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On April 20, 2010, 1, random, lucky penguin following my twitter account will win a 1 month membership for your penguin!  You will receive the membership via Direct Message.  For a chance to win, all you have to do is follow my twitter account by clicking here. If you are already following my twitter, congrats!  You are already in my contest!  But if not, click here to follow me.  If you already have a twitter account, but don’t know how to follow someone, go right to step 4.  If you don’t have a twitter account, but you would like to enter my contest, follow the steps below.



Go to http://www.twitter.com/G99cp and you will see an image like the one below.  Click on the big green button that says  ”Get Started Now >” (Can’t miss it!).


Now that you have clicked there, fill out the form that comes up.  It will ask you for your full name.  If you don’t feel comfortable with your full name, put in only your first.   No one will care!


Now that you have logged into your new twitter account, go back to Twitter.com/G99cp and you should be following me.  If so, this is what you will see:


If you are new to Twitter and not following me, or you’re just not following me, click here to follow me.


You are now officially in the contest and have a chance to win a 1 month membership!  Awesome, right?  Lemme know what you think about my first contest by commenting!


Highlight It

Hey guys!  Today Club Penguin released a new coloring page!  This new coloring page has Sensei and 2 penguins playing Card-Jitsu!

Let’s take a look:

So, does this mean that Card Jitsu Water is just around the corner?  Is Sensei coming soon to Club Penguin?  Is there gonna be an update to Card Jitsu Fire?  Let me know what you think by commenting!



Follow me on twitter @G99cp

Hey guys!  Today, since it’s Thursday, Club Penguin has released a new Club Penguin Times!  This week it’s all about the Earth Day Party and a New Room!  Here’s things to be sure to check out while reading!

  • Celebrate Earth Day (A2 – A3)
  • New Room Next Week (A4 – A5)
  • In Focus: The Ski Lodge (B1 – B4)
  • Ask Aunt Arctic (B5 – B7)
  • Upcoming Events (C7 – C8)

Cool paper, huh?  I like the fact that the new room is coming out soon, and I cant wait until they start the Earth Day celebration.  What do you like?  Let me know by Commenting!


Reviewed by You!

Hey guys!  Today Club Penguin has released a new Reviewed by you!  Last week they saw lots of people dressed up with the green hard hat and making lots of trees.  Here’s what Surf3r said:

Me and my buddies always check out anything new on the island! We love to explore new rooms and play new games! We think the new outfits rock and we always wear them, especially the Green Hard Hat and the green suit with the water hose! It’s so much fun, I never ever want it to end! Waddle on Club Penguin!

That’s awesome!  I agree with him.  That sounds like a lot of fun!  What do you think?  Let me know by commenting!


Hey guys!  Today Club Penguin has released some new Club Penguin postcards!  These new ones are Long Time No See, You’re Funny, and Turn Green.  Check them out:

Awesome new postcards!  What’s your favorite?  Mine’s Turn Green.  But, what’s yours?  Lemme know by commenting!


Hey guys!  G99 here!  Today (since it’s Friday) Club Penguin has released a new pin!  This pin is a green frog that is sitting on a Lilly Pad at the Dock.  Here’s how to get it:

  1. Log in to Club Penguin.
  2. Open up your map.
  3. Click on the dock.
  4. Go to the lower left corner.  The pin should be right next to the chat bar.

Cool pin, right?  Do you like this pin?  Are you gonna wear it around?  Let me know what you think by commenting!


Hey guys!  Today I found this awesome exclusive preview of the Upcoming Game, Card-Jitsu Water!  This is a picture of Sensei and a water ninja standing in front of a doorway to The Water Dojo!  Check it out:

Cool, right?  I’m still looking for an inside sneak peak of the dojo, but I haven’t found that yet.  Also,  If you are wondering where these dojos will be, take a look at this picture.

Those are the locations of where all the special dojos are.  What do you think?  Do you want the Card-Jitsu Water to come soon?  Let me know what you think by commenting!


Hey guys!  Today in my shop, I released some Net Book Sleeves!  These net book sleeves are black with penguins on them.  Take a look:

Awesome, right?  How do you think they look?  Do you want one?  They are all $28 – $33 USD/CAD.  We do not sell anything to anyone out of the USA and Canada.  If you want one, click here!  Lemme know what you think by commenting!

Reviewed by You

Hey guys!  Today Club Penguin released a new reviewed by you!  This week it’s about when you go exploring.

Let’s hear what Kirschli said:

My buddies and I once went exploring during a summer party to find the free items and hidden rooms, and we went all over the island, and even went to a red vs. blue snowball match in someones igloo in the middle of summer! We found so many decorations, and a purple octopus as well! It was so much fun for the five of us, and I don’t think we will ever forget it!

I agree with her.  That does sound like a lot of fun.  Do you want to be featured?  Click here to write a comment that is about going around the island with the new items.  Write your comment with around 50 – 75 words, and maybe they will feature you next week!


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