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Not so much a place, more a state of mind

We’re called the Sole Bay Cheese Company. People often ask why. It’s where we are.

Sole Bay is off the coast of East Anglia. It isn’t marked on nautical charts. But everyone around here knows where it is. It’s not so much a place, more a state of mind. Never heard of it? Shame on you; there was a huge sea battle here in 1672.  It was the British against the Dutch. Pepys wrote about it. Both sides said they won. Nothing really ever changes much.

You should also know that whether you’re on holiday, moving into the area or you’ve lived here for years, you can help support the local food culture and eat delicious, low food-miles artisan-made local produce. You can make a difference if you choose.

We don’t make cheese. We sell it. We always have at least 70 different cheeses in stock for you, and usually more. Cheese is seasonal, but most days we have several local Suffolk cheeses, such as Buxlow Paigle, Shipcord, Hawkston, Suffolk Blue, Suffolk Gold and usually five types of cheddar cheeses.

People have asked if we have a shop. The answer is always the same. It’s in front of you. We sell more cheeses than anyone in Suffolk, at fairs, shows and markets, so we have a mobile cheese trailer to bring cheese to the cheese-less and hope to the oppressed. In other words, no. It’s a market stall, but not as you know it. You can find us in our regular market in Woodbridge during the week.

At the weekends you can also find us at a variety of shows, fairs and events throughout the summer. As well as new and old Suffolk cheeses we have a huge variety of cow, sheep and goat cheeses from the rest of Britain, as well as from Spain, France, Germany and Norway.

If we don’t have your favourite cheese in stock please ask us and we can probably get it for you. Feel free to email or phone and if it’s market day please call the mobile number: 07818 043 313.

We’ll be thinking of you.

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