The Author- My Purpose

As far back as I could remember when my mother made us exercise, I began early on getting some fulfillment out of sports, exercise, and beauty. I remember when I was around 10 years old, turning on the shower at a very hot temperature in order to create the steam I needed to have a sauna experience after working out in my parents living room. Little did I know at the time that 29 years later I would be sitting confidently writing an article about health and fitness being my passion and purpose in life. When I thought I knew what I was supposed to do with my life, I had no idea I would be doing something completely opposite. I am, however thankful for all of the education I invested my time and energy into, for it has definitely paid off. Especially since I can sit down and write out my thoughts on paper in a manner that translates into something meaningful for the reader.

As a health and fitness professional, I was born to help others find the courage within themselves to help teach how to create balance through exercise and good nutrition. If I haven’t learned anything more, I have learned that I get much fulfillment from helping others discover confidence, the beauty that lies within and the ability to love the image in the mirror. My journey in helping others is sometimes challenging, but one I would nevertheless, want to abandon.  I have been challenged in my own personal experiences from divorce, to becoming a single mom, to finding a lump in my breast, to trying to find a way to keep my lights on, to questioning the risks I was taking to follow my dreams. I now understand why hardship is necessary and I believe that my day is very quickly approaching when I will find myself reaching millions of individuals and families from all over the world. I especially hope that I will be one who influences the people within my own community, African Americans. We are in great need of a household role model to help fight against the epidemic the black race is facing; moreover, facing in America.

I pray that I will do my part, for I plan to stay the course. I am Maria “Bee” Barnes, the fitness doctor and I am here to help you “take back your life”.

Warmest Regards,

Maria Bee

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