Apple Our iPhone hands-on is massive, but our verdict is short: Wait a little while.


Oryx Bicycle Looks Hard to Sit on, Probably Isn't

oryx2.jpgViewed from the wrong angle, this Oryx bike could look like something from the perv-o-licious Sex Museum in Amsterdam. Designed by a guy called Harald Cramer, it's a custom-made time-trial cycle with all sorts of weird and wonderful innovations... more »

6:50 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
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Google To Enter Wireless Biz, Wants To Make It Less Evil

Though there's no official talk of a Google Phone just yet, the superpower has decided to ante up $4.6 billion to bid on wireless spectrum. Google did say it would only do this on one condition, however: that whoever won the spectrum would be bound by law to offer at least some access to it at a wholesale price to competitors. As you might have guessed, this has pissed off some of the existing wireless carriers, who claim that sharing spectrum would lessen the spectrum's value. I'm sure both sides have nice charts and graphs to prove their legitimate points, but for now I'm going to side with the Goog. [Reuters]

6:43 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
9 views, Comment

nixie-watch.jpg Woztastic

Get Cathode Corner Nixie Watch, Grow Beard, Be Like The Woz

Remember that cool two-digit, wrist-activated nixie watch Woz likes to wear? Well, now you can be like The Other Steve for just $395, amazing genius and pranks obsession not included. See the Wizard of Woz demonstrating how it works after the jump. more »

6:40 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
46 views, Comment

vibrate-ring-gps-01.jpg Gadgets

GPS Rings Should Point You Toward a Mirror

If you have a terrible sense of direction but are too proud to be seen getting directions from a GPS device, this GPS jewelry is for you. It consists of a couple of rings, one for each hand, and they vibrate to tell you where to go. Need to turn left? Your left-hand ring will vibrate. Need to turn right? You know where I'm going with this. more »

6:30 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
56 views, 2 comments

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Swigz Dual-Chamber Sports Bottle Keeps Gin, Tonic Separate

If your exercise regime has you drinking a combination of liquids like Gatorade and water, Powerade and Red Bull, or the old G&T, the Swigz Dual-Chamber sports bottle can keep both liquids separate. more »

6:20 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
92 views, 1 comment


Arriva iPod Shuffle Headphones Make us Laugh, Cry a Little

arrivaheadphones.jpg Could these possibly be the worst headphones ever made for the iPod shuffle? Yes, yes they could. Instead of making them something a normal person would wear, Arriva's gone and made them "wireless," in the sense that they have a built-in iPod shuffle dock and hangs the player off the back of your head. Sure, it's somewhat convenient to have the whole contraption in one device, but we're not sure that even Urkel would care for something as goofy as this. [Arriva via Crave via Crunchgear]

6:10 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
160 views, 3 comments

Latest by gattsuru: Why the back of the head? I mean, I don't think it'd be easy to steal, at least unless... more

eBay Really like Buy the two Apple G4 PowerBooks that helped code it so you can lick the keyboard and hope some of their juice rubs off onto your own project. [eBay]


Elvis Lives

WowWee Alive Elvis Robot Unboxed... and Skinned

Elvis_Half-Skinned.jpg There was no need to perform a Voight-Kampff test on this skin job. It came from the folks who introduced the world to the Robosapien—and besides, it had infrared vision sensors and no arms or legs. Since we showed you the first glimpse of robot Elvis at CES, we realized that now that it's out, the only direction to go was a full-on skinning in the name of technical appreciation.
more »


6:00 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
585 views, 10 comments

Latest by bald_gye: why is Elvis chinnese... more

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Sharp Aquos R Series Gets THX Video Certification

Remember when we told you about the first THX-certified flat panel, a $20,000 Vidikron plasma? Well, it's about to get company, from the likes of Sharp, no less. According to Electronista, Sharp has unveiled the Aquos R series, the first LCD certified by THX for theater-grade image quality, with a THX Movie Mode to make sure you're getting what you paid for. For now, this only applies if you live in Japan and have the Yen equivalent of $6,900 for the 52 incher or $11,500 for the 65 incher. But word is that US versions of the Aquos will be along by and by. [Electronista]

5:54 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
80 views, Comment

logitech-g9-leaks.jpg Peripherals

Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse Leaked?

Some Chinese site seems to have some leaked photos of Logitech's upcoming G9 gaming mouse. If this is real, the upgrade to the G5 gaming mouse has interchangeable face plates, LEDs for resolution display and some modularization changes all over the place. Ugly photos aside, this one looks fairly convincing. [Everything USB]

5:40 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
981 views, 9 comments

Apple The 85W MacBook Pro charger gets an update that shrinks its gigantic size, but still manages to deliver 85 watts where it needs to go. [Apple]


bone-wrist.jpg wisdom

Bone Wrist Support: A Haiku

It's not a dog toy,
My wrist rests on it, it's cute!
I am so lonely.
[Product Page via Slashgear]

250px-Austins_jet.jpg Note to PR People

International Press Junkets Shouldn't Be Free, Just Open

As you know, many electronics companies offer all-expenses-paid trips to journalists to go to Europe and Asia, touring factories and R&D facilities, meeting with executives and eating like kings. The trouble is, the trips are off-limits to the majority of tech reporters, for breach of obvious ethics guidelines. more »

4:42 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
766 views, 6 comments


Tiger Paw Screen Cleaner Cellphone Strap

tiger-feet.jpg Rather than have a cellphone strap that looks cute and does nothing, this Tiger Paw cellphone strap actually lets you clean your screen—albeit a small cellphone screen. Just put the tiger (or sheep) paw on your finger and start wiping away. The strap clings conveniently to your phone, and also comes with a tail for some reason. This is the greatest cellphone strap ever. [Strapya via Plastic Bamboo]

4:40 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
308 views, 3 comments

Latest by supremeillusions: They are so sweet. Can we buy these in the USA? ... more

Dumb move

Sprint to 200 Iraq War Veterans: Go to Hell

Full_Metal_Jacket_sprint.jpg After dumping "needy customers" because they take too many support resources, Sprint is also dumping 200 US soldiers after returning from a Tour of Duty in Iraq. The reason according to the veteran who denounced the situation: "excessive roaming." And not even Iraq-related. The story is so absurd that it's hard to believe. more »

4:32 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
2,828 views, 16 comments

Latest by Michael: @Paradise: Much less, thanks.... more

Piracy The University of Kansas switches to a one-strike policy for internet piracy, resulting in banishment from the residence hall internet network if caught. [Ars Technica]


shooting things

50-foot Marshamallow Blaster

marshshooterbig.jpg We knew you could build your own marshmallow blaster gun out of a used Pringles can, tape and a two by four, but what about those of us who are too lazy to build stuff? Well, now you can buy your own pre-made pump action marshmallow gun that shoots those soft confectionaries up to 50 feet. Fifty! That's further than any coworker can throw most office supplies. $39 gets you sweet shooting goodness. [Hammacher via i4u]

4:10 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
911 views, 5 comments

Latest by Kaiser-Machead: LOL!... more

Round Up

Thursday's Best Stories

We had an interesting mix of Apple rumors, laboratory innovations and thrill-seeking inventors make news yesterday. Here's what you may have missed...
•The father of the camera phone is sailing across the pacific, but he took the time to answer a few questions.
•Sprint and Clearwire join forces, hope to deliver WiMax to 100 million people by the end of 2008.
•iPhone nano rumors are back.

more »

4:00 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
173 views, Comment

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Super Mario Bros. Subwoofer: OK, I Get It, You Like Video Games

This Super Mario Bros. subwoofer combines two good things to make an even better thing. If it was for sale and I didn't care about my apartment looking like a virgintorium, I'd buy one. Unfortunately, it's a homemade project and I'm not living above my parent's garage. But if I was! What adventures I would have, believe you me! [Flickr via Geekologie]

3:40 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
745 views, 5 comments

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Kanguru's Eco Drive is the World's Most Energy Efficient External Hard Drive

Kanguru claims that by reducing power consumption by up to 75%, it can both extend the life of your hard drive and be eco-conscious at the same time. The Eco Drive works by going into an idle mode after three seconds of inactivity, which has 80% of normal power consumption, and standby mode after three minutes of inactivity, which works at 10-20% of normal power consumption. And when you don't touch it for five minutes, it goes into power-down mode and uses 5-10% of the normal power. Even if you don't care about the environment (who does?), this is a good way to preserve your laptop's battery while you're on the go. [Kanguru via Bios Mag]

3:10 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
570 views, 7 comments

Latest by Zadaz: Cool. I can tell it's eco friendly because it's ugly, has a lot of green writing on it, has... more


Microsoft Sells a Million Zunes!

zunezat.jpg Woooo! Woooooooooooooooooooooooo! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! FAAAAAART!! [Zune Insider]

2:51 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
2,894 views, 101 comments

Latest by gold.n.god: there is no more point in talking about this... there's not much to say that hasn't already been said in... more

oh canada

New Crimson/Black DS Lite to be Bundled With Brain Age 2 in Canada

Canadian online retailer Future Shop has started pre-orders for a Nintendo DS bundle which includes Brain Age 2 and a new crimson and black colored DS Lite. Since the only place this has popped up is Future Shop, we're not really sure if this is only for sale as a bundle or Canada-exclusive. The bundle, which sells for 159.99 CDN, will release on August 20. [Future Shop]

2:45 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
888 views, 16 comments


SanDisk Cruzer Contour Looks Monolithically Sexy


If you're in the market for a cool-looking flash drive and the SanDisk Ducati looks a little bit too much mid-life crisis to you, might we suggest their Cruzer Contour (which we saw back at CES). It's a glossy black drive with an extendable/retractable USB connector. Yeah, that means you won't have to keep track of a USB cap anymore. So not only is it convenient, the tapered end and black design make it pretty slick to look at as well. [SanDisk]

2:32 PM ON FRI JUL 20 2007
912 views, 3 comments

Latest by aboriginal: 8 gigs of goodness in my pocket. Size is fine and the slide-open USB trigger is slick. See how long... more