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    'Astonishing' Cyber Espionage Threat from Foreign Governments: British Spy Chief

    In a rare public speech, the head of Britain's domestic spy service said Monday that the West now faces an "astonishing" cyber espionage threat on an "industrial scale" from specific nation states.

    "The extent of what is going on is astonishing," said Jonathan Evans, director general of MI5, "with industrial-scale processes involving many thousands of people lying behind both state-sponsored cyber espionage and organized cyber crime."

    Though Evans did not name any countries, ABC News has separately learned from sources that the U.K., the U.S. and several European allies have a robust discussion underway on how to counter cyber espionage by perhaps the most significant state operator -- China.

    Evans' speech on potential security threats to the West, delivered to English financial executives, came just one month before the 2012 Summer Olympics begin in London.

    "The Games present an attractive target for our enemies and they will be at the centre of the world's attention in a month or so," said Evans. "No doubt some terrorist networks have thought about whether they could pull off an attack."

    While Osama Bin Laden may be dead, he said, "in back rooms and cars on the streets of this country there is no shortage of individuals talking about wanting to mount terror attacks here."

    The U.K. has had 43 terror plots or incidents since 2001, authorities said, numbers that are similar to those in the U.S. All since 2005 have been thwarted and several had also been aimed at the U.S., including the recent "printer bomb plot."

    Evans said preparation for the Olympics had gone well, and that the Olympics, even if an "attractive" target, would not be an "easy target."

    "There is no such thing as guaranteed security," he said. "But I think that we shall see a successful and memorable Games this summer in London."

    However, said Evans, "as the government said after the Brighton bombing in 1984 [an IRA attack that narrowly missed British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher], the terrorist only has to get lucky once."

    Though U.K. retains the pound as its national currency, Evans singled out the likely rise of political extremism as a result of the "Euro" crisis as a potential threat to the financial community in The City of London -- a mile-square independent jurisdiction within London.

    He also pointed out three past national security risks to the financial sector-- all from the U.S. -- the World Trade Center attack in 2001, the almost forgotten bombing of the same towers in 1993, and the anarchist bomb attack on J.P. Morgan's bank in 1920.

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    "If I may be allowed a Rumsfeld moment," he said, "there are of course the uncertainties we can be certain about -- like terrorism, cyber security challenges and hostile intelligence activities by states. But there are also things we remain uncertain about." During a 2002 press conference, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made a famous distinction between "known knowns," "known unknowns," and "unknown unknowns."

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    • Voce  •  1 hr 53 mins ago
      • tony 1 hr 21 mins ago
        When I go to those type of comment pages , I just leave. usually don't even read the article.
      • johns 1 hr 19 mins ago
        nor will I. , but guess we are becomming minorities. Cyber attacks from anywhere in the world. No borders. Homeland security ? They have secured nothing. Good thing our new friends in china can't walk right in too.
      • Brian 1 hr 15 mins ago
        We need to get off the grid man! LOL, Always a money game and that is that. He who has the best toys usually wins.
    • Hate is Hip  •  1 hr 37 mins ago
      Yahoo!, why are you trying to force us to use facebook to comment on certain news stories?
      • Gimme Shelter 1 hr 36 mins ago
        I've wondered that too.
      • Albertman 1 hr 26 mins ago
        Britain should return Falkland to the rightful owner. Britain steals from other countries everyday. Don't try to pull a wool over eyes, we will see through it.
      • Arbiter 1 hr 21 mins ago
        Funny how the Falklanders want to remain British, but who cares what the inhabitants want right?
    • Hotrod Willy  •  1 hr 57 mins ago
      Now is it time to reopen American factories?
      • Prometheus 1 hr 40 mins ago
        if you're still buying crap.
      • kmat123 1 hr 29 mins ago
        Where is the Man Power to build these products? America is a too small of a country.
      • Aww SNAP 1 hr 26 mins ago
        It's not that it's too small. The problem is that the average wage for an American citizen is much higher than that of a Chinese citizen. There are also to many restrictions on factories in the US compared to China.
    • Randy  •  1 hr 38 mins ago
      We need a cyber bomb that sends total destruction back to any computer and
      the system network they are operating on thats attempting to procure information, spamming, etc, including google, facebook, bidu, alibaba, yahoo, you name it. If you attempt it, if your network allows it, your'e both dead meat, finished, done, history. Only
      the honest will survive.
      • Michael 1 hr 33 mins ago
        You clearly have NO knowledge... not even an INKLING about how IT works... do you?
      • Randy 1 hr 5 mins ago
        Well genius, you are correct, none at all, however, it would appear to me
        that you IT geniuses might direct a good portion of your efforts to
        finding a way to put a stop to these crimes "BEFORE" they become a
        major problem. You "geniuses" remind me of politicians, let it become a
        major issue before you do anything to correct the problem, that is, like
        politicians you are part of the problem doing little about the solution because
        it perpetuates your existence. My opinion of course but thats the way I
        see it.
      • Randy 58 mins ago
        Michael, just a further thought, perhaps this is the way that IT and the
        internet "should" work. Think about it, if you want to steal something
        (information) the network should not allow it and if you try, you and
        your computer and dead meat. Is it possible ? I say make it so.
    • Give Me a Break  •  2 hrs 10 mins ago
      We just keep sending our money and jobs there....
      • Prometheus 1 hr 39 mins ago
        Who is We, idiot...
      • Rothsuede 1 hr 23 mins ago
        Who are our enemies?
      • tony 1 hr 22 mins ago
        America. Pornothesius. idiot.
    • Big Tex  •  Dallas, Texas  •  1 hr 0 mins ago
      I don't know about China, but I get a lot of spam from the prince of nigeria, let's not foget about them basterds
    • kissheright  •  1 hr 28 mins ago
      Just waiting for the day when we go back to paper and pencils and riding horse's or horse drawn buggies. Try and hack that message hahahahaha
    • PH  •  2 hrs 2 mins ago
      Sad to hear this as China is carrying so much of our debt. The government should never let another country be in that position or hold that type of power over the The United States of America! Never!
    • Vietnam Vet  •  1 hr 16 mins ago
      If China brings us down they will be killing their biggest market for the garbage they make.
    • the man  •  Chicago, Illinois  •  58 mins ago
      Chinas junk is just filling up our land fills and that is just what they want. And stupid americans just keep buying the crap tell their broke. JUNK IS NOT A BARGAIN AT ANY PRICE! THE MAN!
    • 6 Degrees  •  1 hr 8 mins ago
      Spy vs Spy
    • yes Minister  •  1 hr 14 mins ago
      American corporations should leave faulty data in vulnerable places. Faulty stolen specifications brought the Russian Tupelov project undone.
    • Ceannairceach  •  47 mins ago
      Like our government is going to do anything to upset our "industrial level" outsourcing to China. We already gave them GM. Texas is selling off its public infrastructure to China and the feds are rapidly auctioning off most of our country to them. All one has to do is read our Declaration of Independence and substitute the King of Great Britain with our current government. This document is binding and timeless agreement which ensures our right to relieve ourselves from tyrannical rule. As far as I can see, the only people who have the testicular fortitude to march in defiance of our nation's government are the illegal immigrants, foreigners, homosexuals, and certain minorities. What is wrong with the citizens of this country?! Why are most of you too scared, lazy, apathetic, and complacent to grab our democracy by the horns? You are already losing your jobs! Your rapidly losing your rights! You are being spied on by drones, by the feds, and every time you log in to your PCs! Why can't you people see that we are fastly approaching a totalitarian state? What is going to take for the majority of Americans to participate in our democracy? It is high time that the legal citizens of this nation rise up against this government!
    • WATCHEM  •  1 hr 9 mins ago
      Always hunkering down, whimpering, helpless like victims in a horror movie.
      Smash these guys when you find them. Make examples of them, a quick death sentence, since they are capable of so much costly damage to security.
    • ziggyzonezep  •  1 hr 25 mins ago
      Let's say china is a here respect's it..???..
    • VVillbone  •  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  •  49 mins ago
      Fux China.
    • Sarah_in_the_USA  •  Westland, Michigan  •  23 mins ago
      If this were true, there would be no story on Yahoo about it. It would be top secret, handled by the CIA. This is intended as a ploy to oppress us and our online communications. Watch, it will be followed by restrictions to our online communications, requiring us to provide our full identification every time we get online.
    • Tim  •  43 mins ago
      The United States National Security Agency (NSA) is building the biggest spy center for intercepting and storing electronic communications collected from all over the world and American citizens. The center is located in Bluffdale, Utah and can process yottabytes (a million billions of gigabytes) of data. The facility of $ 2 billion is designed to “intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications including the contents of telephone calls, private e-mails, mobile phone text messages and Internet searches.
    • Dave  •  46 mins ago
      Did the Fed ever find that 7 trillion that went missing back in 09?
    • Keith  •  49 mins ago
      tell the chinese we're going to devalue the dollar by 50% - they've got more of them than we do
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