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Clip + Collect + Collate + Collaborate = Curate

Carat, Color, Clarity, and Cut: the Four C’s that define the quality of a diamond and what Certification it is worth.

Similarly: Curation determines the quality and value of Web content.

Wikipedia defines digital curation as: “the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets.”

  • Readers of online material want more ways to experience individually relevant content.
  • Publishers of web content want to engage their readers with more relevant content.

At, we have designed solutions to satisfy both parties; all with the underlying theme of giving users the ability to clip, collect, collate and collaborate their favorite Web content thereby giving them a level of online interaction never seen before.


Any content a user highlights using the instant highlighter is automatically clipped and saved for the user.


When you search, the information you seek is rarely found on a single page. Typically, only a part of any page is of interest, not the entire page. As you surf just highlight the relevant portions.  All your highlights are automatically collected for you.


The collection of highlights can be cherry picked from, and any subset can be combined and collated to be viewed in one shot.


With a plethora of sharing and social tools (and a very powerful new feature coming soon!) takes online collaboration to a finer level of granularity.

You can share just-the-highlights, and/or entire highlighted-pages with anyone (including users) using email, Facebook, Twitter or any other medium.


Curation is the newest trend on the Web and will be reshaping your online experience for a long time to come.  Rather than being dependent on Search Engines and computers to deliver results that are uniquely relevant to you: get interesting content delivered to you as determined to be relevant for you by human eyes. is brought to you by (Al Gore moment!) the creator of Social Networks – ok pioneer ;) Yes, our founder also created one of the earliest Social Networking websites – launched in 1997 – with several million users back then…

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Ten Benefits of

You’ve heard of but how much do you really know about one of the newest (and we like to think, coolest) curation solutions out there?  Today we’d like to tell you a little more about what makes so special.
  1. Collect (remember) what you like on the Web: The highlighter makes saving and remembering the most important pieces of your Online world faster and easier than ever before.  Today, more people read their news on the Internet than on print newspapers.  Having a powerful live tool like the highlighter allows any user to instantly clip the sources that they love and save them forever.  Even better, they can share them across their existing Social Networks, inviting any connection to explore the world through their eyes, or their highlights in this case.
  2. No sign-up: At, we understand that the last thing anyone needs is another user name and password to remember.  This is why we made our service accessible with no sign-up required. simply just works with your existing Internet  browser on virtually any webpage.  How does it remain personalized to you?  Simply sign-in with your existing email address and recognizes what highlights to display.  Do not worry, at we value your privacy; your password and username are never saved on our servers.
  3. No installation: No sign-up would not be complete without no installation! technology works with your existing system without the need to add anything.  No installation means no worries of viruses or other potentially harmful additions to your computer.  Simply type before any URL, or use our handy bookmarklet shortcut to activate the highlighter instantly on virtually any page.
  4. Fast: Time is money and nobody understands that better than the Team.  That is why our engineers have worked tirelessly to not only provide a powerful product, but an efficient one as well. tools are all optimized to work quickly and seamlessly in order to make all users’ experience as productive as possible.
  5. Free: They say the best things in life are well, free. is no exception.  Take advantage of all the tools and solutions offered by at no charge to you!
  6. Easy: Fast and Free solutions wouldn’t be much without the simplicity to use them.  We are proud of the fact that our solutions are efficient and simple to use.  We are confident that any Internet user can pick up any of our products and take advantage of the power behind them.
  7. No copy/paste: solutions are in place to provide a better alternative to the ancient copy/paste mentality.  Never again lose the context of what you share or struggle with broken shared links.  Simply use the built in features of to instantly share your highlights & pages across your email or existing Social Networks.
  8. Consolidate all your search findings: If you have used the highlighter your know how addicting highlighting your favorite material can be.  Lucky for us, provides an excellent way to organize and save the collection of highlights we create.  Simply visit your personal Collection Page on the site and  view, consolidate, delete, tag & do much more with your personal highlights.
  9. Collaborate: We understand the Internet is a Social Environment and have tailored to enhance the connections you have already established Online.  All of our solutions are built to flawlessly interact with your Social Networks in order to help you better collaborate and share with the people you love.  You can invite others to view what you are reading by sharing your highlights or display your’s and others’ findings using the Widget.  The possibilities are endless.
  10. Browser agnostic: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, it doesn’t matter.  Take advantage of on what ever browser you prefer.  Remember, it just works!
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Where do you get your news?

According to the annual State of the Media report, conducted by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, more people today are using the Internet over newspapers as their main source for news.

At, we are passionate about online material and are curious as to where
you like to go to get your news fix.  Head over to our Facebook page and participate in our latest survey, asking our fans what outlet they prefer for online news.  If you have not done so already, we encourage you to ‘Like’ our Fan Page to stay up to date on our latest discussions and share material with us. We love interacting with our users!

Happy Tuesday!

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Top 3 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Highlights

So you just finished reading the latest entry on your favorite blog.  Of course, you used your handy Highlighter and made a bunch of colorful streaks throughout the text.  Now what, you ask?  Today we explore the Top 3 things you did not know you could do with your highlights.

3. Tag

You’ve made thousands of highlights but are frustrated because you wish there was an easier way to sort them.  Well, there is.  Next time that you highlight, simply mouseover any highlight and write in your personalized Tags in the Tag Bar provided on the popup command menu.

Adding Tags to a Highlight

Use this powerful piece of technology to make searching and sorting your highlights easier and more efficient.  Take advantage of the Tag system to stumble upon other relevant content members of the community have similarly labeled.

2. Private

We understand that part of the beauty of is our strong community of users.  Through our users and our open technology many people are able to discover new sources of information to help them in their everyday lives.  However, we know that at times you just want to keep your highlights to yourself.

Don’t be scared away; simply make your highlights private.  When highlighting, mouseover any highlight and check the Private box to keep those highlights for your eyes only.  Worried that you’ll change your mind later?  Simply go to your Collection page, select the highlight and click on the Public button on the Header.  Likewise, you can change Public highlights into Private ones from this same Header Menu.

Make Highlights Private

1. Comment

Ever make a highlight and then completely forget why two hours down the line?  Never again!  Take advantage of the Comment feature to further personalize your articles.

Simply mouseover any highlight and click on the Comment link of the popup command box.  Type in anything you’d like and it will be instantly saved for you to view in the future.

Add Comments to a Highlight

You can also make comments on existing highlights by viewing the highlight in your Collection page.  Take advantage of this extra level of customization to make your experience richer and more efficient than ever before.

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Top 10 Reasons to add the Bookmarklet to Your Favorites Bar

  1. is one of the 25 Most Popular apps on Google Toolbar.
    There’s a good reason why everyone is using it.
  2. It’s extremely easy to add: just drag
    to your favorites, and you are done!
  3. Highlight any page instantly: just click the bookmarklet!
    No need to worry about remembering to type in “” before a URL, the bookmarklet does it for you!
  4. Sharing a web-page? before you share it (rooh means soul/essence)
  5. No more copy-paste and emailing. so you can save and collect it.
  6. Do you forget where you read things on the web? is your online clipboard with instant memory of #hilights.
  7. Do you write a blog & refer t0 other web-pages? so you can auto-blog to their relevant sections.
  8. Highlight what you find relevant! Forget about the unnecessary fluff that so many blogs or articles have… get straight to the point.
  9. Forever forget about the key strokes “Ctrl+C” and “Ctrl+V” – we make them obsolete on your browser.
  10. Do you really need a tenth reason? Just do it!
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Uncensored User Feedback

Here’s what one user had to say about their experience on

“So I just discovered this great new web application It allows you to highlight anything on a webpage and it instantly saves it to a clipboard that you can access at any time. Say goodbye to copy and paste and trying to remember where on a webpage you saw that funny quote or that one piece of information you needed amongst all the uselessness. This is probably one of the next best things to hit the college crowd since the internet! Let’s break down the pros and cons:


  1. Perfect for research papers! Especially when half the sources you look at only contain one paragraph that you need anyways
  2. Very easy to use once you get the hang of it
  3. Great when you have a lot of different tabs open


  1. Probably easier to use with an actual mouse than a track pad on a laptop
  2. When posting to Twitter, the links and promotion use up the majority of your 140 characters
  3. Automatically saves what you highlight, so make sure you get the right text that you want first time around
  4. Requires a little bit of practice until you get the hang of it

All in all, is a great new application! Yeah it may be more useful for practical purposes like research rather than for entertainment, but it’s definitely a must use!”

We really appreciate the feedback and are always looking for more!

Can anybody think of a better way for us to share tweets?

If so, feel free to share your ideas here or with us @rooh_it

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‘How To Videos’ added to the Forums and YouTube

We just added over twenty videos explaining how to use various Rooh It features. The videos are on YouTube as well as in the Support section of our Forums. So you now have helpful video to explain nearly every aspect of Rooh It whether it be posting to Twitter or changing the color of the highlighter.  Each video is shorter than a minute. We think that this is a great way to learn about the benefits that Rooh It has to affect how you browse and share online. So what’s your favorite way to use Rooh It?

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