves what theyre doing yet. kill eachother fori t, dont care , but make sure to pay me and dont starve now, watch yaself. cant say auth isnt in on the pay thing they get paid by from the tax from people of usa using the federal reserve notes and also what happens if you dont pay that tax theyre paid from, punished by them. thats right. hahha being in poverty, homeless isnt good enough, the government knows you have it in you. when subject now thinks about how 'some people arent hungry though' more clearity, cause knows that person very well could be too . you could always hit them with the 'they know what it takes for me to be their authority., they know some have to be hungry etc' is what you're saying if you're providing them the federal resrve notes you're than paid from them using them, this is precisely why i know things like u even want them to violate law so you could do it to them unless u still think its right for them to be hungry ,in poverty and god knows what for u to have some control and to punish them. don't want to scare you but your so called defense if they only get bigger with time, that means we all could get nuked soon still a don't make me have too , were basically under attack nah jk not safe but cool cuz we still see its bad with it and robbing or stealing for example cause we all do have to live with it but that's why. its still government making them hungry so let me blast it to pieces with that power they got and problem is itso nly a body of land and it will say u wouldnt have a culture or something probably, what if they moved lmao, its a sick in on it with u type thing all of them...there isn't a way ud even join if u didnt want too cuz not only can have that impact because of who you are but know you couldn't do it all without, maybe before u were gettin into it u were ahh maybe it isn't enough than once u do become this role, you're oficially a not only there hunger for example isn't enough, but you're going to use whatevers causing that and feel this should give u authority to punish.. maybe it is more than that giving u authority but that fact is still there. meaning them being hungry by them using the notes you provide to them to make and than tax for using your federal reserve system, ya the one whos started would tell ya hey i said custody, you knew what was up.. no jk, see cuz even the worse dont like that they had no idea what they were doing, shoulda read it orthoought about how u have this role of theyre in your custody. lmao, whats another meaning like a parent role custody, they all tryna keep it real or something by it too, they couldnt hang, they all think cuz of the technical superiority they are able to create BY you the people using the notes and whatever else they do, its legit. its same as hitler or something but that guy missed the so called superior race thing already was created and he was already it, the people still viewied as government they knew ppl were hungry cuz he could do that, superiority type thing, yup right and wrong with the money or federal resrve notes cause you have to use them , the fear of not having a roof , you know right and wrong with it as people together and it's complex because that math where you're doing math to get back is the same physics as breathing for instance you're doing math to get math and getting returned from something bigger (earth) whatever you're providing. inhale exhale and the tax u pay is whatever you contributed after you exhaled, a system everybody uses and getting back more of whatever theyre using together by contributing, to get what you wanted which was the air you had to do the math to get the math back from a system bigger than just u the earth so giving math to get math so ur tax would be whatever by you getting your air you contributed than back, to get your air you need to contribute, cause if by whateer we exhale were contributing to this system where we live than to get the air we needed we needed to give, the tools figured it out but forgot that if they had to be manning the system why wouldnt there be a being thats responsible for u needing to give back something to get air. see if we all didnt give back to the system together we wouldnt have the system, same with the governments pay system, why this premeditated identical math ur giving back to something bigger thats providing for u, smart huh... but it had to even be a being returning back what you're giving to them and have a huge image... however, it couldnt be a being giving u back this system for giving to it, insane.... completely, because they couldve even put together respect god just by the though of god, knew to respect . ie; judging based on self so than to actually goto hell because god ouch, knows couldnt do what they do or have control without that system people use which is math, they couldnt be big if people weren't using the math they provide and paying back to the system for it, but gods not big.. hmm, oh and the pull rug from under thing isnt more than just the truth, and u can still do it with little stuff like u didnt kno goin around u the whole time but when its too massive, its over power as in too much

                                                Reply#25 - Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:03 AM EST
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