Plugin Directory

Automatically publish highlights of any website, directly to your Blog

  1. autopublish screenshot 1

    This is what the default widget looks like

  2. autopublish screenshot 2

    Here's an example of a WordPress site with a consistent maroon widget

  3. autopublish screenshot 3

    This is how easy it is to personalize the look & feel. Make changes on the left, see the changes immediately take effect right next to it.

  4. autopublish screenshot 4

    You can also add this to ANY social network such as Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, PlackPlanet...

  5. autopublish screenshot 5

    Quick & dirty examples of widgets in different colors, sizes etc. - sorry for putting some ugly ones here ;)

  6. autopublish screenshot 6

    This is what a Highlighted page looks like (you can pick the color of the highlighter pen to your taste)

  7. autopublish screenshot 7

    An example of a WordPress blog with the related WordPress plugin - Highlighter BUTTON - on it


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2 stars
1 star
(6 ratings)

   Use Your Own E-Mail
To:      Subject:
From: Comments: Keep Private
Keep this Private  

Selected Tags:
Once you select some tags they will appear here.
Add Notes:
Pick tags for this page:
Please add some tags such as read-later show-kathy collected-for-me cool interesting web news odd test etc.

Seperate multi-word tags with a hyphen(-)

Your MicroBlog →→→→

Add it on your web page and automatically display your public highlights as you make them. Add it from right here in 15 seconds or less!

Personalize the look and feel now. The widget on your page gets automatically updated.

Add a  Button
on any web page

Put it on your Blog / website / Profile / forums /
classified posting... even in comments that you make on
someone else's blog!

Power Users: just create a link to on any web page.

Click here to get the code to
   • add to your own page,
   • more button choices,
   • and learn more.

 μBookmark: Optional Custom Name
 Embed: Personalize Widget
Must Try Features
No Download Highlight as you surf: Everything you highlight is automatically collected for you. See them all in one-place (example)
No Signup E-Mail to Anyone, NO Signup: show embedded highlights, or a combined shortlist. No one needs to join

Free, NO Download: Very Useful, that's why we are amongst the 25 Most Popular apps. on the Google Toolbar.

See more features, and learn the idea.