Tag Archives: roohit

Ten Benefits of Rooh.it

You’ve heard of Rooh.it but how much do you really know about one of the newest (and we like to think, coolest) curation solutions out there?  Today we’d like to tell you a little more about what makes Rooh.it so … Continue reading

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Where do you get your news?

According to the annual State of the Media report, conducted by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, more people today are using the Internet over newspapers as their main source for news. At Rooh.it, we are passionate about online … Continue reading

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Top 10 Reasons to add the Rooh.it Bookmarklet to Your Favorites Bar

Rooh.it is one of the 25 Most Popular apps on Google Toolbar. There’s a good reason why everyone is using it. It’s extremely easy to add: just drag  Rooh.it to your favorites, and you are done! Highlight any page instantly: … Continue reading

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Uncensored User Feedback

Here’s what one user had to say about their experience on Rooh.it: “So I just discovered this great new web application Rooh.it. It allows you to highlight anything on a webpage and it instantly saves it to a clipboard that … Continue reading

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Deleting Highlights made Easier

We’ve moved the delete button to make removing a highlight easier! If you accidentally highlight something on a page, just mouse over the highlight – as if you were going to share the highlight – and click the red ; done! … Continue reading

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Google Toolbar Users: Auto-bookmark web-pages and/or Share Highlighted Pages

Updated the Google Toolbar button: Just click it on any page to Start Highlighting the page your are on. (It is already in the 25 most popular buttons of all!) Now: it also auto bookmarks any page you highlight in … Continue reading

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Top 10 Requirements for a Successful Blog Presence

I’m going to start my blog with an article I wrote 2 years ago… Here are my guidelines for creating and maintaining a successful blog presence. Personalized URL: Every blog must have a simple web address. Ideally a two-part blog … Continue reading

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