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Trouble Sleeping? The Zeo Personal Coach Can Help

Trouble Sleeping? The Zeo Personal Coach Can Help

by Lori Cunningham

Zeo Personal Sleep Coach

My Zeo Personal Sleep Coach arrived in the mail the other day!  You may recall I highlighted the Zeo as one of my favorite Mom tech products  from the  2010 CES Show.  I talked with the Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of Zeo at CES.  I was mesmerized by all the features and capabilities of Zeo.  Zeo sent me the unit to review.

I am the first to admit I don’t get enough sleep – but then again, what mom does?  I know I could use some help in getting more and better quality sleep.  But even more than that, I was just downright curious about what type of sleep I am getting.  I feel that I:

  1. take forever to fall asleep
  2. don’t get enough sleep
  3. wake up a lot during the night
  4. wake up early on my own but don’t feel refreshed

So, I will be using the Zeo to monitor my sleep for the next month to see if all the features and promises of the product hold true. 

But first, just to give you a little insight about me, I stayed up late last night waiting for the sleep band to charge.  I placed the comfortable band on my forehead and tried to get to sleep.  I had difficulty getting to sleep because I couldn’t wait to see what my results were going to be in the morning!

Here were my results:

  • I slept  for 5 hours and 23 minutes
  • it took me 17 minutes to fall asleep (it seemed more like an hour!)
  • I woke up 6 times during the night (it felt like I was up all night)
  • I spent 40% of my time in light sleep
  • I spent 40% of my time in REM sleep (no wonder why I didn’t feel refreshed – my mind was racing most the night!)
  • 20% of my time was spent in deep sleep

Wow!  I was amazed at the type of information I received.  To me it seemed like I was up all night and it took forever to get too sleep.  But my Zeo proved me otherwise.

There are more  great features I’m looking forward to telling you about, but I need to use it more and explore them further first.  Look for my post in March during the  National Sleep Awareness Week®, which takes place March 7-13, 2010.

Think I’ll take a nap now.

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Trouble Sleeping? The Zeo Personal Coach Can Help

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