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Clean Out Your Computer Day

Clean Out Your Computer Day
by Lori Cunningham
System Mechanic 9.5, pc tune-up, wellconnectedmom.com, mom tech
Did you know that today is the official “Clean Out Your Computer Day?” Every 2nd Monday of February has been designated as such by the Institute for Business Technology.  What a brilliant idea.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am a pro at quickly getting a smooth, fast running computer to run slow.  I tend to download different programs to try out – some trials, some full versions.  My desktop tends to collect a zoo of shortcut links – so many that they are no longer “shortcuts” since I need to wade through a ton of shortcuts to find the shortcut I’m looking for!  


What are Some of the Main Reasons Your Computer May be Running Slow?  

  • Extra programs/services could be loading when you boot up your computer that you don’t need. 
  • The Windows registry, which stores settings and options for the Windows operating system gets overloaded with unnecessary references which can cause your computer to crash or freeze.
  • Security threats can cause issues with your computer.
  • Temporary and history files divert your computer’s processing power and should be discarded frequently.
  • Hard drives and RAM (system memory) get fragmented which make it harder for your computer to open files and start programs.

I have tried various “free trials” for computer clean-up programs.  They seem to work great and give me an entire laundry list of all the problems I have.  Then they fix only five and say that’s all the trial can do for me.  What a disappointment.  So I obtained a copy of System Mechanic from the folks at Iolo.com to review their product and report back to you if it helped my computer.   

To no surprise, I received a system status of “poor.”  I knew this was the case because my computer runs sluggish and takes a long time to boot up.  


What I didn’t realize was how bad off my poor computer was.  I had over 412 registry problems, 15 vulnerable security issues, and 1 GB of system clutter!  Yikes! 

 System Mechanic 9.5, pc tune-up, wellconnectedmom.com mom tech 

To further enhance my computer’s effectiveness, I found that I could turn off  programs and services I didn’t use much:

 System Mechanic 9.5, pc tune-up, wellconnectedmom.com mom tech 

I have to admit, I love diagnostic tools like this – and System Mechanic 9.5 is full of over 40 useful tools that you can use automatically or as needed: 

System Mechanic 9.5, pc tune-up, wellconnectedmom.com mom tech  

OK, you’re probably wondering how did my computer fare through all of these tests and pokes?  Here are my final results after running the complete diagnostics twice, the same day I loaded the program: 

System Mechanic 9.5, pc tune-up, wellconnectedmomm.com, mom tech 

As you can see, I was able to recover nearly 1 GB of hard drive space and 222 MB of RAM, fix over 400 registry problems, repair 15 security vulnerabilities, and take care of 7 start up problems.  Phew!  That’s a lot of fixes! 

System Mechanic 9.5 is the number one selling PC tune-up software on the market.  They have repaired over 70 million computers since 1998.  System Mechanic retails for $49.95 but is currently offered for $24.95 at Iolo’s website for a one-year licence.  System Mechanic call also be purchased at Costco, Sam’s, Target, Best Buy, Office Max, Office Depot, etc.

A Mom’s Perspective 

I shudder to think where I was headed with my computer had I not been able to fix a lot of these issues now.  I was already starting to have some strange problems with my computer before I tried System Mechanic 9.5.  My hope is that those issues are far behind me.  As with kids, if you don’t nip things in the bud right away, you’ll have larger problems later.  Take the time today or this week to clean up your computer.  Keeping your computer in check will help increase the longevity of your computer. 

Well, after loading the System Mechanic software, retreiving all the drive and memory space, and fixing registry, security, and start-up issues in under 15 minutes, I feel as if I have saved several hours of work.  Time for a long lunch!

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Clean Out Your Computer Day

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